Untitled Sermon
Romans 12:1-3
Here, we have a most significant thing. True worship is the offering to God of one’s body and all that one does every day with it. Real worship is not the offering to God of a liturgy, however noble, and a ritual, however magnificent. Real worship is the offering of everyday life to him—not something carried out in a church, but something which sees the whole world as the temple of the living God. As the American poet and hymn-writer J. G. Whittier wrote,
For he whom Jesus loved hath truly spoken:
The holier worship which he deigns to bless,
Restores the lost, and binds the spirit broken,
And feeds the widow and the fatherless.
We might say: ‘I am going to church to worship God’; but we should also be able to say: ‘I am going to the factory, the shop, the office, the school, the garage, the mine, the shipyard, the field, the cowshed, the garden, to worship God.’
Booker T. Washington said, ‘I will not allow any man to make me lower myself by hating him.’ The only real way to destroy an enemy is to make that person a friend.