Happily After Easter: Gone Fishing
I want to welcome everyone to the service.
Pastor Victor for working with me
steelton for traveling
Diller for hosting.
Prayer for the Service
Scripture Speaks to Us
Scripture Speaks to Us
There are 4 things I want to draw out from the passage this morning that I think directly speak to our lives today!
God constantly calls us out of our confort Zone
In the passage the disciples go back to what they know well, fishing
In many ways they have “just gone fishing”, but Jesus has spent the last three years a new way of life.
Maybe this is practical they need to eat, but it speaks to our tendency to fall back into our own comfort zones.
God is calling us out of our confort zones for the sake of the Kingdom.
Connection with the Dream Center Street Evangelism
Growth I have seen in steve as a result of that experience
God is calling all of us to follow Him out of our confort zone
Question: What areas of your life have you fallen back into your comfort zone?
Action: Seek ways to step out of your comfort zone for the Kingdom
Talking with a new person
Sharing a testimony
Praying in a public setting
Going to the Dream Center Saturday June 4th.
Resisting the temptation to produce results by our own power!
We are conditioned to believe in our society that if we just work hard enough we will be sucessful, we will see results, but thats just not true
Whats true is that with things like fishing, farming, or even our daily jobs more effort doesnt man better results.
We’re sometimes tempted to think this way about our spiritual lives too
if I just pray enough i will see this happen in my life.
If I just read my bible enough than God will do this for me. One commentator notes:
John Contemporary Significance
We often view the story as Jesus’ exhortation for Peter to give his fishing “one more try.” With extra effort, with diligent work, with persistence that goes beyond our fatigue, Jesus can bless because he will join us in fruitful labor, serving the church.
In life and the Story, no thing the disciples did produced results it was Jesus.
John Contemporary Significance
To throw a cast net into the ocean, especially after sunup and when no encircling net is present, is an act of desperation. No expert fisherman would assume he could make a significant catch.
Jesus is not calling for renewed skill or renewed energy, but for faith. He has challenged Peter to do what may appear ridiculous or fanciful. But in doing it, Peter discovers unmistakably that the fruit of his labor is a gift from God. No energy or expertise can make a catch like this
The real results that God wants to see in us is not “more effort”, but a deeper faith, deeper trust in Him and growth in our relationship with Him!
Reminds us that relationship with Jesus is KEY!
In John’s case the text says, he recongized Jesus first because He loved Jesus
This has a practical element
Farmers can tell the difference between soy beens being planted and corn, because you love it.
When you love something, you recongize it.
I can look at a piece of furniture and recongize the joinery used and other aspects of the build.
When we are stuggling to see God work, We cant see him because our relationship is lacking. Do you want to see God work?
Action: Grow in your relationship with God we will see Him work more because we will be able to recognize him!
When we recognize God where God is we have to dive in!
Where is God working in your life right now? Dive into that!
Where is God working in your church family right now!
Where is God working in your community right now? Dive into that
Remember: Our efforts dont produce results, but When God shows up we should go where we see the catch where we see God working!
Blessings flow from obedience
This is not a prosperity Gospel, im not saying God’s going to give you a car, or jet or mansion if you follow Him, but God always provides for his children.
I am not a parent but this makes sense, when we listen to our parents they are so much more likely to help us.
Again God doesnt just want us to help catch fish or Get what we want, but so much more!
Missional Message of this Story!
We are called to go fish!
When Jesus called Peter the first time in Luke 5 , what did Jesus say Peter would become?
Its interesting that 7 of the 12 disciples were fishermen.
One commentator notes:
Jesus called the disciples and us to be “fishers of men.” This phrase was not invented by Jesus; it had been used for years by Greek and Roman teachers. To be a “fisher of men” in that day meant to seek to persuade men and “catch” them with the truth. A fisherman catches living fish, but when he gets them, they die. A Christian witness seeks to catch “dead fish” (dead in their sins), and when he or she “catches” them, they are made alive in Christ![1]
We are called to the same course of action! We are called to GO FISHING, But not by our own efforts will we “catch fish” , but God brings in the biggest haul! Amen?
We are privaged to join in God’s work!
Action Steps for this Week
Step out of your comfort zone this week!
Resist Results mindset and seek deeper trust and faith this week.
Grow in Christ, See where he is working, When you see where he is working dive in!
Go fishing this week! Cast your net in places that God is calling you!
Would you pray with me?
As I pray, I will pray for the food and invite the worship team up.
Closing Song.
Benediction: Victor.