No King But Jesus
No King But Jesus
Pastor Greg Stansel Acts 12:1-25 May 122, 2022
Since Jesus has all authority as reigning King, then we can live by faith that the Word of God will continue to multiply and increase.
1. ____________________________ to the sovereign Lord. (12:1–5)
2. ____________________________ the power of the sovereign Lord. (12:6–19)
3. ____________________________ of the sovereign Lord. (12:20–25)
What takes your eyes off the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Point 1: Prayer to the sovereign Lord (12:1–5)
READ Isaiah 36:13–37:1; 37:9–29
1) What are the things the King of Assyria uses to scare Hezekiah and the people of Israel away from trusting in the Lord?
What are things in our day and time that scare Christians away from trusting in the Lord?
2) What is Hezekiah’s response? How does his prayer reveal his trust in the sovereign Lord? In what way does this instruct us to prioritize prayer in our times of distress?
Point 2: Proclaiming the power of the sovereign Lord (12:6–19)
READ Psalm 71
3) What are some words and phrases the Psalmist uses to proclaim the power of the sovereign Lord? Why is it so
important to focus on the power of the sovereign Lord instead of the circumstances before you or the feelings within you?
4) How does proclaiming the power of the sovereign Lord to other believers help others grow into maturity? How can proclaiming the power of the sovereign Lord aid in evangelism? How can you use the telling of God’s power in discipleship? What keeps you focused on His power?
Point 3: Preeminence of the sovereign Lord (12:20–25)
READ Colossians 1:15–20
5) How does Paul reveal Jesus as the one worthy of all honor and praise? What does it mean that Jesus is preeminent in
everything? How do these verses stir up your worship? What do the verses reveal about the leaders of this world?
6) What are ways in your own life that you tend to not honor Jesus as Lord? How can you grow in your understanding of Jesus as the preeminent and sovereign Lord? How should knowing who Jesus is help you in your daily life? Your evangelism? Your view of government? Your hope in dark times?
Practical Applications
1. Begin a prayer journal, if you do not already have one, and pray faithfully for the advancement of the gospel, the missionaries we support, the persecuted church, and local churches and leaders.
2. Take time to write down the amazing things the Lord has accomplished in your life that revealed His glory and power. Then prayerfully determine to share this with at least one person in the next month.
Pray the passage
O sovereign Lord, maker of heaven and earth, King of kings and Lord or lords; we worship and adore you. Jesus you are high and lifted up, seated at the right hand of the Father, reigning until all your enemies are made as a footstool under your feet.
We pray that you would forgive us for forgetting and not honoring you as Lord with every breath. Forgive us for acting like the lord of our own lives instead of submitting to you in all we do.
We ask for your Holy Spirit to move us to pray more faithfully, with complete faith in your sovereignty. We ask for your Holy Spirit to bring to our minds your faithfulness and power so that your praise is ever on our lips and we tell of your faithfulness to all generations.
Jesus, you are the preeminent one, and we praise your Holy name. Amen.
Memorize & Meditate
“But the word of God increased and multiplied” (Acts 12:24).
Preparing for next week
Read: Acts 13:1-12.
Ask: questions of the text.
Pray: through text, for pastor as he prepares, for your heart to hear, for the congregation to hear, for all of us to be obedient.