Principles for Christian Living

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School is always in session for the Believer

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Be prepared to stand in the minority (1 Tim 4:1)

Explanation: Paul is warning Timothy that people he was considered fellow disciples would abandon the journey of faith. Paul received this word from the Holy Spirit Himself. Paul is telling Timothy this truth so he will be prepared. It would still be painful for young Timothy when he personally experienced this effect, but he would be better equipped to handle it through advance warning
Illustrate: signing up for a camping trip and showing up with loads of stuff to enjoy around the campfire and then finding out it is actually a 15 mile backpacking trip to a primitive camp site
Argument: The phrase in later times was used even in the first century. It is much more true for today. The truth is that not everyone who professes to be a believer is the real deal. There will be people who start the journey with you, but they will abandon the faith at some point in the future.
And then there are those who are going to be opposed to the Christian faith. This number is already large and it is growing. If you are a Christ-follower who believes the Bible is the Inspired Word of God that serves as our binding authority, you are already in the minority

Remain teachable (1 Tim 4:6)

Explanation: Paul is commending Timothy because he is being trained in the words of the faith. The phrase is set in the present tense, meaning that it was an ongoing process. Paul is writing this letter to encourage Timothy in his role as a pastor. Timothy is the under-shepherd of the Church at Ephesus, and yet he is still being trained and growing in his understanding of the doctrines of Christianity.
Argument: None of us ever entirely master all that pertains to godly living. None of us should ever stop learning. I believe that we will even have more to learn and appreciate in glory. Earth is the sphere of preparation and we can avail ourselves of much spiritual truth while we are here.
Application: Never stop asking questions, never stop studying

Practice the Spiritual Disciplines (1 Tim 4:7-8)

Explanation: Paul gives Timothy some principles for his learning. He commands his young protege to train for godliness. Paul likens the spiritual disciplines to the physical disciplines, but grants them far greater importance. He declares that bodily exercise is indeed of a positive benefit, but to train oneself in the spiritual disciplines not only helps in this walk of life, it has eternal value as well.
Note the use of the term train. For those involved in sports, you know what practice involves. Doing the drills, running the plays, working over and over on the basics, running to build endurance, hitting the weight room for strength. Achieving the ability to actually play in the game doesn’t happen without cost and commitment.
The same is true for spiritual growth. It doesn’t just happen. God doesn’t supernaturally infuse us with biblical knowledge or the wisdom of how to apply that knowledge. He does infuse us with His Holy Spirit who is our Guide and the One who illuminates truth in our lives. The Holy Spirit illuminates the truth that we take in. We have to take it in first - we have

Stay focused on Jesus because He is our Hope (1 Tim 4:10)

Explanation: Paul reminds Timothy the reason why they go through the hard times and the tribulations, the sorrows and disappointments of life. Paul states that their earthly labor is to please God because He alone is their Hope. Paul recognized that He is the Living God and the only Savior. Paul’s trust in the objective truth of who God is allowed him to continue in ministry.
Argument: People WILL disappoint you, pastors will disappoint church members. Your spouse WILL NOT be able to sustain your hopes and dreams. People, even the best Christians, are fallible, limited, and come up short in meeting the expectation of others. Only Jesus is capable of always being there! That’s why it is important to stay focused on Him.

Be accountable to others for your spiritual progress (1 Tim 4:14-16)

Explanation: Paul reminds Timothy that he has been gifted by God for Christian service. Paul tells Timothy to make use of that gift, to meditate on the things of God - to spend time in reflection on what God is doing. Paul also tells Timothy to give thyself wholly to them - they idea of not holding anything back.
And then Paul adds an important factor of accountability. He tells Timothy that his Christian life is to be lived in such a way that “thy profiting may appear to all.”
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