Weeding Out Corruption
Text Jude 1-4 (NIV)
(IIA1)Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ (IIA2)and a brother of James,
(IIB1)To those who have been called, (IIB2)who are loved by God the Father (IIB3)and kept by Jesus Christ:
(IIC1)2 Mercy, (IIC2)peace and love be yours in abundance.
(IIIA1)3 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, (IIIA2)I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. (IIB1a)4 For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. (IIB1b)They are godless men, (IIIB2a)who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality (IIIB2b)and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
I. Introduction: Indulgences were the selling of allowances for and forgiveness of sin to finance the church. Luther combated this with the Gospel of justification by faith. Justification by faith however, is not justification to sin.
Thematic Sentence: Indulging sin will lead the church into condemnation.
II. Address The Washed Company: A Letter To The Saints
A. A Letter Written From:
1. A Servant of the Master
2. A Brother of the Brother
B. A Letter Written To:
1. Recipients of a Gracious Call
2. Recipients of A Father’s Love
3. Recipients of Keeping Grace
C. A Letter Written With:
1. Abundant Mercy
2. Abundant Peace
3. Abundant Love
III. Address The Wicked Corruption: A Warning To The Saints
A. Remember The Sacred Assignment: Custodians of the Faith
1. A Dominating Concern: Priority of the Issue
2. A Demanding Obligation: Protection of the Faith
B. Realize The Solemn Danger: Corruption of the Faith
1. A Sneaky Infiltration
a) Men Who Are Under Condemnation
b) Men Who Are Ungodly Pretenders
2. A Serious Infection
a) The Grace of God Challenged: Destroying Purity
b) The Sovereignty of Christ Challenged: Denying Lordship
IV. Conclusion: Sinning saints is a contradiction in terms. Those who live according this teaching stand condemned already. Those who follow them will be condemned as well. The church cannot afford to justify sin, but must rely on the grace of God to deliver and keep us from sin that we may be a holy people.