Who Is Your Contractor?

Sermon Tone Analysis
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In about 2 months time, our church will send 13 people to Guatemala to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, distribute food to those who are hungry, minister to those who are hurting, encourage children who are struggling, and to construct homes for those who have next to nothing. While we are there, we will build between 10-12 homes for families and provide them with about a month’s worth of food and give the family a Bible as we dedicate the house for the glory of God. Whenever you think of building a home, you probably think of a 2/3 bedroom and 2/3 bathroom house with a living room, kitchen, closet space, and perhaps even a deck on the back patio. This isn’t the world that people live in in Guatemala… Many people in Guatemala live in what we would consider “lean two’s” with dirt floors and 2-3 generations of people living under the same roof. This idea shocks so many of us in the United States because we quickly come to realize how good we have it compared to others around the world!
So often a home represents stability and security for a family. The home is where we can be ourselves. It is the place where we grow and learn. The home is essential in so many ways and it must be taken care of. One of the most important parts of a home is its foundation. You can have the nicest house in the world but if your foundation isn’t solid, your house is in danger. Likewise, your house might not be the strongest but if your foundation is solid, you’re more likely to be safe and secure. As we go to Guatemala later this summer and construct homes, one of the things that will stand out about the homes that we build for these families is that they will be build on a solid, concrete foundation rather than on the dirt that can quickly turn to mud. It is amazing to see the looks on the faces of the people who receive these new houses and the gratitude they have for something that we would consider to be a simple room.
Why is a foundation so important? For one we build our home upon it. If our home is important, which it is, then the foundation we build upon better be secure and solid! A bad foundation is a recipe for disaster. A good foundation is a recipe for success. Whenever a storm comes and whenever the ground shakes, your foundation better be strong or else your house will collapse. Whenever difficulty arises in life, if our foundation and worldview is not built on solid ground, we too will fall victim and face disaster.
As we conclude Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7 this morning, we must reflect on what our foundation is built upon. Sure, we understand why a physical house should be built on a solid foundation… But so many of us are tempted to build the foundation of our lives and souls on a shaky foundation and we’re content with that. We’re tempted to take the easy way out. We’re tempted to follow the broad path. We’re tempted to trust in our plan. We’re tempted to think that we are exempt from the storms. We’re tempted to think that the Christian life is the struggle-free one. Enter the words of Jesus this morning: the storms are here and the final storm will come. Buckle up. Check your foundation. Who is your contractor this morning? Is your hope built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness? Is Christ your hope in life and in death? I pray that that we all leave here today trusting completely in Christ’s solid foundation and plan for our lives.
Matthew 7:24–29 CSB
24 “Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. It collapsed with a great crash.” 28 When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, 29 because he was teaching them like one who had authority, and not like their scribes.

The Foundation that Stands (24-25)

Think of some things in life that stand the test of time. Looks will deteriorate. Wood will rot. Metal will corrode. Opinions will change. Styles will come and go. So many humans are tempted to live their life and build their entire foundation on something that could be gone the very next moment. What type of foundation could stay in tact whenever disaster strikes?
Over in Italy there are dozens if not hundreds of villages up in the mountains and one village has a river that runs directly through it as it meanders down the mountainside. Back in 1586 a surveyor came by and recorded a drawing of the village. Many of the houses are built on either side of this river but 4 houses are built on top of a massive boulder that project out of the ground. For over 400 years this boulder has been a landmark for this tiny village but in 1923 this boulder turned into a life saver. A dam was built higher up on the mountain above this village but the cost was immense and the materials given to the workers were poor in quality. As a result, mere months after its completion, the dam burst and over 1 billion gallons of water came rolling down the mountain side. This village was right in the path of this wall of water and was destroyed. Roads, bridges, houses, and buildings were swept away by the water and 356 people lost their lives. However, the few houses built upon that boulder were not only still standing but they were completely untouched.
The foundation that stands in the midst of the storms of this life is the one built on the solid rock. What is Jesus’ point in sharing this at the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount? He tells us what it means in verse 24. The one who hears His words and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. What does this statement imply? For one it implies action, but what does the rock represent? The rock represents a person - it represents Christ. Whenever you and I hear His Word in Scripture and we actually act upon it and apply it to our lives, we are like a person who builds our house upon the solid rock. The solid rock doesn’t budge whenever the water rises and the wind roars!
We know how dangerous storms can be in the midwest. We know that if you have a really warm day and the next day is in the 50s or 60s that you’re in danger of some severe storms in the near future! We know that in the spring time if you get enough rain in a short period of time, you’re going to have some nasty flooding and storms and floods represent danger in this part of the country on a frequent basis. Because of this, it helps to have a solid foundation. A shelter in the storm. A foundation that is above the floodwater below. We understand the importance of staying away from the rising river today… But why would Jesus mention this to the large crowd listening to him on the mountainside? Because they had the same situation and struggle. In the summer months the sand on the seashore would harden and it would look to be solid enough to where you could build a beautiful home. But the bedrock was sometimes 10 feet below this hardened sand. Whenever the winter season would come and the rains along with it, the rivers would flood and the house built on the sand with no foundation would be swept away and destroyed. Yet, the one with the solid foundation on the bedrock would be save from the flood.
The foundation that we all need is Jesus. He is the bedrock that withstands the floods of this life and whenever we build our lives on Him, we will be safe too!
As Jesus is saying this, though, He isn’t only talking about the storms that we face today and tomorrow. He is also talking about *the* storm that we will all face on the last day. Paul Washer talks about God currently holding 2 hands. With one hand He graciously invites us to come home to Him and be saved and with the other hand He holds back His judgment against sin. The cross is our ark - Jesus is the greater Noah - we are invited on board to be saved from the coming flood because one day God will drop both hands and it will be too late to get on board and escape the coming flood. See, Jesus is the only way that we can survive the flood of God’s judgment and stand on the last day. It’s not just a nice idea to build your life’s foundation on Christ, it’s the only way that you and I can survive!
So if it is of this much importance, how do we do this? How do we make Christ our life’s foundation? By simply acting on His Words. Have you ever heard someone say that actions speak louder than words? This is true on multiple levels, but it’s especially true as we read our Bibles. The Bible continually tells us that we are supposed to follow Christ. To submit to Him. To live for Him. Jesus doesn’t just want your lip service… He want’s your heart. Look at what James 1 says about this
James 1:22–25 CSB
22 But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like someone looking at his own face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of person he was. 25 But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer who works—this person will be blessed in what he does.
You and I are called to be doers of the Word - not just hearers. If we only hear what we’re supposed to do but we never do it, we’re doomed. This happens every year it seems, but say that someone is watching the news and they hear that the nearby river is at record breaking flood levels and that people need to evacuate the area. This person gets the brilliant idea to go toward the river water instead of away from it. What good does hearing life saving news do you if you reject it? It does you no good. Jesus is giving his crowd a final life saving message… Hear these words and act on them. Live for me. Trust in me. Obey me… And you will live!

The Foundation that Sinks (26-27)

So if the foundation that stands is the one built on Christ… The one that will sink is the one built on anything else. Again, our world tells us to trust in lots of things but many of these things fail to give us what they claimed they would. For the person in Jesus’ day who saw a beautiful lot along the sea, they could’ve been tempted to think that it would be a great place to build a home without thinking of the danger associated with the rising water. Think of the similarities between these people in verses 24-25 and 26-27. They both hear the Gospel, they both built a house, they both built a house in the same general location, and they both built houses that were similar outwardly. What’s the difference? The foundation. This has been Jesus’ point throughout His sermon. The people who truly belong to Christ as those who have been changed from the inside out will be salt, light, peaceful, loving, prayerful, 2nd mile goers, narrow-gate walkers, and faithful builders. The difference between the highway to hell and the path to paradise is 10 inches in our mind. Where have you chosen to build your foundation?
Have you ever seen a sinkhole? Cars can be parked on a street day after day, and everything appears normal, then one day the asphalt caves in and cars disappear into a gigantic hole.
Everybody says, “That hole came out of nowhere.” But they’re wrong. The hole appears suddenly but the process that led to it has gone on for many years. The underground erosion was invisible, but it was there all along.
Sinkholes remind us of two things: first, something can look good on the outside, when underneath major problems have been going on for years, and disaster’s about to happen. Second, our lives are affected by little choices, which have cumulative effects that can result in either moral strength or moral disaster.
A foundation that is not built on Christ is like a house built over a sinkhole… You don’t know when, but eventually disaster will strike and bring about destruction. This destruction doesn’t happen overnight. It takes weeks, months, maybe even years before you begin to notice the problem… But it’s there the entire time and without help, you’ll be in trouble. Jesus offers His listeners assistance. Even if you find yourself living for yourself today and even if you’ve never heard the name of Jesus Christ, today can be the day where you can be saved. But you must act. You must do what Christ demands of you. You must repent of your sins and trust in Christ and live for Him as a new creation.
Think about this, if you were down at Table Rock Lake in a boat and you were in the middle of the lake and you noticed a tiny crack in your boat was allowing just a little bit of water to get inside, what would you do? You’re a smart person, you know that if enough water gets inside your boat then you’re helpless! So what do you do? You start by patching the hole in the boat and then you go to work on getting the water outside of the boat as quickly as you can. You know that a crack in a boat is dangerous and you act to fix the problem. For so many of us, we find ourselves out on a boat today and sin is like a tiny crack in the boat that allows water to flow inside. What should we do with this crack? We should seal it! What should we do with sin? Jesus has already told us that we need to get rid of the plank in our eye - we must repent and get rid of that sin! Yet, for so many of us there’s a temptation to let sin fester. To think that it’s not a big deal. To think that it isn’t dangerous. To let the water into the boat. Friend, if you think that sin isn’t a big deal you might need to check just a little bit deeper and see where your foundation is at? Are you on the solid rock, or are you on the sinking sand? Are you doing the will of your heavenly Father, or are you only listening and deceiving yourself?

The Foundation Source Who Alone Saves (28-29)

Today, don’t be a hearer… Be a doer. Today, do something with the Word of God. Today, heed Jesus’ message in this Sermon and build your foundation on His solid rock and be saved! We all have people that we listen to and people that we respect in life. Perhaps a parent, grandparent, friend, former pastor, spouse, or leader. In Jesus’ day the Jewish people had people that they listened to and respected. People who had authority. These were largely the religious leaders of the day - the scribes and pharisees. They had authority because of their position… Many of them lacked authority in their person, though. People respected what they did but not necessarily who they were because their actions didn’t alway line up with their words and their words didn’t have the same force that they could have had.
Enter Jesus in this Sermon… Matthew 7:28-29 conclude this sermon with a statement concerning the reaction to Jesus’ message. The crowds were astonished. They couldn’t believe what they had witnessed. This man standing before them spoke differently than the religious leaders of their day. There was something different about this man. Certainly the message that He taught was different, but the way that He spoke was different too. Matthew shares that Jesus taught like One who had authority… What does that mean? What authority does Jesus have? We read at the very end of Matthew, on a different mount, that He has all authority in heaven and on earth. We know that He has authority because He was the very One who created all things. We know that He has authority because He is the Savior… But John 1 and Hebrews 1 share with us the true source of Jesus’ authority
John 1:1 CSB
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:14 CSB
14 The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Hebrews 1:2–3 CSB
2 In these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son. God has appointed him heir of all things and made the universe through him. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of his nature, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
So how does Jesus have authority? How can Jesus interpret the law the way that He did here? Because He is the true law-giver. Because He *is* God. Because He created all things and in Him all things hold together. If you want to know how to act, look to Jesus. If you want to know how to live, look to Jesus. If you want to know how to build your life, look to Jesus. If you want to know how to be saved, look to Jesus! He is the source of our salvation and the foundation of our faith. Jesus is the cornerstone as Peter talks about in Acts 4:11
Acts 4:11 CSB
11 This Jesus is the stone rejected by you builders, which has become the cornerstone.
A word of caution, though… As you look to Jesus, it’s easy to be astonished. As you listen to His teaching and you read His Word, it’s easy to walk away thinking that this guy is a good teacher. This guy is a nice guy. This guy is amazing! The crowds in Matthew 7 were astonished too. They heard this message but they failed to do anything with it. 2-3 years later they would welcome Jesus back to Jerusalem and within a week they’d reject and crucify Him. The same people who were astonished and amazed one day were angry the next and killed the Son of God. Don’t settle for astonishment today. Don’t leave here today so amazed by Jesus’ teachings and how they stand out in our secular society that you miss Jesus the Savior who came from heaven to earth to die for sinners like you and I on the cross! Many people will line the walls of hell knowing the stories of Jesus and even being amazed and astonished by then… Many will share their stories of success for the kingdom and all their work done in the name of Jesus… But astonishment doesn’t lead to salvation. Profession doesn’t lead to protection. Should you and I be astonished by what Jesus has done? Yes, but don’t just leave astonished… Leave changed. Don’t leave with head knowledge. Leave with heart transformation.
As we think about Jesus’ message and His call to action, remember that this is a discipleship course. This isn’t a final test that will be administered to you at the entry to heaven and if you fail one thing then you’ll be denied entry. This is a call for all of God’s children to live a radically different life. A life that doesn’t aim to get even, but a life that aims to glorify God. Consider how you can apply His teachings to your life as an individual and how we can apply His teachings to our ministry as a church!
Are you a fan of Jesus or are you a follower of Jesus? Are you astonished by Jesus or have you been transformed by Jesus? If you are following after Him, take heart of this truth. You are not saved through your perfection. You are not saved by doing enough good things. You and I are not even saved because of our grip on Christ… We are saved because of His grip on us. We aren’t saved because we hang so tightly to Jesus - our fingers aren’t that strong enough to hang on during the storms we go through… We are saved because He promises in His Word to never His children go. Prov 10:25
Proverbs 10:25 CSB
25 When the whirlwind passes, the wicked are no more, but the righteous are secure forever.
You and I can be assured of where we stand today not because of who we are but because of Who our Savior is. He is the everlasting God who came to seek and save the lost. He has a perfect conversion percentage. He doesn’t miss. He doesn’t fail. He holds His children safely in His hand. Who is your contractor? Is it yourself? Is it someone else that you admire? Or is it Jesus? The only hope that you have to be able to stand on the last day is through His power and presence in your life. Trust in Him and live for Him today! Build your life on the solid rock of Christ - not on the shifting sands of this world. Your eternal destination is worth too much to not care about. Check your foundation today.
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