A Prayer to Know God

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Focusing on 1:18-19

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Too many knowledge is the most important thing in the world. Albert Einstein once said “the pursuit of knowledge is more valuable than its possessions.” Throughout the centuries there were people who did nothing but study and think. These were the philosophers. People like Plato, and Aristotle. The pursuit of knowledge was not just confined to Western culture, in the East there were philosophers like Confusions. Every culture has people who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of knowledge.
The church is no different. In the early church there was an entire sect of people who dedicated themselves to the knowledge of Jesus. They were called gnostics. They believed that salvation was based on knowing God. The problem was they only wanted to know God academically, they wanted to know God with their mind. They were considered heretics, those people who taught false principles about God.
In our passage Paul prays for the church in Ephesus, that they would have wisdom so that they could know God more. So if the gnostics were called heretics for trying to gain knowledge about God then what was Paul really praying for, what is the knowledge that Paul is asking for? What is knowing God?

What is Knowing God?

Head Knowledge
Means learning about God
We study His Word
We go to classes
We pray and listen to him
Without head knowledge we cannot have a full undersatanding of who God is.
We either only know part of God or we have wrong ideas about God.
Heart Knowledge
Is an intimate relationship with God
It is knowing him in your heart not just your head.
Fully knowing God is the difference between knowing a celebrity and knowing a family member.

Why Should we Know God?

Knowing God gives us his hope
There is hope in God’s transformation in the present
We have hope in God’s future for us.
We have hope in the saving work of Jesus Christ
We have hope in the power of the Holy Spirit
Knowing God gives us his inheritance
Paul tells us that we are heirs to God’s inheritance
That we are adopted into God’s family (Eph 1:4)
But what is God’s inheritance
Resurrection from the dead
Eternal life with God
Knowing God gives us his power
Paul says this is the same power that raised Christ from the dead.
We are each given gifts of the Holy Spirit
The ability to understand and learn new languages.
We don’t have access to God’s power if we don’t know God
Both head knowledge and heart knowledge


Knowing God is the greatest gift that any person can receive. Not just knowing about God but having a deep personal relationship that will change our lives. When we know God as intimately as we would know a parent or a spouse we will be transformed. We have all had someone in our lives who makes us better. We do not want to be better because we fear them, we want to be better because we love them. We want to please them, we want to do what’s best for them. This only happens when we are in a deep relationship with someone, when we know them fully.
That is Paul’s prayer for us. He want’s us to know God in this way so that we can share in all of the blessings that God has for us. Let us pray.
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