Sermon Tone Analysis
Scripture: Mark 16:14-20
Introduction: Illustration Story
There was a man who has plans to be the host of a mighty banquet, to which he is invited many to this party. This man sets the table and prepares the hosting site to receive his guests. The day of the banquet has arrived, he gets himself dressed in the finniest clothes and stands at the gate waiting for his guests to arrive. This man waits 30 minutes and no guests, waits another 2 hours and no guests. This goes on for a day, the man grows tired and says maybe next weekend. The man does the same thing and no guest arrive accept one. A young man arrives to tell this older gentleman you seem to have a place ready for people and certainly have plenty of food, but you have no guest. The man replies I have prepared, and I don’t know why. The young man tells the older gentlemen, sir the only reason I am here is because I happened to be walking this path but on my journey no man spoke on this banquet, did you not tell anyone?
The older gentlemen look down and looks back and the younger man and states; young man you are correct I forgot the most important piece invitation to the banquet.
Unlike this fable, there really is a great banquet that is being prepared as we sit here today, this banquet is in the very presence of God whose host is the Son. This banquet is for all eternity and the invitation across the globe on this Lord’s Day is being given. The gospel message is the invitation to a grand banquet, to be with God for all eternity. There is several invitations that will go out and be received, but for these invitations to go out there is the calling of the guest who received the invitation to bring someone with them. Christian the Lord Jesus has gone away to prepare, you who are His bride are called to invite others into this fellowship with God.
It is called evangelism and that call is the very calling of every Christian and every church. The last five months I have focused heavily on providing the church training for evangelism from the Gideons to the Three Circles training. The beauty of being a bit older in age is you have more time in your retirement to invest in discipleship and the work of evangelism. Just because Highland is older in age does not mean your work ends, it really means you have more time to give to the work of the Kingdom which is the giving of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Today we look at evangelism through the lens of scripture, so I invite you to have your bibles open as we build the case of biblical evangelism.
Point # 1The Glory of God in Evangelism (The word spoken)
A. God reveals His glory in the word and through the word
a. Creation by the word
As we look at evangelism, we must understand its purpose is to point to the glory of God; and God from what we refer to as the start of time (God being outside of time) started earth with the power of His word. It is through His word that the glory of God is revealed. Creation declares to glory of God and creation came into existence by His word. From the start of scripture, we see the word brings about creation, revealing the glory of God. In the preaching of the gospel it brings about creation of new life for the soul who through the first Adam was a broken creation. This new life given by the word through the Word himself reveals the glory of God in creation and salvation.
b. Jesus is the word, and it goes into the hearts of the elect
Jesus the very word himself came to bring the gospel message as He is the gospel message into the hearts of is elect. He does this to please the Father and the Father is pleased to give the son a bride. The word coming into the world to save sinners is for the glory of God. God could have wiped all of humanity off the face of the earth but preserved a line not because man is owed salvation, but because man reflect the very image of God, which reflects the glory of God. God is to be worshiped and glorified, and the Son comes to bring a people into this very reality.
The gospel message messaged preached is the glory of God in all things.
B. To Know God through His written word
a. The Chief end of man is to glorify God
Evangelism is the purpose to bring a people to know God and glorify Him. Salvation according to scripture is not for you, cultural Christianity wants salvation to be about you but it’s really about the Son. That you who are saved are saved to be the bride of Christ and to worship God for eternity. If that is not something, you aspire to on earth you will not in heaven. Your life Christian belongs to God, you were once a slave to sin, but now a free slave to Christ. There is no greater calling then to be saved for the sake of worshiping God. It is through the worship of God that we enjoy God.
Worship is not just singing songs or a church service; your work is an act of worship to God, your love of your family is an act of worship to God, your hobbies are an act of worship to God. God created you with a personality and gifts to use for His glory.
Point # 2 What is Biblical Evangelism
A. An act of worship
B. Faithful to the gospel message
C. Points to Jesus always and not self
D. Leads to conversion
Point # 3 The Christian Evangelist
A. In your home
Christian do you see your home as an offering of mission to the Lord?
· Your children are your first missionary work. Are you training them in the ways of the Lord? Husbands do your children see you worship the Lord. Wives, do your children see you submitting to your husband which is to submit unto the Lord? Parnent’s do your children see you serving the Lord?
· Your home as an offering for bible studies, fellowship, and hospitality unto others in the name of Jesus? Or does your home belong to you and your doors remain close?
B. In Your community
· Your place of work; do you have a lunch break to which you could lead a bible study or prayer group? I worked for a company to which once a week we all gathered for a bible study and there were non-Christians there that very lunch hour. Are you invested in the needs of your co-worker where you can share the hope of the gospel? Your work is your offering unto the Lord and the place he has put you to minister. You don’t have to be preachy to minister the gospel.
· Your place of play; People you play with or go to the gym with is the community God gave you and the hobby He gave you interest with to minister into that community. It’s relationships with intention. Do you care about your play mates? Are you invested in them?
· The local church, in a larger church you’re more likely to run into “strangers” and visitors who need the encouragement or the very gospel. In a smaller church, your presence and commitment to the body strengthens the mission of the church.
Point # 4 The Church and Evangelism
A. Exegetical Preaching *Pastors*
B. Intentional Discipleship means intentional community
C. Missionally active *Church multiplies when the church is obedient to evangelism*
A. Jesus, who is the word, pursued you with His word and Spirit
B. Jesus died not only to give you life but so that you may tell others about the bread of life