Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
When we hear a report we like to ensure the facts are accurate, especially if we were involved with the facts or the story.
As believers, how can we ensure that we have the facts accurate before reporting on them to the world?
Luke, is referred to as a physician.
In fact, some have suggested that Dr. Luke uses more medical terms in his writings (Luke and Acts), than in Hippocrates writings; the father of medicine.
Paul refers to Luke as the “beloved physician”-Col 4:14 This suggests that since he is separately called out from the Jewish Christians that Luke is the only gentile writer in the NT.
Some know Luke as the investigator or the “detail guy”.
It is important to know that Luke was not an apostle, but rather an eye-witness.
At various points within his writings, Luke switches between writing in the first person and the third person.
This suggests that at times, He was experiencing the works of Christ, himself.
These moments is where Luke was personally involved.
He does this when He joins Paul on his missionary journeys.
Other times he was writing based on what he researched through those who literally experienced the interaction.
The Greeks were looking for a perfectly divine human being.
Luke’s presentation of Christ expounds on that man-the Son of Man.
This gospel is sometimes refereed to as the Missionary Gospel since within these writings the Gospel is proclaimed to the gentiles.
This gospel is a discipleship manual.
“In the life of the Perfect Man, we shall find the elements that make up the ideal life for all men” -William McDonald.
Luke was the only evangelist to write a sequel to his gospel (Acts).
Luke’s main message is the fact that the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which is lost (Luke 19:10).
Verse 1-It was important to Luke, there was an orderly narrative reporting the works of Christ.
We must remember that the four gospels, were simply different angles or viewpoints looking and witnessing the same Christ.
Every angle or viewpoint will be reported slightly different.
(I.E.-Baseball replay).
Luke is suggesting that a few people have determined to write on these accounts, but Luke felt it necessary to complete the report in an orderly manner.
Matthew and Mark may have been among the previous writers that Luke is referring to; but any others were obviously not inspired yet-John wrote at a later date.
“Surely if what the gospel writers said was fraud, someone would have cracked under pressure and confessed that what they said was true or not”-Geisler.
John 21:24
Verse 2- Luke references the fact that there were those before him who literally witnessed these works of Christ.
(1 John 1:1-4).
Luke’s gospel is a record of historical events.
Although the four gospels may present some differences, the overall reports only compliment each other and solidify the fact that what they are reporting is accurate and true.
Paul even references the Gospel of Luke in 1 Timothy.
Even in the NT itself the preservation process was put into action.
In spite of the the theological content of Luke’s gospel, he states a clear historical accuracy.
Verse 3- Luke was led to write- he felt the burden and the need to do this.
In addition to whom were included in the canon of Scripture, there were certainly a handful of people who had written previously about the Messiah-but not all could be trusted.
Lule felt the need to write an orderly account so that readers might have an accurate narrative of the life , ministry, and message of Jesus Christ.
He uses the words “Perfect understanding” of what had happened.
This implies that Luke had spent countless time investigating, researching, diligently determine, trace accurately, and thoroughly acquaint himself with the life of Christ.
Through this process, Luke was able to determine for himself what had occured.
“From The very first” can also be translated to “From above”- “Anothen-This was used in John 3:31 and John 19:11).
”The fact that Luke used written and oral accounts does not deny the verbal inspiration of what he wrote.-The
Holy Spirit clearly guided him in the process of arranging the orderliness of the account.
This was not necessarily in chronological order (some have said) but in spiritual or moral -rather connected by subject matter and instruction rather than time.
Verse 4- Luke doesn’t just stop with the account of Christ, but he seeks to see it change peoples lives.
His account is to establish the truth to the people.
He desired that Theopholis was secure on what he was taught.
John 20:31
the book of Luke and Acts was addressed to Theopholis- and we know very little about this guy.
Some scholars have suggested that the title “most excellent” may imply that he was a government official.
His name means-A friend of God.
As students of God’s Word we can be sure of what we study and read from day to day.
An orderly account produces a full message- 2 Timothy 4:17
The meaning of Scriptures become clearer and dearer to us as we enter into the experiences that Luke describes.
We cannot come to a text like this and not discuss the inerrancy of Scripture!
Our Bible is surely without error!
Some skeptics has suggested that the Bible is full of contradictions, but the reality is that with varying accounts, comes different reports at different angles.
For instance, if one portion of scripture mentions a number figure of total deaths, but in another portion suggests and addition 1000 deaths, one must look at the verbiage.
Did the writer leave out things like “in one day”?
Just because it is a 1000 people off does not make it false.
Logical argument:
Major Premise: God is true (Rom 3:4)
Minor Premise: God breathed out Scriptures (2 Tim.
Conclusion: Therefore Scripture is true! (John 17:17
“If scripture was not inerrant how could God affirm that man lives on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God especially if it is breathed out by God.
(Matt 4:4, 2 Tim.
“Not only does the preservation of God promise the preservation of all inspired books, but the preservation of these books by the church confirms it”-Geisler.
“The canon” of Scripture is the measuring stick for what was considered true.
If the apostles did not feel that a certain book contained the truth within its account, it was not considered “inspired, or Authoritative” or part of the canonized scripture.
These books were considered complete and divine.
Because of the credibility of the Scriptures; we can rely on the fact that their records are true and are thus relied upon as statements of the facts.
Between the topographical trustworthiness, chronological trustworthiness, historical trustworthiness, and canonical trustworthiness, we can fully trust this book!
The truth of His Word is in our hands, we have full access on a daily basis.
A manual to reference, a book to mold our lives around.
A book to encourage, correct, and guide.
There have been a few occasions that I have heard men explain that they do not feel the enthusiasm or drive to spend even 5 minutes in study and meditation of God’s Word.
Our kids need an orderly account!
Our culture needs and orderly account!
We need an orderly account!
The number one element that the average manager of a company desires to see in his employees is “buy in” with what the company is doing and where it is headed.
Are we bought in, are we sold out for what we live for?
As we approach the camp season, let us first realize the importance of a personal walk that allows us to speak boldly and clearly the truth of God’s Word to the next generation.
The best leaders are those who follow first, and this is exactly what our approach should be prior to sharing the Good News of Christ!
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