Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Text - Joshua 11.18-19
Title - Strategies In Warfare
Series - Lesson from the Book of Joshua
What is strategy
the science and art of military command exercised to meet the enemy in combat under advantageous conditions
a careful plan or method;
the art of devising or employing plans towards a goal
Summary of events
Joshua 9 - the enemies strategized among themselves
they established a confederacy - a league or alliance
others worked out a plan to forge an alliance with Israel by deceit
Joshua 10 - Israel helps Gibeon when he was attacked
the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon fought with Gibeon
the men of Gibeon ask Joshua for help
the LORD gave the go signal to fight the Amorites
the enemy fled and Joshua was commanded the sun and moon to stay in place until the battle is finished
the kings hid in a cave in Makkedah, later they brought out and killed before Israel
Joshua continued the conquest southward, beginning in Makkedah, to Libnah, Lachish, Gezer, Eglon, Hebron, then turned back Debir; from Kadesh-barnea to Gaza, all the country of Goshen
Joshua 11 - Israel embarks on the conquest of the northern lands of Canaan
Jabin king of Hazor, gathers his neighboring cities to fight against Israel in Merom
Jobab king of Madon
the king of Shimron
the king of Achshaph
the kings of the north in the mountains and in the lowland (south) in Chinneroth
the highlands of Dor
the Canaanites east and west, the Amorites and Perizzites
the Jebusites in the mountains
the Hivites below Hermon in the land of Mizpah
the LORD assured Joshua of victory
Joshua 12 - a recollection of their conquests
the kings that were conquered under Moses - 2
the kings that were conquered under Joshua - 31
The main point
Joshua did not simply go to war, he devised plans on how to engage the enemies that they must conquer.
He could not have won a single battle without careful planning.
Joshua strategized with God
Although Christ has already won the war through His cross, he battle rages on in the life of every Christian.
Winning the battle in our life requires careful planning on how to engage the enemy .
Christians who do not make plans are the ones who always fail in their spiritual warfare
to fail to plan is to plan to fail!
Joshua’s strategy
He worked with God and God worked with Him
because the battle is the Lord’s
he learned from his mistakes in Ai
the LORD directed their southward conquest
routed - God caused trouble in the mind of the enemies
God used nature to help Joshua win the battle
God was active in the battlefield!
the LORD directed their northern conquest
God taught Joshua how toi disable the power of the enemy - their horses and chariots
God hardened their hearts so they can be destroyed in the hand of Joshua and Israel
He used his God-given authority
Joshua commanded nature and it obeyed the son of God!
nature obeyed because it was necessary for victory of God’s army
He let none remain
it was God’s command - to destroy all the enemy
it ensures no enemy will rise up in the future
He struck the head of kingdoms
striking at the head of kingdoms greatly weakens the enemy
killing kings inspires courage to his soldiers, and fear to his enemies
He counted their victories
when victories are counted, they bring memories back to those involved in the battle!
counting the victories helped boost the morale of his soldiers
Key Points
Do you have strategies in your personal warfares?
Having a strategy is a sign of wisdom
even the ants have a plan
plan before you go to war
Have a plan when you -
speak, work, engage in conversation
minister - preach, go on a mission, song lead etc
get married
Strategize with God
God is the Master Strategist!
He knows the beginning and the end
He knows what’s in the mind of the enemy
He knows every move of the enemy
God’s greatest strategy was bared on the cross!
Jesus’s death was supposed to be the defeat of the Son of God and the victory of Satan.
But God, in wisdom, turned death into victory!
commit your plans to God
David always inquired of the LORD - 7 times in 1 and 2 Samuel
Jesus put His complete in the Father’s plan!
marks of a good strategy in warfare
it is simple
it is unpreditable it catches the enemy by surprise
it is based on godly principles
it is adapted to a specific situation
It involves God
The battles are not there for us to show off.
that’s what spoiled children usually do.
The battles are there to demonstrate the wisdom of God
Christ was God’s strategy in solving the problem of sin
His work, from the cross to the day of judgment, will destroy all the works of the enemy
the church in the present age is God’s means of showing/demonstrating the wisdom of His strategy.
Our job is to be participants in God’s work
Our job is to work with God - just like Joshua did in his day.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9