The body of Christ is not designed merely as a charitable or benevolent organization, although in part it is that.
The body of Christ is a family of born again believers, supernaturally fitted together by the Holy Spirit for mutual edification and loving encouragement.
Gal. 1:1-5:12 - Avoid legalism by looking to Christ who alone could fulfill the Law
Gal. 5:13-25 - Avoid libertinism (do whatever one wants/avoid all Law) by sharing Christ’s love through serving others.
Gal. 6:1-10 - Avoid isolationism by reflecting Christ’s freedom (restoration) in you to others. Give the freedom you’ve been given.
Share God’s freedom through mutual restoration vv. 1-5
Seek to restore v. 1
Seek to help carry that which cannot be carried alone v. 2
Seek to accept that which was meant for you to carry vv. 3-5
Illustrate in times of war - that which you cannot bear alone vs. that which only you can carry.
Share God’s freedom through mutual hope vv. 6-10
Everyone needs what you are given v. 6
Everyone is given what is meant for others vv. 7-8