Prayer Time 5/28/22

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This has been an eventful week in the world.
If you haven’t been aware of some of things that have been unfolding within the Southern Baptist Convention there have been significant developments. Though we are not SBC and have no affiliation or connection whatsoever, its often wise to pay attention to what is happening in broader evangelicalism because it does have an impact upon us eventually in some way, and even though we are not SBC, we are affiliated with the IFCA, an organization that bears many similarities to the SBC in structure, though they are different in significant ways.
Last year at their annual convention the messengers in attendance voted to launch a third party investigation into some allegations that were being levied against some members of the executive committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. I don’t have a full understanding of how the hierarchy works within the SBC, but these individuals would be considered the SBC “elites” so to speak, and are at the top of the chain.
That investigation took place. The result of that investigation were released one week ago today. The findings were not good. While we must be careful not to make judgments and presume guilt before there has been any kind of due process, the fact of the matter is that if even half of what was published in the report is true, it is devastating.
The finding of the investigation was that many members of the Executive Committee and former Presidents of the convention had engaged in inappropriate and at times abusive sexual behavior. Furthermore, there is strong evidence that some of these sins were intentionally covered up and hidden by other members of the committee.
Some pastors have already resigned from their positions as a result of the report. Others have admitted to inappropriate relationships but have denied some of the details of the report. I’m sure there are others that are claiming complete innocence as well, though I’m not aware of that. I reiterate that we must be careful not to make judgments that are not ours to make. The investigation was not a trial by peers, and information can always be spun. I don’t bring this up today to make judgments on those individuals.
To the extent that any of the things in the report are true, and there is good reason to believe at least many of them are, these things are wicked and abominable acts that should not be tolerated. I am grateful these things were exposed. Some of these men used their power and influence to manipulate women. Others were seduced and deceived and thus fell into transgression. In each case, those men have sinned against fellow image bearers, disqualified themselves from the ministry, and brought shame and reproach upon the church and upon Jesus Christ.
Why am I spending all this time on this today?
We have bothers and sisters in SBC churches that are hurting this morning. We have theological and philosophical differences with many SBC churches, but there are many SBC churches that are faithful to proclaim the good news of the Gospel and preach faithful expository sermons. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ. We need to grieve with those who grieve today.
We must all be on the alert for our own souls. We must never puff ourselves up with pride thinking that such things could never happen to us. Scripture says let anyone who things that he stands take heed lest he fall. We must never be blinded to the deceitfulness of sin and the depravity that remains within our own hearts.
We must be vigilant to make sure that such things are never tolerated at or by Pillar Fellowship. We are a small church plant, so things are still being organized. As we grow and as we organize ourselves, are there ways that we can guard against such things? One of the failings that was revealed in this report was how things were covered up for sake of protecting the men, protecting the church, or protecting the SBC as a whole. How can we avoid any of those mistakes?
Know that though we don’t have a formal leadership structure at this time, we are working to develop that. As things stand right now, Our church is led by a steering committee comprised of myself, Phil Shoppe, and Henry Vosburgh. Henry is the Executive Director of Midwest Church Extension. If there are ever concerns about the leadership of this church while we are under the auspices of MCE, Henry is available to approach and you will find a listening ear.
As we grow, by God’s grace, we train and install elders who will lead the church but who are ultimately accountable to the congregation and to the Lord. Our hope is that we will never be in a position where leadership is unaccountable and unable to be confronted if there are sins to be exposed.
We must remember that we might be tempted to cover up sin. We will be tempted to think that it is easier and better for everyone if sins such as these are buried and forgotten. We will be tempted to think that it is important to protect the church, especially a church like ours which is relatively fragile due to our stage of development. All these things are lies. We might tell ourselves that it is to protect the church, but in reality the only ones we are protecting would be ourselves. It is better for the health of the church to deal with sins such as these in a biblical way.
1 Timothy 5:19–21 ESV
19 Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. 21 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.
We must be careful to allow to due process. No one is guilty until proven innocent. But when proven guilty they must be rebuked in the presence of all. There is to be no preferential treatment.
Finally. As your pastor, please pray for me. While its easy to say that I cannot imagine these things ever happening to me or by me, I’m sure that each of the men in the report would once have said the same thing. Pray that God would protect me from any temptations. Pray that I would lead with integrity. Pray that I would make it my aim to honor Christ in my body, whether by life or by death.
Even if nothing in the report were true, those five things would remain true.
As we turn to prayer, we want to continue to remember Angie and her parents.
Robin, as she returns home from TX tomorrow and for her mom.
Let’s also remember the families of the victims from the tragedy in Uvalde (you-val-dee) TX this week.
Pray for justice. That sin would be exposed. That churches would do what is right.
Angie’s dad
Capitol Hills
Jude 24–25 ESV
24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25 to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
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