Praising Our Gracious Lord
ILLUST: Complaints - and telling kids they can tell you ANYthing. DO you mean it?
ILLUST: Complaints - and telling kids they can tell you ANYthing. DO you mean it?
Are we more likely to complain when stressed, tried?
Is it OK to complain to God?
READ: Psalm 6 - pray that God will sustain you by His steadfast love
QUESTION: Why do we complain?
Suffering - external forces (enemies, oppression)
Suffering - internal (sick, physical)
Suffering - self-inflicted
Today: Complaint to Praise
Today: Complaint to Praise
Psalms, a collection of praise - here…lament
1) Responding to physical or emotional desperation
1) Responding to physical or emotional desperation
Desperation, not inconvenience
Seeing God’s hand in evil times
This week has seen evil on full display - and we mourn
Check out Luke 13:1-5 when you ask “why would God…?” or “Where is God?”
2) Why does God respond to us?
2) Why does God respond to us?
MERCY - plain and simple
God is merciful, His mercy endures forever - See Ex. 34:6
Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth;
Evil was not God’s plan (pause for reflection)
Besides merciful, the benefit is also God’s (follow…)
He is merciful - so we praise Him
We openly thank Him - we tell others
They connect with God - and He is praised
The psalmist’s priority is to praise God!
REM - Psalm 146 - While I am here, I will praise the Lord!
3) Steadfast Love of God
3) Steadfast Love of God
Comes shining through our complaints
See Psalm 130:7-8
O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is lovingkindness, And with Him is abundant redemption. And He will redeem Israel From all his iniquities.
God is the source (THE source) of redemption
Abundant steadfast love - forever, never ending
We have ALL seen God’s love and care
Evil defines our world
Love, holiness - define the Word, Jesus
POINT: How we handle storms, trials, “yuck”…speaks of our trust in Him - Do we lean on His love and care in dark times?
POINT: How we handle storms, trials, “yuck”…speaks of our trust in Him - Do we lean on His love and care in dark times?
BONUS: Nutritional advice
2 tsp of sugar = 3 hours of suppressed immune system
Many respond to emotional/spiritual stress with temporary physical satisfaction
Then wonder why the issues aren’t resolved, AND physically unhealthy
We can also suppress our spiritual defenses - we enjoy temporary, “fluffy” fixes - just wanting to feel good, even if short-term
PROBLEMS: We get used to the cycle: feel bad, react poorly, feel better superficially, feel yucky - repeat
STOP! Go to the source of goodness, care, love - THE LORD
When faced with difficulty - “FACTS”
When faced with difficulty - “FACTS”
(facts about God)
1) What we KNOW
1) What we KNOW
God hears - so call on Him
God knows - but tell Him anyway
God sees - He is not surprised or caught off-guard
2) What He’ll DO
2) What He’ll DO
Put enemies to shame
Stay - no matter what
He’ll keep listening, responding, staying on throne
3) What WE can do (psalmist seems to give God commands)
3) What WE can do (psalmist seems to give God commands)
Answer me! See Ps 13:3
Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; Enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,
Hurry up! Help me! See Ps 38:22
Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation!
Deliver me! See Ps 142:6
“Give heed to my cry, For I am brought very low; Deliver me from my persecutors, For they are too strong for me.
GOD’s PART - Steadfast love
OUR PART - Live for Him, for people to see Him through us
Yes, people see Him when we praise Him in tough times
When we understand who He is, what He’s done, and the access we have to Him, then we have HOPE, CONFIDENCE
THEN…tell the enemy - LEAVE ME!
Verse 8 - Psalm 6:8
Depart from me, all you who do iniquity, For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.
Depart! (Why??) - Because the Lord hears me, He’s with me!
And He loves me, even when I complain!
This is a mental, spiritual practice of focus
(How do I deal with stress - someone asked me)
Realize it’s temporary, the trial will end, and God is with me before, during, and after!
When you focus on God hearing you, you will talk to Him more
and the issues of the enemy fade to the background
There will be times of desperation
God responds, He is merciful
He always extends His steadfast love
Then - Focus on FACTS
What we know about God
What He will do
What we can do (He tells us to boldly approach His throne)
Really, where else would you want to go when troubled?
Finally - you will find yourself closer and closer to God