John 6- A big problem met by a bigger God

Kingdom Kids  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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In this story we find ourselves in a situation. We see the disciples end up in a problem and the problem is too big for them to solve.
Maybe you have found yourself in a similar situation?
In this story Jesus’ ministry has grown rapidly! People have been seeing the miracles he’s done and want to follow him! Well one day as he’s teaching, healing, and serving he decides to depart with his disciples. When the crowds heard this they too departed with him. We end up in a wilderness with Jesus, his disciples, and many sick people. There are literally thousands of people! It is in the middle of this that Jesus says something that seems kind of crazy. “Phillip feed them.”
Jesus had asked Phillip to do something impossible! Something bigger than him self! Something crazy! How would he be able to feed that many people?
Maybe you have found your self in the same spot?
Presented with a problem larger than you?
Trying to obey God when the circumstances seem to make it nigh impossible?
Trying to keep faith when theres just not much looking good?
While Phillip is there trying to offer up his best solutions a child approaches. Phillip was going to try something in his own power and intelligence that would have failed but this little boy knew the right answer! He gives Jesus his lunch and Jesus uses this young mans little to accomplish a lot! Jesus greatly multiplied what the young man gave him and used it!
It is amazing how easy it is to end up in the same situation!
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, Vol. XXXVII The Lad’s Loaves in the Lord’s Hands (No. 2,216)

Our blessed Master, now that he has ascended into the heavens, has more rather than less power; he is not baffled because of our lack, but can even now use paltry means to accomplish his own glorious purposes; therefore let no man’s heart fail him.

No matter the situation, test, or issue we can know our God has the ability to solve it! He has the power!

A Bad situation (John 6:1-5)

They found themselves in a bad spot! A spot in which they were powerless and it was bigger then them!
There are many times in which we may be in a situation like theirs.
Trying to keep faith in a bleak situation
Trying to serve Jesus when the odds make doing so hard.
Believing when things are bleak.
Trying to fight sin in our our own power
Titus 3:5 “5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
Their responses the situation are insightful because we so often have the same reactions

They had broken solutions(John 6:5-7)

Phillip began to calculate
Figuring and faith don’t go together.
We walk by faith not sight
2 Corinthian 5:7 “7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)”
Then there was the little boy
He saw the problem and what he had and gave both to Jesus!
He trusted Jesus to solve his problem!
Are we trusting Jesus to help us?
With our sin problem?
With that trial?
Jesus transformed what that Lad gave him!
If you find yourself in a situation thats similar take the problem to Jesus! Take your little to Jesus! He is the one with the power to solve it!

It was placed in the hands of the saviour (John 6:7-12)

Jesus had the power to take care of everyone there
There’s never a problem too big for God to solve. There’s never a person too small for God to use, and there’s never a spiritual hunger too deep for Jesus to satisfy!
He can meet our needs!
He will accomplish his purposes and can use us to do so!
We can trust him with the problem!
The lad had faith enough in Jesus to give him his little. Do we?
That money?
That time?
That energy?
We need to be people who run to Jesus in the problems!
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