Jesus is Better
Dr. Howard Lowry once said that when one speaks on a significant occasion he should say the best thing that he knows. That is why I would speak to you of Jesus. This is exactly what the author of Hebrews was doing all through his epistle.
you’re going to find this phrase “better” or “much better” used over and over and over again in the Book of Hebrews, because it speaks of the superiority of our superlative Savior, our wonderful salvation.
You see, the Book of Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians, people who had received Christ and yet they had a tendency to go back to the old way, to cling to the old customs, the old traditions, the old ceremonies. And what the Book of Hebrews was written to show us is that those things were shadows of the substance that is to come, and that they need to leave the shadows and come to the substance, because the substance, Jesus, is so much better.
Now if there is a mean dog, and that dog has a bone in its mouth—or even a nice dog, for that matter—and you try to take the bone from him, he might bite you. But here’s the way to get a bone from a dog. It’s perhaps a little expensive, but I believe it would work. You just take a nice t-bone steak and put it down there on the ground in front of him and see if he doesn’t drop the bone in order to get the steak—and then you pick up the bone.
Now I believe that in a sense what the writer of Hebrews, who I think was Paul, is doing right here, he’s just showing us that we don’t need these dry bones of Old Testament ceremony anymore. We have something so much better in the Lord Jesus Christ, our superlative Savior. There’s no one and nothing that can be compared with Jesus, amen? No one and nothing can be compared with Jesus.
H. G. Wells, the noted and famous historian, wrote in his outlines of history the 10 greatest men of all history. And number one on his list was Jesus Christ. But Jesus Christ does not belong on anybody’s list. He’s not Jesus the Great. You can talk about Alexander the Great, you can talk about Peter the Great, you can talk about Charlemagne the Great, but not Jesus the Great. He is Jesus, the One and the only. He is in a class by Himself altogether. So oftentimes we want to say that Jesus was the first among men. Oh no, He is God’s unique, only begotten Son. He is our singular Savior. He is our superior Savior. He is our superlative Savior. And that’s what I want us to think about.
The Early Church Needed to be Reminded of Its Best Thing
Next to Abraham, Moses was undoubtedly the man most greatly revered by the Jewish people. To go back to the Law meant to go back to Moses, and the recipients of this Letter to the Hebrews were sorely tempted to do just that. It was important that the writer convince his readers that Jesus Christ is greater than Moses, for the entire system of Jewish religion came through Moses