Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Just like building a physical structure, it is important to know and understand the materials at your disposal
When you select your building materials today, you have two options at your disposal:
Premium materials
Subpar materials
The same is true when building from a spiritual perspective
You may choose from:
Premium - God honoring supplies, or,
Subpar - self-serving supplies
Materials List
All of these are types of materials used in Paul’s day
Gold, silver, and precious stones were used in adorning the finished product
Wood, hay, stubble were used, but these had to be replaced regularly due to rot and decay
Choose Wisely
God wants us to perform works for His glory, but remember, He gives us a choice!
Your choices will lead to either:
Loss of reward
What is Meant by Reward?
Many Christians are confused on this subject:
“I am not interested in rewards.”
“I do not deserve any rewards.”
Two-fold truth here:
God is interested in rewarding you
You do not deserve anything good because you are a sinner (Grace)
A Proper Understanding
Rewards (represented by gold, silver, and precious stones) are recieved for faithfulness and obedience in life after salvation.
Rewards are referred to in various NT Scriptures as “Crowns”
Faithful obedience to God will result in our receiving crowns for God’s glory
There are Five Crowns to be Won
An incorruptible Crown
Represents a reward for living a disciplined life
Paul tells us that everyone, even the unsaved are striving for this crown.
The unsaved are wasting their energies on things that will not last (money, fame, etc.)
God’s people are looking for an eternal reward in heaven
The word “temperate” means self-control or contentment
While it is discouraging for us as God’s people to see the ungodly seem to sail through life with ease, we can rejoice with Paul in having “…learned to be content in whatsoever state I am...”
2. A Crown of Rejoicing
This crown is given for being a faithful witness!
Imagine the joy that awaits you in heaven when you’re standing at the Judgment Seat of Christ to be greeted by those people which you faithfully witnessed to standing in the presence of Jesus!
3. A Crown of Righteousness
Also, 1 John 3:1-3
What are both Paul and John telling us?
That as believers it is our duty to live pure lives!
The moment you are saved your sins are wiped away, but as everyone in this room knows all to well, there is a difference between having your position changed in Christ and living a changed life!
Paul understood this, that is why he said there is “Laid up for me”…literally stored and waiting for him, a crown of a righteous life.
4. A Crown of Life
A huge part of serving God, of building with gold, silver, and precious stones, is a willingness to endure trials.
My generation was the generation that received “participation” trophies.
If we had it our way, we would just be given this crown, but that is not the way it works!
For Jesus there was a crown of thorns and a cross
For us there will be trials and tribulations, and in the end, a crown of life!
One day we will stand in His presence and sing “It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus!”
5. A Crown of Glory
This crown awaits the faithful pastor (Bishop, elder, pastor = 3 descriptions, 1 office)
The Greek Stephanos crown, awarded to the winners of the Olympic games, was made of olive, oak, or ivy leaves and would eventually wither.
For the faithful pastor who endures suffering, who faithfully serves God’s heritage, there is a crown awaiting that will last for eternity
Understand This...
Gold, silver, precious stones represent the five crowns
These are rewards given for faithful service
Fire = judgment of God
Not judgment of sin, that was done on Calvary
It means scrutiny or to be put to the test
Gold, silver, and precious stones are perfected by fire, but...
Wood, hay, and stubble are consumed by it
These materials represent anything believers do for their own selfish desires
A haystack may be easier to be seen than a flake of gold, but put them both in the fire and see which one come out the other side!
Remember the Foundation
Christ is our foundation
WE get to build on Him as the foundation, but we get to choose the materials we use
Some are harder to see and harder to come by than others, but in the end bring eternal reward
Others are much easier to come by, and easier to be seen (esp.
by others), more readily available, but will not pass God’s test.
G,S, and PS (works done for God’s glory) will survive the fire of God
W,H, S (works done to bring glory to self) will result in loss of reward, not a loss of salvation!
J. Vernon McGee puts it this way:
“There are going to be some people in haven who will be there because their foundation is Christ but who will smell as if they had been bought at a fire sale!”
The Easy Way is Not Always the Best Way
W,H, and S are cheap, and easy to come by, and easy to be seen, however they will not last!
Too many of God’s people are taking the easy way out.
Doing things to be seen, to get a pat on the back
God’s desire is that we do all that we do for His glory!
What does that look like?
It means that if you live your life for the sole purpose of bringing God the glory, you may go your entire Christian life and never be noticed by another believer for all that you do…but God sees it!
What about you?
Ask yourself these three questions:
What am I building with?
What am I building for?
What have I done lately that will pass God’s test at the judgment seat?
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9