Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
A 2nd grade teacher says to her students “if there are any fools in this class please stand up.”
Nobody stands up .
But after 10 seconds, little Johnny stands up .
Then teacher says , "So you say you’re a fool?”
Johnny responds, " No ma'am I felt sorry for you standing all alone...
Historical/Cultural Context -
Paul preached the gospel in Corinth in the early 50s AD during his second missionary journey (Acts 18:1–18).
When opposition grew fierce there, the Lord Jesus spoke to him in a vision assuring him that he had ‘many people’ in the city (Acts 18:10).
With this encouragement, Paul stayed on for eighteen months, ‘teaching them the word of God’ (Acts 18:11).
God used Paul’s ministry to bring about the birth and establishment of the church in Corinth.
Biblical Text -
Life Principle - Jesus Is Foolishness To The World.
Embrace The Foolishness
Life Point- Live God’s Foolishness
Exegetical -
Homiletical -
First of all, what is the message of the cross?
That God showed us how exceedingly sinful we are through the Old Testament Law.
It reveals our sin so that we have no excuse.
We know, that is in ourselves, we cannot keep the law perfectly.
So what can be done?
God came in the flesh, that is in the incarnation of Jesus.
He was born of a virgin
Did signs, wonders and miracles
proclaimed Himself God, the second in the Trinity
Died and rose again after 3 days in the grave, declaring Himself the victor over death, Hell and the grave.
Because of this He bestowed Grace upon those who are being saved.
This simple truth is saving knowledge.
It is the life changing power of God for the believer.
When you look at this from the world’s perspective it seems foolish.
When we look at this verse in ancient Greek.
It means that:
To the people of the world, those who are being destroyed, those who are perishing, Those that the god of this world has blinded the eyes of people, it seems like absolute nonsense.
They don’t get.
Because they aren’t regenerate believers
So what do we know?
So does that mean we can just go on sinning?
The answer is, NO!
The born-again believer doesn’t want to sin, because he knows it causes God pain.
It hurts His heart, and out of our love we don’t want to do that to Him.
Does this mean that we will always walk in righteousness and never sin again, No.
But it does mean, that we try not to sin and we ask God to clean us up.
He does clean us up, by the way.
But it is a progression, a process that should happen throughout our time left on this earth.
So what should we do when we do sin?
We have been told that the power of God is in the Gospel.
That the most wise of this world will perceive it as non sense.
But God says in:
Why wouldn’t God use human wisdom?
Because he transcends all of creation.
He is beyond what we can think.
Plainly speaking, because He chose not to use our stupidity for His plans.
So we have a choice, We either do it God’s way or we continue going down the road of death.
You see without the free gift of God, that cost Him so much, we are already dead and heading down the road to Hell.
It is God’s mercy that allows us to get off that road and become regenerate believers in Christ.
This does not mean that the OLD Testament Law is sinful.
It means that the Law shines a light on the sin that is already there.
We were once controlled by the law of Sin and Death.
We were slaves of sin and could not break free, but Jesus came in and bought us and made us His slaves.
Illustration -
Speaking of Freedom
The Fourth of July was coming up, and the nursery school teacher took the opportunity to tell her class about Freedom in the U.S.
"We live in a great country," she said.
"One of the things we should be happy is that, in this country, we are all free."
One little boy came walking up to her from the back of the room.
He stood with his hands on his hips and said, . . .
"I'm not free.
I'm four."
Life Point - Preach God’s Foolishness
Exegetical -
Homiletical -
Paul brings home some truths here.
He asks where their wise people are, the scribes, philosophers etc. and then says to the church, “has not God made them all look foolish?”
Today we have a lot of people who are wise in their own eyes.
They are in the church and out of the church.
They speak elegantly and tickle people’s ears telling them what they want to hear.
Let me give you 2 large examples.
Those that can accept that there is a God, but want Him to be their errand boy.
Popularized in the Word-Faith movement.
Those that don’t want to be held accountable to their sin, so they deny God and call us all stupid.
Also, known as atheists.
By the way there is no such thing as an atheist.
To be a true atheist and say that there is no God would mean you would have to know all things.
You would have to know everything.
By definition that would make you God.
Because only He knows everything.
The best they can be is agnostic, meaning they believe no God because of faulty reasoning, based on their own experience.
But they can’t know for sure.
Once you get a self-proclaimed atheist to admit their intellectual shortcoming you are one step closer in your evangelistic efforts.
That’s just a side note, I give that to you for free.
God saw that no matter how smart or wise we think we are, which produces Pride and arrogance, that we would never draw near to Him.
It’s like He said, oh yeah, well I am going to spread salvation through human beings preaching about how I chose to bring salvation and satisfy My justice.
This message to the world seems like nonsense and so does the method of transmitting it to the world, through preaching.
Preaching the Gospel in today’s America will not win you points.
As a matter of fact, America is becoming more and more hostile towards the true Gospel.
Call sin, sin and saying you need to repent of your sins and surrender all you have to Jesus, is not popular.
Even in a lot of so-called evangelical churches!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9