6.5.22 Greater Than: A Heart Set To Do Evil
Greater Than: “A Heart Set To Do Evil”
Ecclesiastes 8:10-13
June 4, 2022
“As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.” James 4:16
I. Evil casts its shadow over society. (vs 10-11)
1. Evil hearts can go unnoticed. (vs 10)
2. Evil hearts consequences delayed. (vs 11)
II. Evil’s shadow will be cast into darkness. (vs 12-13)
Proverbs 9:10
Jude 13
III. A believers’ response to evil. (vs 12)
1. Evil is to be avoided.
Proverbs 4:14
Romans 13:14
2. Evil is to be hated.
Proverbs 8:13
3. Evil is to be repaid with good.
I Thessalonians 5:15
4. Believers should trust God in the face of evil.
Psalm 118:6-7
IV. God will be victorious over all evil.
1. Jesus Christ’s triumph over evil.
I John 3:8
2. God’s transforming power reverses the effects of evil in human lives.
Romans 12:2
3. The final defeat of the evil in our world.
Revelation 21:8
4. Evil will be excluded from the new heaven and earth.
2 Peter 3:13
Revelation 21:4
Let’s go deeper:
1. What are some things that can cause you or those you know to doubt the truth claims of Christianity?
2. What have you observed that causes you to think the world does not work right?
3. What are some things you would love to know the answer to, but you know you will not get the answer? What does this lack of knowledge tell you about the human condition?
4. What are some practical ways going against God’s design hurts us?
5. What are some ways we try to get out of brokenness but make things worse?
6. How does knowing you serve a God who has suffered in your place and on your behalf aid you in dealing with suffering in your life?