The Breastplate of Righteousness

The Armor of God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  17:49
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We are continuing our series this morning in the Ephesians. Titled the Armor of God.
In the same way someone would not go into battle without equipment or play football without a helmet and pads, Christians must put on the armor God has given us to withstand evil temptations that come our way. Over the course of six weeks, this series will explain and apply each article in the armor of God—as described by Paul in Ephesians 6:10-18.
if you have your bible go head and turn to Ephesians 6:10-18 and Psalm 119:137-138. if not you can follow along on the screen in a few moments.
Last week we look at Why its was important that we put on the armor and the first piece which was the belt of truth.
We saw how the arm protects us for the thing the devil though at us. Some time we can start letting that our guard done and allow some of the piece of armor to fall off. We then find ourself with out any protection. I showed you last week the thing with the orange. Remember the orange with skin on floated that the armor. Once I removed the skin the orange sank to the bottom of the water. You see we are like that you without God armor protecting us we stumble and fall.
The frist piece of this armor we have to put on is the belt of truth. Why? This belt allows us to be ready for whatever Satan throws at us. In the Romans time belts were use to hold up the long dress so they can be ready to run into battle. So to the belt of truth is wore do we can be ready for battle. This truth is that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died on the cross and rose again for you and I. So we can have enteral life.
This week we will be look at the next part of the armor.

The breastplate of righteousness

The question that might be coming to mind is what is the breastplate of righteousness? Hopefully by the end of this morning you will know what it is.
Before we look at this question and dive into today passage. I have a question for you. So think for a moment.

Have you ever done something that someone told you not to do?

My guess would be yes. Have you ever touched a hot stove even after someone told you not to? Have you ever been bit by a dog because you were trying to play with it after someone already warned you? I had I dog named Spot when I was growing up. He was a good dog. He really end up being my Dads dog. Anyways, I had some friend in college that came by my parents house. I told them at the time that Spot was to very nice and would bite if you missed with him to much. Well one of my friend didn’t listen and got bite on his hand. My friend would have be protected for the bite if he would have listened to the warning but he didn’t.
In the same way we have everything listed out too protect us in this book.If you live your life by always asking “what does the Bible say about that?” before making a decision, you’ll know God’s will in your life. “What does the Bible say about how I treat my parents?” “What does the Bible say about how I should act around people who don’t go to church?” The more you do this, the more it will become natural for you to do the right thing. Practice makes perfect.

What is righteousness?

Psalm 119:137–138 CSB
137 You are righteous, Lord, and your judgments are just. 138 The decrees you issue are righteous and altogether trustworthy.

What is righteousness?

Righteousness may sound like an old-fashioned word, but it's a timeless concept. As you can tell from seeing the word right, this is a word about taking a stand and doing the right thing. Trying to help poor, oppressed people is a cause full of righteousness. Doing an unpopular thing that is ethical requires righteousness” (Source:
Matthew 6:33 CSB
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
Romans 1:17 CSB
17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith.

Righteousness is God

Righteousness is who God is. You see he he honest. He is just. He he fair and loyal. If this is how God is then why cant we do the same. The bible lays out how we can live a life like this. All of the peace tie together. The armor would be uless if we did not have the breastplate. I the same way we can not be follower of Christ and not live a life with righteously. You must go after God everyday. Seeking him, following him, and lessoning to him in order to find his righteousness.

How do you live a righteous life?

Living a righteous life isn’t just about protecting ourselves, though. Living a righteous life allows us to worship God through our actions, and help others know him better.
We will be protected from making bad decisions by trusting in God’s righteousness, and working towards living a righteous life ourselves

Are you willing to live righteously?

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