The Main Thing
Sermon Tone Analysis
Series Review
Don’t mess with the Gospel. Why?
Because the Gospel is from God
Because the Gospel is from God
Because the Gospel cannot be improved
Because the Gospel cannot be improved
Because the Gospel is essential
Because the Gospel is essential
Because the Gospel transforms us
Because the Gospel transforms us
Galatians 6:11–18 (ESV)
See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh.
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen.
Kelly Johnson formulated the KISS principle in the mid-1900s while working as an engineer for the Lockheed Skunk Works, Lockheed Martin's advanced aircraft development program.
Johnson coined the KISS principle during a long engineering career of designing systems with simple repair capabilities, using tools and skills used by average mechanics. Today, this term is frequently used in software design, where function creep and instruction creep can make programs unmanageable over time.
This function and instruction creep can occur in the life of God’s people. Other concerns, agendas and fascinations can creep in and distract us from what God has called us to be and do. If we were to apply the K.I.S.S. principle to the life of a Christian, we would seek to understand what is the main thing and clear away all that interferes with or calls our attention away from what is the main thing.
FCF: The church struggles to keep the main thing the main thing.
Life is anything but easy or simple. It can be incredibly complicated, but what does bring clarity to the chaos is the main thing that we have received from God. You know what the main thing is?
The main thing is the Gospel.
The main thing is the Gospel.
Notice v. 11: See with what large letter I write to you.
Paul didn’t write the entire letter but these closing remarks
Speculation on why large letters, but seems most likely for emphasis
To drive home not to mess with the gospel.... the gospel is the main thing
What about us is impacted by this truth?
What about us is impacted by this truth?
Our understanding of self (12-13)
Our understanding of self (12-13)
How must the gospel shape our understanding of self?
Today, the way people go about understanding significance and acquiring meaning is to look within.
Human applause is not the prize (12a, 13b)
Human applause is not the prize (12a, 13b)
v. 12a: it is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh
referencing the Judaizers
to present a pleasing front
the chief concern was to impress and receive recognition
v. 13a: even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law
Judaizers were concerned that others would keep the Mosaic law, but not concerned they themselves practiced what they preached
Preached circumcision was necessary to have peace with God
It would follow that obeying the rest of the law would be necessary as well
I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.
The gospel was not the main thing and when the gospel is not the main thing, something else will be
Often that something else will be ourselves. And when we are our main thing, and the gospel is not the main thing, then we will possess a warped view of ourselves. But when the gospel shapes our view of ourselves we will understand that
Avoiding suffering is not the chief concern (12b)
Avoiding suffering is not the chief concern (12b)
in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.
here’s the reason the Judaizers were so fixed on circumcision and not the gospel
the gospel is a message that centers on the cross of Christ. A message that proclaims that Jesus suffered on the cross for the sins of His people.
A message that claimed the Messiah was crucified violated the expectations of the Jewish leaders the Judaizers were trying to impress.
People hated the message of the cross just like people hate it today. So much so, that people suffered for proclaiming such a message, just like people do today.
The Judaizers had an agenda, but it did not include suffering.
What Paul makes clear here is that to follow Christ faithfully is to invite the possibility.., even the likelihood of suffering.
I’ve known business owners over the years whose companies have not been given the contract because of his or her commitment to Christ.
The work place seems to be increasingly hostile to people who will not bow down to this modern understanding of self for the sake of faithfulness to Christ.
Following Christ can result in suffering which should not be surprising since the message we are to proclaim about Him is one that centers on the cross… on His suffering.
Another way the gospel must shape our understanding of ourselves is that
Relying on our own efforts makes consistency impossible (13a)
Relying on our own efforts makes consistency impossible (13a)
even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law...
referring the the Judaizers
The Judaizers had been circumcised but did not keep the entire law. Antinomian
Judaizers were missionaries of sorts who would give a report to Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem… Wanted to be able to say how many people they won to circumcision to impress
One of the more common criticisms that is levied against the church from those outside the church is that the church is full of hypocrites. And while I do not think such a criticism reflects the most careful thought, I do think, in large part, it is correct. We are hypocrites. We claim to believe in and follow Christ, yet we all fail to live up to that claim and fail to follow Him. Hypocritical.
But what we need to be sensitive to is the message of the gospel. If the gospel is the main thing, then our efforts will not be what we rely upon. It’s not that being hypocrites is something we will dismiss or celebrate, but our hypocritical failures will themselves be an opportunity to point people to Jesus. So when someone says that the church is full of hypocrites, agree with them and tell them that you may be one of the severest offenders. But also tell them that the community of people in the church are are striving to follow Christ, and all of us, with our hypocrisy needs a Savior, and while the world hates hypocrites, Jesus welcomes us in.
But as far we are concerned, if our own effort is the main thing and not the gospel, we will be frustrated because it is impossible to be consistent to our own standards… in fact, if we’re honest, relying on our own effort is often a means to achieving some other unstated, hidden agenda… to impress others, to gain advantage....
The gospel must be the main thing.... when it is our understanding of ourselves will be changed, but something else that will be impacted is
Our relationship to the world (14-15)
Our relationship to the world (14-15)
What is meany by the world is all that exists outside of us that rejects God. All that is part of us that rejects God is our flesh. But all the systems, institutions, laws, programs, philosophies, priorities that seek to subvert, marginalize, cancel, discredit or reject God (specifically Jesus Christ) is the world
How must the gospel shape our relationship to the world?
We must live out the double crucifixion (14)
We must live out the double crucifixion (14)
Paul contrasts himself with the Judaizers. The Judaizers boasted in themselves.
far be it from me (God forbid - KJV)
Boasting in self was such, and is such a violation of the gospel message.
The only possible ground for boasting, if the gospel is the main thing is the cross of Christ.
I want us to consider what Paul said elsewhere to gain insight into Paul’s understanding of boasting
Romans 3:21–27 (ESV)
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.
For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.
This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? By a law of works? No, but by the law of faith.
After focusing on the righteousness of God, Paul asks the question, where is boasting? In other words, the more we dwell upon, meditate on the righteousness of God, the less we will be inclined to boast in ourselves. Celebrating the righteousness of God and boasting in ourselves are incompatible.
But there is a place for boasting in the Christian’s life. Paul says that he doesn't boast except in the cross of Christ.
so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
But why would anyone boast in the cross? I mean for us to hear that today is not nearly as shocking as it would have been for the Galatian Christians. It’s like us saying today that we boast on the electric chair or in the lethal injection or the firing squad.
So why did Paul and why should we boast in the cross of Christ?
The last phrase in v. 14: the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.
What does this mean? It means that all the systems, institutions, laws, programs, philosophies, priorities that seek to subvert, marginalize, cancel, discredit or reject God (specifically Jesus Christ) have lost their power and influence in the lives of followers of Christ.
It’s the double crucifixion. All of the world and it power to influence Christ followers has been crucified, that is killed, and all that is in Christ-followers that is attracted to the lures of the world - for example the world’s idea that self is the key to gaining purpose and meaning and not God, has been killed.
No doubt the double crucifixion is one that accomplished a slow death. We contend with the world and we contend with that which is in us that is attracted to the world still, but never the less, through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross, the power of those things have been overcome.
and the gospel shapes our relationship to the world in that we come to realize that
Nothing from the world will last (15)
Nothing from the world will last (15)
neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision
the issue is not circumcision but the function the Judaizer taught it played in the church (it would be like if we were told that in order to be saved, we need to put money in the offering plate every week)
Our efforts to merit God’s favor do not count for anything. And how does Paul bring this truth out? Look at the last phrase in v. 15
but a new creation
One day, Jesus will return to establish His reign and rule on earth. He will usher in a new creation. And as His people come to Him in faith today, His new creation begins to take form. So what matters now is that which will continue when Jesus returns. For the Judaizers and the Galatians to make such a big deal about circumcision was wrong because they understood it to have new creation significance. Christ and Him crucified inaugurated (began) the new creation.
This brings perspective doesn’t it. Church the time is short. All that matters is the new creation that Jesus began and will bring to completion. So all we do now with our time, our energy, our money, our affections has potentially new creation implications.
Nothing in this world will last. I confess something I can struggle with is worrying about how the affairs of this world will impact the affairs of my life and my family. It’s not that the concerns I possess for my family don’t matter, but when the concerns of my family are viewed from the new creation point of view, a whole new perspective is gained.
The gospel changes our relationship to the world, and finally it changes
Our way of life (16-17)
Our way of life (16-17)
How we live day-to-day. In verse 16, Paul pronounces a conditional benediction. It’s a final blessing to the Galatians, but he wants to make clear that these blessings are conditioned on several truths. It’s unusual, but given the strained relationship between the Galatians and Paul, it makes sense.
How must the gospel shape our way of life?
We must stay in our lane (16)
We must stay in our lane (16)
walk by the rule
rule = measuring rod.
rule here is a reference to the new creation in v. 15. It’s really a reference to what Christ did to put the new creation in motion, which was to die in the place of His people on the cross.
And the condition Paul is issuing for the Galatians to enjoy the peace and mercy of God in life is to live as if you know that all that matters is that which will last into the new creation.
Living this way, with this kind of focused intent is to stay in our lane. When we live as if our favorite sports team has new creation significance, when we live as if the news reports of our preferred news network has new creation significance, when we live as if we believe our favorite food has new creation significance, we veer off into another lane.
The lane of Christ is one that leads to peace and mercy of God. The new creation lane. The only lane that leads to eternal significance, and those who belong to Christ will be concerned to live this kind of life with all of their lives.
the Israel of God is referencing the whole people of God who will find peace and mercy through Christ.
But staying in our lane is difficult. Paul understood this. So
We expect hardship (17)
We expect hardship (17)
Paul experienced all kinds of hardship because of His service to Christ.
But Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having persuaded the crowds, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead. But when the disciples gathered about him, he rose up and entered the city, and on the next day he went on with Barnabas to Derbe.
But there was an emotional toll as well. The interference of the Judaizers in the Galatian church and the Galatians who began to turn their backs on Paul.
Paul is urging the Galatians to stop harassing him and trying to undermine his ministry because his ministry has already been validated by Christ on the Damascus road and in the fact that he has been afflicted for his ministry.
As we noted before, following Christ is hard. We do not follow Christ because it is easy. We do not follow because it is hard. We follow Him because He first loved us, and now we love Him. He expressed His love for us through His suffering, and now we may suffer for His glory.
The main thing is the Gospel.
The main thing is the Gospel.
Despite the fact that this has been a strained letter because the relationship between Paul and the Galatians had become strained, notice how Paul refers to them in v. 18. Brothers.
You know church, by the grace of God, as far as I know, there is not widespread false teaching taking place among here at New Life.
Asa far as I know, none of the members of New Life are entertaining false doctrine and adopting it as truth. We should however, regularly measure our beliefs against what the Bible teaches.
But what the Galatian church dealt with is not so different from what we typically deal with today. People not getting along. Talking about people behind their backs. Loosing sight of who God has called us to be and what He has called us to do in the midst of dealing with all of the difficulties of our personal lives.
The bottom line, when it comes to us relating to the Galatian church, just like the Galatian church, we have represented here problems, difficulties, disappointments frustrations, sin.....But just like the Galatian church, the answer is always the same.
The gospel. What made it possible to refer to the Galatians as brothers (as family) was not their behavior, not their loyalty to him, was not their willingness to support and care for him, was not mutual respect, was not even enjoying being in one another’s company. Ultimately, why Paul referred to them as brothers was because of what they professed to believe. They, at one time, professed to believe the gospel.
And Paul pointed out throughout this epistle, the fact that they professed to believe the gospel was evidence of the Spirit’s work in their lives. And when we share the transforming working of the Spirit of God in our lives in common, allot of differences can be set aside and overcome. Because what this changes includes is our adoption into the family of God which makes all who are members of this family brothers and sisters.
So church, we may be a an imperfect family, maybe sometimes a dysfunctional family. But we have a perfect, loving Father who has redeemed us through the redemptive work of His Son and given us His Spirit.
So let’s not mess with the gospel. It is life and it bonds us together.