The Boy Who Was King

Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 53:34
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Our world is broken.
Our world is broken.
I know this seems to be a no brainer. But I think sometimes we need to realize and make the obvious known. We cannot deny this fact. I recently read a quote from the LOTR triology where Frodo states, “I wish I did not have to see this.” To which Gandalf replies, “So too all who live during it.”
We can not walk around defeated.
We can not walk around defeated.
The brokenness of our world cannot cause us to hang our head in defeat. We are not defeated people.
The centrality of Scripture.
The centrality of Scripture.
We must in these days rededicate ourselves to the Word of God above all else. I do not say this to indicate we have necessarily gone astray but as a reminder of the centrality of Scripture above all else.
God is revealed in Scripture.
God is revealed in Scripture.
Yes, we can see God in the world around us but it is only in Scripture we get the details about who God is. I would also add who we are.
For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
God is holy, just and perfect!
God is holy, just and perfect!
We cannot forget this aspect. To some extent our world is broken because the holiness of God. We know what is wrong because we know He who is right and perfect. As we open up the Scriptures this morning we see this justice, holiness and perfection in action.
The nation of Israel is broken.
The nation of Israel is broken.
Starting with Solomon the nation is heading downhill. As we pick up the stories in 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles there has been roughly, and this is rough estimate, about 400 years of history.
Even in broken times God is still working/active.
Even in broken times God is still working/active.
God does not just work when things are good. He is not just God when people obey His word. God is god all the time! All the time God is god!
Reformation starts by seeking the Lord.
Reformation starts by seeking the Lord.
If we want things to be different we, as God’s people, must start seeking the Lord. Josiah did this and then realized things were not right. Sometimes when we are seeking the Lord we become even more aware of how broken the world is and how broken we are.
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
God is full of grace, mercy and love.
God is full of grace, mercy and love.
This is also true. Our story this morning is about the tension betwen God’s holiness which demands justice and judgment with his grace, mercy and love. God is perfect in all these characteristics, together in unity.
Scripture highlights this tension.
Scripture highlights this tension.
Scripture does not tie everything up in a neat bow.
We must respond to God’s Word.
We must respond to God’s Word.
God’s word is not just to be found and then nothing happen.
Josiah is the ideal king/follower of God.
Josiah is the ideal king/follower of God.
We must be more like Josiah the more our world becomes broken.
Reformation continues because of God’s Word.
Reformation continues because of God’s Word.
Yes it may start with seeking the Lord but it cannot continue without the written revelation of God’s Word. Prayer alone, though extremely important, will not bring about transformation and reformation. Prayer and God’s word can!
We cannot expect God’s blessing and live however we want.
We cannot expect God’s blessing and live however we want.
This is what the stories of the nation of Israel remind us.
We must submit to Jesus!
We must submit to Jesus!
This is what Communion reminds us of!