Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
We thank you.
Hope is not a thing.
Hope is not a place.
Hope is not even a distillate, destination alone.
Hope is you.
You are open and you come to us bodily in the person and Life Ministry of Jesus, our savior, and our soon-coming.
King in Jesus name we pray.
Hey man, hope you have your Bibles with you and invite you to turn to the first book of the Bible.
The Book of Genesis will be looking at 5:40.
And I want to ask you a question.
What is your life sentence?
As soon as you might, you might think about that, right?
What is your life sentence?
I think of a way to describe our purpose, right?
Might think of like if I were to describe why I believe God put me on this Earth on this world.
I might describe it might think of like an elevator pitch, right?
What does short a succinct way to describe?
Why I exist in this life, you might think of your life sentence in that way, right?
You might think about, Another kind of life sentence and that is, that's a sentence that will be on.
Everyone's Tombstone.
We call it an epitaph.
Your life sentence.
He was here and he loved his family.
You know, everyone's life sentence, everyone's Epitaph will end with something to the effect of whether or not it's written.
And he died.
And she died.
There's not one of us that will escape that life sentence.
And in our passage this morning.
There are two themes that we're going to see that stand out.
In fact, much of what we'll read will sound very much the same.
It will be very much the same.
Save a few names along the way.
It's almost like a fill in the blank and then we just kind of keep breathing down and fill in certain blanks along the way.
And dying.
That may not sound like a big heart to you.
It might not sound like a something, great, and a creative way to think about our message, but it is the reality, none.
The less in chapter 4, several weeks ago.
We noticed how the descendants of Adam followed two distinct lines through came and threw a table, right?
When I was able to worship God and by faith and was bring it, bring it by bringing his bleeding.
Sacrifice as the basis of his approach to the Lord and worship.
God told them what they needed to do to worship.
And we know that Adam worshipped in the way that that, that God communicated to them would be appropriate.
Adam knew, he could not come to God on his own.
I keep saying Adam Abell knew he could not come to God on his own.
Why? Why?
Because his mom and dad send And what's his mom and dad send everything changed from there on out?
Will Cain his brother ignored.
That fact Kane Kane came on his own basis.
Kane came on the basis of what he brought that.
He thought was acceptable.
Knowing is a sinner by choice, but also, because of how is Dad sin?
And he came to God.
On his own terms and God, that's it.
No, it doesn't work like that and he didn't accept his offering.
And then Cain was angry, because God didn't accept his offer.
And he thought, what got you accept?
I give him.
Sometimes we think like that, because we live like that.
I Ain't Got You just be happy that I gave him anyting.
Dangerous precarious.
Place to be the reminder of the chapter traces.
This Godless line of Cain down to the 7th generation, and then it closes with the account of the birth of, of Seth, the appointed successor of able and in the one from whom the chosen race, and the Messiah would come Genesis, Genesis 5. Now, begins a new section, and it traces, this line of Seth for us and in almost every case.
We're going to see these phrases when so-and-so had lived.
X number of years.
He fathered
and his son's name.
Someone told live after he fathered so-and-so X number of years and then he had other sons and daughters.
That's all the days of so-and-so were X number of years.
And he died.
We're going to read every one of them all 32 versus because we need to hear the repeated pattern.
We need to see
This is true for each and every one of our lives, so I'm going to read Genesis chapter 5, then you'll notice sometimes we get to the sections of the Bible.
And I won't tell if this is you, if you do your Bible reading in a year plan, right?
And you get to these Generations by because I'm taller.
These these these books of generations that are important, right?
Every word of God is important for us until we get to the section.
If I go.
Okay, like I had enough time in my reading today.
So we're going to read it.
All Lord has good stuff in here for us.
This is the book of generations of Adam when God created man, he made him in the likeness of God, male and female.
He created them.
And he blessed them and he named them, man.
When they were created.
When Adam live 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness after his own image and he named him.
The days of Adam, after he fathered, Seth, or 800 years and had other Sons and Daughters.
That's all the days that Adam lives were 930 years.
Be ready for the first one together and he died.
What's that?
Save lives.
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