Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
When he gets older, he'll sleep to remind me of when I was in seminary.
There's a past we had a visiting Pastor there, talkin to us and he said one day, he was preaching one Sunday morning.
And said, there was a young couple sitting up front and said the little child had something in his hand.
He thought it was a toy gun.
He said, because a little child.
We keep going like that point, you know, like up there at the preacher like that.
And so when the service was over, he was greeting, everybody in the family come out.
And he said, He looked at little boy.
He said, are you trying to shoot me with that gun and his mom, so, it wasn't a gun said, it was a TV.
Flipper said, he just loves flippers and we take the batteries out.
He likes to press the buttons and I like that she said so he wasn't trying to shoot you.
He was just trying to cut you off.
So if I see some of y'all out there today, I know what you do is you not trying to shoot me trying to cut me off so but it is good to be here in the Lord's house today.
Any Sunday, you can have the help to go to church and the stand up reach.
It's a good Sunday.
It is a good Sunday.
Well, today, if you remember last week.
We talked about suffering.
And I gave you the three landmines to avoid when suffering.
And the first one was a landmine of doubt.
And how Satan will come in your life when something happens when you're suffering, either physical or emotional Financial, whatever it is, when you're suffering and he'll come in and he'll try to get you to doubt, God.
So at the doubt, the goodness of God will then.
Secondly, we talked about worry how he'll try to get you to worry and when you worry you or you're questioning the presence of God in your life, but when you start doubting God's goodness and then start doubting whether he's even with you or not.
And then thirdly we said he'll will start to Envy other people what they have that we don't or we'll start throwing a pity party.
And so what that is is Satan will get us to question the wisdom of God whether or not this is really right for my life.
And so, what I want to do today is to continue that thing.
But I want to show you if this is the right way to say it, how to suffer.
The proper way to suffer.
Of a Biblical understanding.
Of suffering info today.
The sermon is entitled to face that sustains when life falls apart.
You ever been there when you lie feel like it just fell apart.
It's over.
And I said, I don't know how many times I said that I said, it's over.
I can remember when I was in seminary and I had to have heart surgery.
And I started doubting wanting to World, call me leave my home, sell my home, go to school at 38 years old.
And now, you bring this.
So I started doubting some, I started questioning his presence.
It's very easy to do when suffering comes in to your life info.
I want you to turn if you would in your Bibles to Romans.
Romans chapter 4.
And this is a very familiar story.
If you know, you're kind of Old Testament willing to talk about the story of Abraham and Sarah.
Now, if you remember Abraham in the Old Testament, the Lord come to him and he gave him was called The abrahamic, Covenant.
And he told him, he said I'm going to make you a great nation your Offspring.
That's what God told Abraham that he said they're going to be as many as the sand on the seashore.
And then he told him one night.
He said go out Abraham and look up at the sky and and try to count the Stars.
He said your Offspring is going to be like the stars in the sky.
So a whole nation was going to come from this man, and we we know that it did.
But before you can have millions before, you can be the father of millions, you have to be the father of one.
You have to start somewhere.
So Abraham and Sarah State their entire lives.
On the promise of God.
That they would be the parents of a great nation.
That's by stake their lives on that.
And when God told Abraham, that they waited decade after decade, after decade after decade and nothing happened.
But just think of that God would come to you and say, you going to be the father of a great nation.
Your Offspring is going to be more than the sands on the seashore.
And at that time, you were 50 years old.
And you waited forty more years.
And when you were nine 8, or maybe a hundred and nothing happened.
Would you doubt God then what you died?
What you saying?
My wife meant now.
Something's going on here.
And then when Abraham was a hundred years old and Sarah was 90.
God said this time.
Next year, you going to have a child.
That you ladies, if you were nineteen years old and God said this time, next year.
You going to be with child, you going to have a child?
What would you say?
Will you know what to say or did the first thing?
She did she laughed when you laugh?
God told you that they were.
Right, right?
Well, let's read the story here in Romans 4 and we're only going to look at a few verses 17 through 21.
Because what we're looking at today is we going to contrast, the Fate that doubts and worries, and he's envious with the Fate that we ought to have when we suffer.
So, let's begin in verse 17 of Romans chapter 4. As it is written.
I have made you a father of many nations in the presence of him who he believed God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things, which do not exist.
As though they did, what's 2 things?
You see about God right here that it says he gives life to the Dead.
He can bring something back to life.
That was dead.
And then it says he calls those things which do not exist as though they did.
God can make something out of nothing.
That's what he can do.
That that there is a message that Abraham needed to hear because Abraham was a hundred years old.
And as far as having children, he was dead and Sarah was 90 years old in her womb was dead.
This is The Impossible.
Scientifically biologically is impossible, Verse 18.
Now, watch what it says about Abraham here.
Who contrary to Hope in that little phrase.
Contrary to Hope means humanly speaking.
There was no hope.
Having no Hope in Hope believe so that he became the father of many nations.
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