Why Were They There

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Go to up World about me. Why were they there? What is today, today is the day of Pentecost fully come. People to stay calm. It's 50 days since Passover.

What is it? Why were they there?

You started the transition here.

Give me the cliff notes version. The more I study just the more than was the more than was just layers and layers and layers. There's so much. So much.

Jesus, first mentioned in Genesis after the fall.

He's going to come fix things for. We messed it up. So, why were they there in Jerusalem? And we have an idea why the disciples for?

And being assembled together with them, he commanded them. Not to depart from Jerusalem, but you wait for the promise of the Father, which he said, you have heard from me. Jesus, speaking to the disciples reading out of the new King James and 1:8.

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and Judea Samaria and to the end of the Earth covered. Everybody uses told him stay there. Promises. Father's coming. Is Spirit the spirit? That's what today is. That's what we commemorate in the church going to cost. They the Holy Spirit was given the man. But why? Why were all the other people there? We don't have the disciples were there. Jesus was resurrected spent 40 days. And I'm getting ready to go back to Heaven before I go. Let's go stay here and wait, cuz if you're coming.

Maybe you're familiar with. The reason they were in Jerusalem.

Maybe you're not all the other people. All those are people from all those other lands. Why were they there?

Yeah, we know why it would be a room. We know why they're coming. They hadn't learned anything by now.

The years demonstrating.

Everybody else was in Jerusalem for what's called in Hebrew.

It's just basically the Hebrew for Pentecost. What was the purpose of that? Why were they there was? That holiday is a holiday for the fully explain that holiday. Why were all the Jewish people gather from all these different countries? What were they all there for? We got to go back to Passover. I know we all have the basic ideas, Passover story, Exodus 12 first time we talked about and explained. You got the collation between Passover and Jesus, is the Lamb is the sacrificial lamb. We get that. We understand that nice picture. We got part one in the Old Testament and the New Testament. And you see that in the Bible. It says you can't put away the Old Testament. It's the balance. Is the harmonies the completion of the story in the new that began in the old. Begin in the first testament. More proper. I think the old in the first. So, what was Passover, right? The lamb blood, the lamb for sacrifice? We know Jesus became the lamp. Israelites, put the blood on the doorpost, the angel of death passed over. So death did not touch Israel.

In Genesis 18, when you read that and giving careful reading of Genesis 18 way back with Abraham and when you got Isaac, it looks like I may have been born on Passover and certain things were being observed. When you carefully read it. It didn't just start here. It was built upon precept, upon precept step-by-step. God takes us from the very beginning, all the way through chose. This little bit. Isaac rebirth is held in fewest addition to be a Passover. And David King, David birth and death. On Pentecost, things occurred very significant holidays times that were set apart, and we think about a holiday special time. If you have a little party to get together, get some gift of his like that. Jewish holidays were times. It stopped everything else that you were doing and remembered the good guy. That's what we need to do here today, and I hope to explain it a little bit better. Open up something for you guys.

So we know that Abraham and Sarah had a child was Isaac, Isaac, Isaac, Travis, Jacob. God renamed into Israel. He became the father of his rights.

Going back to pass over, you know, they won the angel pass over the house. That was more for the blood of the Lamb. Didn't touch your methods day one. So Passover has been established. We start having the holiday the Jewish folks. They start celebrating a whole lot with that whole week is not one day. It's a week-long. We don't look at a lot of that stuff in Christianity. Wait, we remember that big thing. That's when they got to the exit. After that happened. They were throwing that go. Let him go. Get out of here. And to do with you. At the beginning of Passover. The end of Passover. Actually is a celebration and Remembrance. For the party in the ritzy, what we can see in us we can very easily and the lamb sacrifice in the passing over paying for our sins, that shedding of blood to save us from death, the second death. And is in Jewish culture, they have what's called Counting of the Omar over. It's a measure of some measure of whatever you measure out when I start counting the Omer. And in this case is Barb. What is harvested?

There never seems to be just one thing occurring in any of these are multiple things going on.

What are things that the semi got me going and trying to bring back in things? Really is amazing. How all of these things work together. 50 other? So they too basically, they start counting the old one, right? And they count that. Up until the day before. Shallow that last day for the phrase, from Pentecost, it fully from day one. And I remember the angel of death passed over date to get out. Get out. That's when that start and they count. It's another reason is called Festival of weeks is another name. You may have heard that refer to that way.

During that time. There's a lot of things that occurred with the people in Israel. So the holiday comes to us in sixth and seventh month of the Hebrew calendar. Sy ban, which May or June holidays. Got the full name the holiday week? Because it's ready today. After completing the town of the seven weeks since the Omar was brought on the second day of Passover are there is the season of giving the Torah Moses received the tablet of the Torah from God on Mount Sinai in this time, that's another thing. First ripe wheat Nature's views brought the first right to the temple in Jerusalem as a sign of appreciation for God what he had done for them. And he's also one of the three walking holidays. Like, Passover is the first one bringing the barley. The second one is Ben Acosta. Third one is the Festival of booze to sucat, which is happens in the fall and a different fruit.

So Shiloh is the second walking holiday. They would bring everything to Jerusalem or some part of his journey. So, that's what they're there for. It's really more like the completion of Passover. If you will, it what started with Passover is counted remembered every day in this time. During this time when they're doing the celebrating its it was a third month after the Jews left, Egypt. They were in the Sinai desert and I can't opposite of Mount Sinai. So Moses told him that God was ready to. Give them the most precious gift. You never given to Mankind, and that's the wall. The Torah is referred to and we calmly pentateuch guitar. The first five books. You see it in the very condensed form. The Ten Commandments are given its time. In an exodus 19. A you see some references there? Where Moses is brought them together.

And all the people answered Moses told them. God wants to bring this to you before, they even saw, it knew what it was. They all answered together and said all that. The Lord has spoken. We will Moses brought back the words of the people to the Lord just preparation. The Israelites answered. And I'm going to give you this. Tell him. Imma give you the tour. I'm going to give you the walls. I'll give you my Commandments. And if you do if you keep them. I'll be there. I'll help you. I'll be your guide. I'll be your present. Be there with you. And they will do it. We'll do it. No problem. We'll do it.

We want to be there to hear you. Got to say, what you do this. Yes. I'll do it. Send me. I'll go. Oh, what do you want me to do or like people do?

So 19 verse 9. But the next verse and the Lord said to Moses, behold, I come to you in a thick Cloud that the people make here. They heard God when I speak with you and believe you forever. So Moses told the words of the people to the Lord. So, yep, will do it. Got it. I'm going to talk to you Moses to everybody else to here. So they know you're not making this up. Sometimes it's stock. That's all just bunch of Thunder. Things going on at the voice of God made. I'm going to speak to you the veil here. Dolphin thought that's what was heard was the 70 languages, very much, the same 70 language is it?

Because the giving of the car us part 1 of the story of Pentecost is Cabos.

What we call and remember, Pentecost days, the completion of that story. If a female love it. Tell him. He said, I am the Lord your God, who brought you into the land of Egypt. Not going to have any other guys before me shall not take my name in vain. Remember the Sabbath day. Holy honor, your father. And mother. But no murder committing adultery.

And you shall not want her. Coven of anything that belongs to anyone else to Ten Commandments. They see the colonel of the law. Like everything was built on. So they remember that they honor that we can look a little bit further and verses 16 through 19.

Then he came to pass on the third day in the morning, start in the morning that there were thundering and lightning cloud on the mountain, in the sound of the trumpet was very loud. Or the shofars. So that all the people who were in the camp Trimble? And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God and they stood at the foot of the mountain with God.

Now, I'm outside. I was completely in Smoke because the Lord ascended apartment in fire, fire. Smoke ascended. Like the smoke of a furnace and Old Mountain Weight greatly.

and when the blast of the trumpet, sounded long, And became longer and louder, Moses spoke and God answered him by his voice.

Answering my voice. Look at verse 18, Again. Do you remember this? Especially Lord descended upon yet. Descended upon fire. The Lord's presence is noted as fire. The air make commentaries that were around in the first century commentaries and paraphrases. It's not a new thing is not something we come up with. They've been around for a while. The rabbi's midrash. They go through in a look at scripture, you studying and they explained it found upon it, try to understand the mysteries of it.

We get a great, great, great helper the holy spirit with us, and it helps so much saves. Hundreds of hours of research in a lot of time in a lot of time.

But anyway, they are make you go back and look at those, there's and sorry, I forgot the name of them. They describe the fire on Mount Sinai. They talked about it being for clothing.

And I even go into the tongues of fire describe the tablet. This is what they're looking at this from their standpoint in their studies, what they're looking at the earliest we can remember there's been a lot of translation of things sometimes. Get lost in translation.

Another thing they commemorate during this holiday. Not only do they read to remind people? They get in the room. They read the scroll of roof. And why do they read Ruth? Am I wonder if there's an interesting thing about Ruth?

She came into ecos to become Jewish, follow God. Her mother-in-law said, no turning back. Go back. Not good. Going to have hard times. No, I want to go. I want to do it. I want to do it.

Anyway, she gets there. She's blaming gleaming in the Harvest right now. You got this going on. She's Boaz, right? We know that basic story. She's a gentile one for Gentile women in the genealogy of Jesus.

When Jesus was Jewish, but think about it for women in is genealogy.

That's always thought to include everybody.

Great-grandmother of.

Ride. The great-grandmother of King David. Her commitment to the Torah, that's why they reader scroller, won't remember what she did during this time that it brings back into the wheat Harvest. And when the wheat Harvest occurs is when Shavuot what happens there? What's the Tweet? Almost seems to me. Like you.

So the holiday primarily is for the Jewish people and should be for us to really think about it. Celebrate God, giving the Torah, give him a wall, right? In this time that they went from when they left. So, when they received this bent for time for Spiritual cleansing, for reflecting at least you're going to talk about the time in the wilderness. Is it literally had their time in the wilderness? It was 49 days between when they left.

And when you got your email. That's where that comes from. It's not something they made up. That was the time. That was the time in through that. They had to go through many, many things and it's Quincy. I mean, the Red Sea came hearted washed away their enemies B. Literally took them out. This time of cleansing were God's basically getting Egypt. Once I'm thirty-four hundred years or so. They were slaves in Egypt. You think that the Egyptian culture was ingrained in them? You think I really had a hard time remembering? I mean, I'm sure they were more familiar with Rob and then where I love you.

God brought them back into remembering, he's made himself a real to them. I got thunder and lightning and trumpets and all these things going on. Just hear the voice of God. The mountain is shaking. I don't know how many earthquakes they went through. Earth's moving going to get your attention.

They go through this timeframe. They're given the Torah and that's when, you know, they'd be begins with the barley Harvest night too. And that's what is considered a midsize. They had laws that the rabbi's come up with a 613, a lot of the heart in the origin of this thing. They thought they were better helping the people to follow God. He got kind of ridiculous. Some point to some of the things, our rabbis, even if you think about Jesus, when he's walking with the Earth in his ministry that they come at him and he's not breaking any of The Commandments or any of the laws of God lay down with some of these myths.

The bar earlier the week, whatever it was from the field.

You don't find anywhere in scripture that says, you can't eat. And pulling that stuff off the head.

You weren't allowed to do. That. One of those requires him to say a blessing each night as there are no more by these bright out. And when the temple was still there, they would, of course, they would bring it to the temple. They would give their off room and a lot of these things, they were signify in the presence of God.

That's also what to do with the Palms during the festival loose in Chicago and they wave The Palms wave offering. So, the time between Passover in Cheval is, is meant to be a time of preparing for special for Spiritual maturity.

Think about this time and ask what's going on at the beginning of Acts.

But we see. Where the disciples are there, Jesus was resurrected. He's appeared to them. He's coming and going at least 40 days, then be there. Sometimes he's not. They're going through this, but in the process of getting your symbols are coming together to come, they're going through a type of spiritual preparedness type of cleansing or getting ready for what's to come.

In the last days. Jesus, crucifixion of Pentecost, a lot of deal with that. And I were their face was They don't call him daddy Thomas for this cuz it sounded good thing. You think about how many people have you seen?

Guild. Put in a tomb. And then come back and sit down and eat with you. Ten. Or twelve. Ryan. Sure, you can have all the time that first one. Now. You probably won't be back in up. What's going on? You know, that it had to be. I mean, honestly think about it. Had to be something. I didn't stop.

It's often said that today. We remember when we receive the Holy Ghost and overall, if you really think about why they were all there and what they were celebrating, what they would commemorate. They received the law, what really was the law for? What was the purpose of the law? Not sure, what was it meant to do, to show them how to live to bring them closer to the father and also show them that they needed him as well. What happens when the Holy Ghost come? What do we see there? What did we receive their, you know, through? Crucifixion, Resurrection Ascension of Jesus, our Salvation is here. And what are we supposed to do? The commission. Go tell the world, LOL, everybody. So it starts out, right, there were many. Many of the Jewish people were together often such a few days after Easter, not then it changes the meaning of or take away from anything. If you look at the Timeline, it's not 50 days after. That's not when Pentecost happened. How do you say walk for 40 days? And then 10 late days later? They receive the holy spirit because they put that timeline together. And how long they were waiting. I just got to thinking about it. When are these holidays? And when are the dates? 50 days from when they left Egypt is when Chavo the 50-day time from yes. The end. It's the end. I the resurrections at the end of Passover week.

At the end of Passover week. I think about that. Let's seven days there, he walked for 43 days. 3 days. What they do, in Sinai, desert, three days, three days, three days. They were without Jesus being assembled, in the upper room, all in one Accord all together. In harmony with each other for the same three days and that's when I say, the more I looked into it the more than this mess with this went with that, and it just fits together. So well. There's no unanswered. There's no Loose Ends. There's no le anything left.

There's not any coincidences.

Putting it together. I mean, our Jewish roots, and really are. It's their, it's the first testament, and it's fulfilled in the New Testament in the second. first Covenant, that God made with people Keeping all his promises. That's the value we find in studying these things, everything you said he's going to do. He did or is going to steal yet to come. We can look back and see that all these things. Are there. Also filled.

I don't know what your thoughts on. It are just kind of seems almost.

A fitting thing that because when did the Harvest of the Gentiles begin? With the wheat Harvest, it just almost symbolically thinking about Christian gentiles.

Jewish tradition. As I mentioned earlier, it does teach in there is places in the Bible that talks about 70 Nations, Jewish tradition teaches at the 70 languages that were heard of Mount Sinai. When God spoke not that they were 70 different there. However, I'm sure they can speak probably two or three, the world and culture. And that that's not this specifically stated in scripture. If you just think about what Egypt was that time where they were in the center of the World Trade Center lights, were slaves and where they were involved in different things. People go see Pharaoh. They going to speak different languages. I'm sure they it wouldn't lost them. So they understood some of these things that we tend to not really think about how they look a little bit. And Acts chapter 2. You get the same idea here that there were 70 languages spoken, All Nations you're here. So it's just it's a balance is multiple languages multiple languages meant for the whole world. Got you. Think about me? And remember the story about the Tower of Babel. They're all getting together all the people, right lane. If you're not going to build this big old Tire to Heaven. Why were they building the tower?

Maybe they wanted to get a tire high enough, that it flooded again a be safe. Maybe they wanted to get to heaven. And if so. More commonly, what is thought they wanted to build a tower to heaven to where they could go in and overthrow God. you getting to the studies in the commentaries and things, this is David mentioned in the washer anyway. What happened there? You get your birth of your 70 Nations. Write the language is confused. They were no longer able to work in one Accord. They were in one Accord. They were in unison. They were working together. To go against God. Got scattered. The people confuse their languages. What happened in Pentecost? They were all together in one Accord? They were all back together again, in 120, in the upper room. They're all together in one Accord, waiting on the promise. The Holy Spirit comes. Described as tongues of fire, you get a picture of the wall, being given in Mount Sinai replayed in the upper room. The folks that were there, that day would be very familiar with this. They would have that understanding, they would see that. And no, that's why me why I included? What's the point of putting that in there that little detail? Coleman split.

Brings us back to this. That's the feeling.

Languages for confused, people didn't understand each other. That we can all go back to speaking one language, but what happened when they spoke, but they were drunk or whatever. What was the thing? They all heard in their own tongue. Everybody understood Seventeen or so major. Are they made you reduce when you go reading in the list through after verse 8 and Acts chapter 2, starts naming all the different languages people from the different places and there's some Seventeen or so, at least big one large population centers. Major language is Major people groups. Google Genesis run over and look at Act start accept you and read verses 1 through 8.

First one is not on there.

That's interesting. Okay, so when the day is going to cost to fully come, they were all in one place and they were all in one Accord in one place.

Did I miss chapter 2 verses 1 through 8, is that not all on there?

I thought I had that wrong.

You don't have an axe chapter 2 verses 1 through 8 on the


It is in the Bible and we haven't had one of those. Awesome.

Okay, that is verse 1. Visiting. These are not averse after that.

Next fly area.

All right, and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one Accord in one place. And suddenly, there came a sound from Heaven, as a rushing, Mighty Wind, and it filled all the house, where they were sitting, and there appeared unto them, cloven tongues, like as of fire and it set up on them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance. And there was a dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noise was abroad that multi. The multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

Every man heard him speak his own language. Are confounded. They were Marvel. They were at. Who are you? What's going on? It's got their attention. You brought them there.

And is it reads on? If you go on read that, that's what gives you all of the others and then Peter gets up and he gives his sermon. How did it happen? What made it happen? What may be possible. The promise of the Father, the gift of the Holy Ghost was given to us. Do you have a Sceptre 2 vs x 24?

Yes. Just look at it and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave utterance. Let's go back a little bit to Acts 1:8.

But Jesus tell him but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be the witness to me and Jerusalem 2DS Tamara and to the ends of the Earth, it all started right there. Jesus told them when the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit comes, you will have our power to witness is not an hour to open and close doors with your mind. Power to Whitney. You will be my witnesses to everybody. To the whole world. They were all assembled. There. You see the list of people that seed that was planted and it's the birth of the church is the birth of Christianity, really? Because the disciples followed Jesus. And they waiting on. The promise they followed his command yet one more time. And they were, I'm sure they were is amazed. Found it at the people that were hearing them. Can you imagine opening your mouth, you speak in English? And you know, Not everybody in the room speaks English, but you can tell everybody understanding you. You heard stories? I'm sure I've heard stories. What people go in missionaries go in and nobody has an idea what the language is?

We have that power. It's here. It's now in US. He said, you know, he get that salvation, not feeling the Holy Ghost, is it continues to go in you and grow in. You come out of you? Go tell the world about me. Jesus's last words. Go.

They had to be cleansed and purified. They went there. Three days. Holy Ghost came. He hasn't left us. We see things all the time. We often don't think about it. And then this country especially work condition kind of backwards Wonder not if we do.

That says, I'll give you everything you need. I'll take care of all of your needs.

Scripture over and over, and over and over. Tell this. He likes us better than he does all the other stuff. And look how well the fields are taken care of. Look at the Sparrow. And we're so much higher.

He's got such a great love for. He sent his son.

Did you so much? Restoration to bring us back in. We just, we do in Injustice. Just talk to people. That's all you got to do. Just talk to people and let them see. Jesus, come through. The holy spirit, will be there. There's nothing to fear. Nothing to be afraid of. You don't have to sit down and think you got an 8-point strategy. Do I have to follow what they call the Romans road running through all of this pictures of drawing tools. Are you from the script and be very good? Jesus didn't say. Okay, go do this. Just go tell him. Go tell him. Go tell them about me. Go tell them what is recorded in the scriptures for the gospels have. It's different men for different perspectives. The four different audiences. There's not inconsistencies in the gospel. It's the slight differences when I tell you the story as opposed to win sister. Kelly tells you the story of certain things stick out, Sandow and mean more to us. We get excited about those things. Would you want to jump up and down a little bit holler and Shout sometimes and maybe we're afraid to do that when we talked to people.

Yousafzai was very simple, prayer for guidance and just talk to people. The amazing. How often a conversations turn to God. When you just talked to somebody. You don't have to go knock on the door is Jesus, lord and savior.

Develop a friendship, get to know him. Day one. Jesus said, follow me, and I'll follow you there, but he didn't start telling them look. I'm the Messiah. They're going to kill me. I'm going to raise back up in 3 days and then you guys are going to go all over the world.


Step-by-step. It's not all bad. They did many great things. Many good thing and they very willingly, Very willingly carry that out as they walk as they realize the value in the importance. Some of us are called to do things differently than others, but we're all called. You just simply that. He didn't say. Hey you guys here? But tell everybody about me. Headed, when he dies over.

United commission. It sent out. It's there. It's for all of us were given the holy ghost. That is, are we have to witness? That's to fulfill the commission. That's what we celebrate here. Us, it's kind of down, played in Germany, England, different places, some of the different churches in. It's a bigger thing than a lot of times in the market. Remember to talk about it here, live sermons, like this at the first of the church is right here.

What is that? Remember that. Remember the first part, it just felt important to me.

is it does right now in this season when I talk and Teach preach chair.


To help clarify things he does for me. I think he does for a lot of people. Opens up your mind, open up your heart a little bit. It's not just this one thing. There's so much all of the scriptures, they work together. So well. Completed. You see this completion is not left on. What was the purpose of really Passover and Pentecost two ends of the same thing? You remember the time? And also, we leave all of that out. There was other things, it always gets brought up or whatever. In another sermon, but we don't set aside. We don't have holidays in church anymore. Please really don't. Not like I said, not a holiday where you get together. You have a party, put on a funny. Hat. You some cake and ice cream.

But in the sense that God gave us told us. Remember, where you were? Remember what I did for you? Remember what I promise to remember what you said you were going to do. Think about these things? Remember? We're told not to long for the past. Not all the good old days, man. I wish it was like it was back in the 40s or whatever. We're told not to do that, but we're never told forget. We're never told to forget. Elder. Remember history is important to God. Should be important to us. What's the point people say, you know those that don't know their history? They don't know the past. You don't know why it's so important. We don't let our history be erased. That we know it that we understand it. There's so many people that don't know what they don't understand. You're not caught. It, not brought up in church, is not. And if I got a burden for it, if you don't know where you're at, where you're standing. How you got there, makes a big difference. It in your faith and how you're grounded. No, you're very confident when you get in your car and you drive. To the store. You going to remember how to get home? That's history history. If you forgot that you wandering around the store going in hard. Where's my house? What town do I live in? It's just a simple. Just remember those things. And if I hit that pothole of it, I'm going to remember not to do that again. I learn from my mistakes of the past. We don't need to put it away. We don't need 20 SL test on it. Don't matter. No more of that mean. Nothing and didn't do anything. It's all there for something. It's all got a purpose. I didn't go through the trouble. Had to put down it, hadn't survived, thousands of the Tim. Over thousands of years or maybe hundreds of tips, is it hasn't survived all this time. Just because it Some feel-good piece of poetry or something. It's been a best seller year after year, after year after year. People have tried to. Improve it.

If you will try to make it more readily available. I don't know. I don't speak Aramaic or Hebrew. I don't know the original languages of the Bible.

We had to have translations and ever be brought to us and be great. If I could just stand up here and pull out the hearing start.

I don't know why we don't want, we don't, I don't know why. When Jesus has already lived and died. This is when you going to be there. If you did. You ready to go? Tell everybody about it?

Don't pray. Last pray first. You made a very big impression on me talking to those folks, in Zambia asking questions about scripture. Scripture says, if we do this then,

That asked a couple of more question and it was often about healing. It was also about healing. They don't have. Our medical system. They don't have doctors all over the place, clinics and hospitals in their town. If you always get one. And a lot of those places that are considered clinics. They don't have Band-Aids dressing ability to get stitches and life-saving measures.

Not to get off into the minor face. Or more minor things, that the less immediate.

They were occupied a little preoccupied with that. They wanted to know.

And I just received it like little children, just like the scripture says, they just believe they didn't have any doubt. And I just received those things they were asking for. They had because they asked in the ass right after you will. And they planted a seed. And some of them to Salvation rotten closer. It helps the gospel to be shared and be spread. That's all we got to do is talk to people and race your own. They have the face. They receive it. Something, I think we're taught against here. We got all this medical modern conveniences, super fast plane, and I'll how do you get around? I mean Ezekiel.

He got that. Oh, wow. Would that be really need with that? Be cool. He needed. It was necessity. Get accomplished. What we got to remember. What do we need? We need the Holy Spirit, or the holy spirit. Will tell her you'll tell us and it's real simple, really easy. You don't have to give him a whole bottle all at once. You don't have to beat him with a snack around and tell them everything. They can't do, what they got to give up and all these other things. Jesus didn't do that. That wasn't the model he gave us.

Pizza guy. Preach the gospel, share the gospel. That's all were called to do, LOL about him that your simple little things and sometimes the same please and thank you. And the kids missed if you were to five times at McDonald's, that might be just enough looking for church in. What's the time in church. People are rude.

You just love people.

Tell the world about it. See you guys tonight in prayer at my father. I pray that this

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