Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Good morning GracePointe.
i hope you have had a wonderful morning so far in worship as we have gathered together to love the Lord.
To Love Him!
As we sing songs, as our hearts and minds are centered on one thing....God.
We are part of the family of God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We gather to exalt the Lord.
We gather to declare our allegiance to the Lord.
The holy spirit alive within us spurs us and encourages us to keep doing this in all things.
Sometimes encouragement can feel great....and sometimes it feels a bit more like poking or spurring.
John Maxwell, a noted author on leadership and faith has a common introduction to many of his public talks and conferences.
He stands before the people....he smiles and he says “Hi.
My name is John.
And I am your friend.
“ Part of the reasoning behind this is that much of John Maxwell has to give to folks centers around changing habits, changing the way we think.
John Maxwell is famous for this and another quote...”they don’t care how much you know..until they know how much you care”.
And I want to start today by saying I love and care for you GracePointe.
Not the building....although I have grown to love this place and the history it has.
Hands, hearts, sacrifice, and faith have build this place.
That is what it stands for.
I love and care for you people who make up GracePointe because I am called to do so.
I try and demonstrate this not just in words but in deed.
In sacrifice.
In doing the next right thing.
In praying for you...
I don’t say this as If I am perfect…far from it.
I say this because part of what it means to go through the book of involves looking at the way you and I do things…day in and day out…and asking the question....”is this behavior…is this action…is this thought…are the words that are coming out of my mouth......does this reflect the life of a new creation in Christ.?”
Today, I hope to give a bit of both as we dive into practical specifics for how we as individuals and as a community are to represent our allegiance to Christ.
We are new creations…the old has gone and the new has come.
What does that look like?
How do we know if we look like what God wants?
This section of scripture paints a clear picture for how we are to live in the light of all God has done for us as followers of Jesus.
Open up your bibles with me to Ephesians 4:25-5:2 and let me read through this.
Anytime we see the word, therefor, we should look at the previous verses.
I appreciate all of our pastors and their ability to communicate the word of God.
Last week Pastor Michael touched on how verse 17 alll the way through chapter 5 verse 2 is one big section.
Pastor Michael last week walked us through how the big picture is this.
When you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you became a new you.
You are transformed from the past you…the one who lives for themselves, only gives love to those that benefit them....the one full of greed and impurity....the one with a hard heart....that is the old you.
The new you…the one in Christ is marked by righteousness and holiness.
It is a complete transformation and it is all about looking more and more like Christ.
This is not in the text…but it almost is as if someone in the jail cell listening to Paul think out loud as he wrote this letter under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Someone overheard him and asked...”uh....what does the new you look like?”
Today i want to touch on 4 areas that Paul is outlining for us.
These are indicators of a new person....this is the description of a new person…the clothes of a new person.
The first is that we are to STOP LIVING THE LIE and TELL THE TRUTH
Stop living the Lie and tell the truth to your neighbor
Friends, that is where we find ourselves here in verse 25.
Paul is going to utilize an approach of telling us what we should stop doing, what we should be doing and the why behind it.
The way is so important.
As I was thinking through all the different why’s one could have for engaging with God and with others in way that brings Him glory, I realized we didn’t have to go far....Eph 2:10 “10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
We are created uniquely, on purpose and with a purpose.
But as Michael spoke on, we darken our understanding and begin to live out the lie.
The lie that nothing matters…that pleasure and accumulating more....these are the only things that can satisfy.
And they just don’t.
In verse 25, Paul says put off falsehood.....stop living the lie that you are not new.
You are.
Christ died for you and saved you and bought you with a price..the price of His son.
You are new.
So don’t live a fake life!
I so appreciate when i ask someone how they are doing and they say “well…you really want to know?”
We are not to hide behind a hypocritical mask of lies and deceit, a fictitious form of godliness.
We must live out lives as new creations.
New Creations....tell the truth about God, ourselves, and God’s love for others.
Paul is letting us know this because when live lives that our fake, we are actually hurting ourselves as the body of Christ.
I remember a few movies I have seen where somehow one character controls the hands of another character.
It is always hilarious to me when someones hand smacks their own face.
When we live a life that is fake, we are lying and in bondage.
We must tell our story of being new people to others.
When we don’t, we are harming ourselves.
You need to tell that story.
Pastor Michael talked about his story last week…and I loved how he pointed out that he didn’t feel like he had a great testimony.
That is how we all can feel at times.
And yet, I believe we are to tell that story.
My Story
I need to tell that story of coming into faith as a 10 year old…wanting to belong as I hadn’t yet felt like I had anyone other than my immedate family who would know me.
In college, I tried my hand at living a lie.
Putting on the clothes of the old self and seeing what that was like.
And it was awful.
Fleeting moments of fun followed by regret, shame, and heartache.
I rededicated my life to Christ along with a friend, Matt, who was also in my dorm room.
We both felt like…we had tried it our way and came up with much worse than if we had been following God.
So we put on the new clothes of a new creation.
We started holding each other accountable.
We started reading our bible together and finding others who wanted to join the journey with us.
On through the years, I have had moments of success and moments of failure but God’s love never changed.
Not one time.
I have come to the conclusion that the blessings God has already given me right now…they are enough for me to put my trust in Him.
My family, my church family, the love of Christ....these are not theological things that are fun to talk about from a textbook stance…this is the real stuff that gets you through funerals....inimaginable pain.....addictions....relationship problems and moments of doubt.
These are the stories we need to tell one another because we are one body and we all benefit when we stop lying to ourselves and live as new creations.
So we are to stop living the lie and tell the truth to our neighbor....because we are one body.
The 2nd aspect is that when we have anger, we do not sin and we deal with it…now.
BE Angry, don’t sin, and deal with it.
At some point or another, each one of us deals with anger.
For some, it is a daily thing.
For others it happens less.
But regardless, we all deal with it.
We get angry for all kinds of reasons....our needs or desires are not met.
Our own insecurities cause us to be defensive.
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