The Holy Spirit Talks
The Holy Spirit is Promised
Advantages to the Holy Spirit Coming
Three Ways the Holy Spirit Applies Salvation to the Human Soul
Conviction of sin
Conviction of Righteousness
Convicts the World of Judgement
The final convicting work of the Spirit pertains to judgment: “he will convict the world … concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged” (John 16:8, 11). Typically for John, the meaning here may be rightly taken in a couple of ways. Jesus might be teaching that his overthrow of the devil, both by dying to destroy the power of sin and by rising from the dead to bring new and heavenly life into the world, has proved that there is a judgment on evil. Paul says that when Jesus nailed our sins to the cross, putting away our condemnation, “he disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him” (Col. 2:15). Christ saw his death and resurrection as the judgment of Satan, by which his falsehood is exposed and his demise achieved, and in the fall of Satan’s reign we see that all the powers of sin and darkness must fall. Therefore, if you doubt that there is a judgment awaiting all evil in this world, excepting the sin that has already been judged on Christ’s cross, then his defeat of Satan should prove your folly. It is the ministry of the Spirit to work this conviction concerning judgment.
Moreover, Jesus has judged all that is glorified in this Satan-ruled world: power, wealth, prestige, worldly glory, and carnal pleasure. Skip Ryan notes:
In the triumph of Christ, the false one, the liar, the accuser who wants to hold up to us false standards of judgment has been defeated. Do you evaluate yourself by your appearance? Your wealth? Your standard of living? Your success? The opportunities that you have? The clubs to which you belong? The accuser lies and tells us to see ourselves in this way. Jesus comes to reveal him as the liar.
The progression outlined for the Spirit’s convicting ministry helps us to see the relevance of this final conviction for the lives of Christians. We are first convicted of our sin and guilt, and then of forgiveness and righteousness through Jesus Christ. What conviction do we then need as we live as Christ’s people in the world? We need the Spirit’s conviction that the reign of Satan really is over. Jesus had already told the disciples concerning his cross, “Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out” (John 12:31). The cross to which we look for our salvation was also the judgment of the world we left behind to follow Jesus. Paul said that when we were dead in sin, we were under Satan’s domination, living “in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind” (Eph. 2:3). But Christ has judged and defeated Satan and his power, and we are now reborn in Christ “after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (4:24).
Do you believe that you are no longer under the dominion of Satan, no longer bound to sin, but now free in Christ to lead a new life of righteousness? It is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict believers that Satan and his reign are judged and cast down, so that our manner of acting and speaking, our treatment of one another, and our walk before Christ in the power of the Spirit will reflect the truth of his victory.