Christian LifPrinciples - Part 4
Christian Principles • Sermon • Submitted
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Today we are continuing with our series, Christian Life Principles. Webster’s Dictionary’s defines the word principle as: a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption; a rule or code of conduct.
The first principle we looked at was the principle of laying down our lives for others the same way Jesus laid His life down for us.
Then we looked at the principle of giving and we found that giving encompasses much more than finances!
Last week we looked at the principle of Staying Connected to God. The reason we have to stay connected is simple, we cannot live the Christian life without being connected to God and that connection is something that we need to make the decision to do.
Today we are looking at the principle of faith. Our Christian life is a fight of faith!
Hebrews 11:1 (AMP)
1NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
You Cannot Live By Faith Using Your Senses!
You Cannot Live By Faith Using Your Senses!
Faith is not something we can see, taste, touch, hear or smell. Faith is proof that what we cannot see is real! If you really think about it, we operate by faith in many different areas of our lives. We go to work with no idea of how the company we work for is doing financially and there is no guarantee they will remain business. (Tire Warehouse story)
6 And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who give all their passion and strength into seeking him.
We Cannot Please God Without Faith!
We Cannot Please God Without Faith!
Why is that? We cannot see God with our physical eyes but we have to believe that He is real and the only way to do that is by faith. When we operate in faith we are pleasing to God!
Faith causes us to never give up on God no matter what because we know He is real and He hastens to perform what He said He would in His Word! So when we trust Him unconditionally, because of our faith, we please Him!
20 In the morning, they passed by the fig tree that Jesus spoke to and it was completely withered from the roots up. 21 Peter remembered and said to him, “Teacher, look! That’s the fig tree you cursed. It’s now all shriveled up and dead.”
22 Jesus replied, “Let the faith of God be in you! 23 Listen to the truth I speak to you: If someone says to this mountain with great faith and having no doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done. 24 This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer—believe that you have received it and it will be yours. 25 And whenever you stand praying, if you find that you carry something in your heart against another person, release him and forgive him so that your Father in heaven will also release you and forgive you of your faults. 26 But if you will not release forgiveness, don’t expect your Father in heaven to release you from your misdeeds.”
Faith in God Causes Miracles!
Faith in God Causes Miracles!
Jesus said that if we have the faith of God in us that we would be able move mountains. Everyone of us face mountains all the time. Health mountains, relational mountains, financial mountains, mountains, mountains. Faith in God and God’s faith operating in us gives us the ability to speak to those mountains and have them be removed!
12 Fight the good fight of the faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses.
Faith is a Fight!
Faith is a Fight!
We’ve already seen that faith is not something that comes from our natural senses. Since it doesn’t come “naturally”, operating in faith, we need to fight that good fight and stay focused on God’s ability and His character and not on our ability!