The Fire Within
Sermon Tone Analysis
But if God himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking about. But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God’s terms. It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ’s!
So don’t you see that we don’t owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There’s nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God’s Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!
When I think about fire my mind goes to camping out in the woods by a lake in a tent and sleeping bag. Yes real camping where you have to fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In order to cook the fish you need fire so that means you need to gather logs, sticks maybe some leaves to help get the fire started. It can take some time for the start burning where you can see flames coming out of it, yet we know that there is a fire within all the smoke that is forming first. The Fire Within is showing signs that things are being burned off and once that happens there is a connection that happens and you see the evidence now on the outside of the wood that is keeping the fire burning within.
In the book of Romans Paul is the author however he used a scribe to assist with the letter to the Saints in Rome by the name of Tertius. He is writing to remind the of who they are and that they know the law and and they are free in Christ because of who they believe. to continue to teach and share the Word to each other and those who want to know of the Way to salvation. Here in chapter 8 he is giving them solutions on God’s terms on how life is lived. Again I said on God’s terms. In order for the fire to continue to burn we must live life on God’s terms and his alone. We heard earlier in our reading this morning of how the church was born and formed and how the fire of the Holy Ghost came as promised to be the comforter and guide of our lives through Jesus Christ.
The fire within you has be cultivated on purpose. It is not something we can let simmer so we can just go off and do our own thing in life when we become believers of Christ. We we became saved we were filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost, it was not something that you had terry for it was already a promise of Jesus Christ that this will happen when you come to believe. You see the fire was already within you kindling and smoldering just waiting for the yes to come forth to God so the fire could start to burn from within and take up residence in your life. When this happens it is no longer about you but about the God you now serve. It’s like Jeremiah said in 20:9b, but his word was in my hear as a burning fire shut up in my bones. When you have the fire within you can’t sit still, you can’t hide it. You become a peculiar person that has now been exposed to the to the flames that will cleans you and shed away the sin that meets us day by day trying to kill, steal, and destroy our purpose and calling God has placed in each and everyone of us.
You people of God have the Fire within you to live a life full of grace and blessings. The word tells us to today to let God dwell within you and experience life on is terms and now how you want to manipulate the situation. This life must be lived and obeyed on God’s terms and when the fire is burning from within you can’t help but to be uncomfortable when you are not doing what he has called you to do. When you are filled with the Holy Ghost you are filled with a new life that God breathed within you. Not by our own power yet by power of the Spirit within you.
The Spirit is a renewing of your nature
The Spirit is a new birth within you
This is a sanctification process, sin is blocked, you become justified, and you now walk in sanctification that will be purged in your journey until the coming of the Lords day.
The Fire From Within is what rejuvenates you day by day. The old person you were can no longer live in this body where the Fire is dwelling. It can’t help but to change you, mold you, shape you, cleanse you, purify you so that God can become alive within you bring you alive to him and not your selfish needs. He uses it to deliver you from a dead life the word says. You were once dead to life but when the Holy Spirit came into your life it brought a living power that died on the cross and promised to come back with a comforter that will give you power to live a life better than what you have now. The comforter came so that you may live as Christ has called you to live.
The Fire from within you wants to be released to do the work that God has called you to with no fear yet with all power that is within you. Yes, life’s sins will still catch your attention but you will handle those sin issues on God’s terms and experience them how he wants you to experience them.
Today I say to you if you have not recieved or felt this Fire from within burning he wants you to reexamine what you have been saved into so that the things that are not like him can begin to be purified and you will live a life on Fire for God with no reservations. You won’t think twice about wanting to come to church, or pray, or speak to God as your friend, or worship God in a way that you just can’t let go until God says he is ready to let go.
The fire from within is ready to burst into flames and change your life like never before but on his terms and his terms only.