Preparing A Prophet
The Gospel of Luke • Sermon • Submitted • 49:00
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· 13 viewsTheme: The steps to prepare a prophet are Godly parents, Godward prayers, and God's providence. Purpose: To show how God is interested in children before their birth and their raising after they are born.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Luke 1:5-25
Luke 1:5-25
Theme: The Birth of Christ Foretold
Key Verse: Luke 1:3
80 verses; 1,583 words
Grade: 6.0
I. A Doctor. Verses 1-4
II. A Prophet. Verses 5-25 (preparing a prophet)
III. A Virgin. Verses 26-38 (preparing a parent)
IV. A Cousin. Verses 39-56
V. A Priest. Verses 57-80
A long silence of 450 years since the close of Malachi has left God’s people:
Anxious to hear from God.
Worried that God was done with them.
Conquered by the Greeks then the Romans.
Here are the STEPS God took to prepare John the Baptist.
I. Godly Parents. vs.5-7
I. Godly Parents. vs.5-7
A Godly father. v.5a
“of the course of Abia”
When was Christ born?
Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, was a priest in the family of Abijah. (Luke 1:5)
The family of Abijah was to serve in the eighth (8) course, which was the month in the Jewish calendar which was mid-October. (1 Chronicles 24:10)
Zacharias completed his normal service and returned home near the end of October. (Luke 1:23)
The angel appeared to Zacharias as he was serving his course and told him his wife was going to bear a son. (Luke 1:13)
The beginning of the sixth month would have been close to the end of March when Mary was informed she was to bear Jesus. (Luke 1:36)
The normal 270 days of pregnancy brings the birth of Jesus from March 31 to December 25.
b. A devoted mother. v.5b
II. Godward Prayers. vs.8-18
II. Godward Prayers. vs.8-18
The supplication. vs.8-9
The surprise. v.11
The appearance of Gabriel. v.11
The answer of the Lord. vs.13-15
John the Baptist is one of six men in the Bible who were named before they were born. The other five are:
Ishmael (Gen. 16:11),
Isaac (Gen. 17:19),
Josiah (1 Kings 13:2),
Cyrus (Isa. 44:28–45:1), and
Jesus Christ Himself (vs. 31; Matt. 1:21).
The vow of a Nazarite (Numbers 6:3)
The service.
To turn hearts to the Lord. v.16
To make ready a people for the Lord. v.17
III. God’s Providence. vs.19-25
III. God’s Providence. vs.19-25
When we doubt. vs.19-22
The doubt of Zacharias. v.18
Same trouble Abraham had in Genesis 17:17.
Same trouble Sarah had in Genesis 18:11-12.
They had the same trouble you have: they did not believe God’s W-O-R-D-S.
The assurance of Gabriel. v.19
The judgment of God. v.20
When we wait. vs.23-25
Elizabeth received a son. v.24
Elizabeth received God’s grace. v.25
How do you prepare your children?