Forgiven and Free
Forgiven and Free
Pastor Greg Stansel Acts 13:13-52 June 5, 2022
Since Jesus fulfills all salvation’s requirements, we are able to live forgiven and free.
I. Jesus fulfills all salvations requirements II. Living forgiven and free
III. Warnings
What is something from which you have been set free? What was it like to be “enslaved”? What was is like to be set free?
Point 1: Jesus fulfills all salvations requirements (13:13–37)
READ Isaiah 49:1–16
1) Discuss how these verses speak of Israel in the time of captivity. Discuss how these verses speak of Jesus and find
their fulfillment in Him. Discuss how these verses speak of the church participating with Jesus to spread salvation to the ends of the earth.
2) Why is it so important to understand that it is Jesus that fulfills salvation requirements? How have you in your life tried to fill the requirements for salvation? How do you presently try to fulfill the ongoing affects of salvation (sanctification) apart from Jesus’ Spirit in you (Galatians 3:1–3 speaks to this last question)?
Point 2: Living forgiven and free (13:38–52)
READ Galatians 5:1–15
3) What does Paul mean by “for freedom Christ has set us free”? What is robbing the Galatians of their freedom? How
does Paul’s words in this passage in Galatians work with what he preaches in Acts 13:38, 39? What does Paul say we should use our freedom for? How does the answer of the previous question help us understand Acts 13:47?
4) What robs you of your freedom in Christ? What reminds you and encouraged you to live freely? What would it look like for you to use your freedom to “through love serve one another”?
Point 3: Warnings
READ Habakkuk 1:1–5
5) How does verse 1:5 compare to Acts 13:41 in your Bible? Why the difference? What is happening in Habakkuk for
the Lord to rebuke the people? How does this rebuke to Israel in Habakkuk’s time compare to the rebuke Paul gives in Acts 13?
6) Is there somewhere in your life you are doubting the work of the Lord? How will you increase your faith in the plan of the Lord in these areas (name practical ways)?
Practical Applications
1. Take time to meditate and listen to the Lord about areas in your life that you are attempting to fulfill salvation (or sanctification) by your work alone. Then spend time in prayer asking for forgiveness, guidance, and help from the Holy Spirit.
2. Determine practical ways that you can serve others in your freedom from sin and striving for salvation on your own.
Pray the passage
Take time praying through these areas of the text:
God’s provision for salvation through history
Praise for the salvation provided in Jesus Christ our Prophet, Priest, and King Pray that you would live as one who is forgiven and free
Pray for the Lord to give you confidence to share the Gospel with the lost
Memorize & Meditate
“Let it be known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and by him everyone who believes is freed from everything from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses” (Acts 13:38, 39).
Preparing for next week
Read: Acts 14:1-28.
Ask: questions of the text.
Pray: through text, for pastor as he prepares, for your heart to hear, for the congregation to hear, for all of us to be obedient.