Earth's Final Conflict Study Guide
Sermon Tone Analysis
Notice the following phrases in Revelation 12: “a place prepared by God”
(v. 6); “nourished for a time” (v. 14); and “the earth helped the woman” (v. 16)
Every time the devil attacks a child of God, God has a place of refuge prepared
for His children. Christ has called us to victory, not defeat; to triumph, not loss;
to success, not failure.
Episode 4: Satan Will Viciously Attack the Remnant,
God’s Faithful Last-Day people.
4. What are the characteristics of God’s remnant—His last-day church?
(Revelation 12:1)
According to Revelation 12:9, the dragon represents Satan. In this passage,
Satan is angry with the woman, God’s church. The devil is furious with a people
who keep the commandments of God, and he will do everything he can to
destroy them.
Eventually, he instigates a decree so that they cannot buy or sell and will be
imprisoned and face torture and death. Earth’s last war is not centered on the
Middle East; it is focused on the minds of God’s people. It is a battle between
two opposing forces—the forces of heaven and the forces of hell.
The central questions in this final war are, “Who has our loyalty? Where
is our allegiance?” Heaven calls for a final generation of believers who are so
charmed by Christ’s love, redeemed by His grace, committed to His purposes,
empowered by His Spirit, and obedient to His commands that they are willing
to face death itself for His cause.
Our world is headed for a major crisis. We are on a collision course. But
here is the incredibly good news: We are on the winning side. Christ and His
church are going to triumph. In Jesus, by Jesus, through Jesus, and because of
Jesus, we will triumph at last.
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Lesson 1: Jesus Wins—Satan Loses
Introduction to the Three Angels’ Messages
Hitler’s powerful forces seemed poised to conquer Britain. But in underground
war rooms—which London visitors can still see today—Winston Churchill and
his team plotted a strategy that would bring them victory. One important part
of their strategy: They broke the enemy’s code!
In the great cosmic war between good and evil, we too are able to break the
enemy’s code. The Bible’s last book, Revelation, is a code breaker. It unmasks
the plans of Satan and reveals God’s plan for complete victory. It reveals, in
great detail, God’s strategy for victory in earth’s last war. Revelation 12 provides
the backdrop for the great controversy between good and evil waging in the
universe. It provides the setting for heaven’s most urgent message for an endtime generation described in Revelation 14.
There is no neutrality in earth’s final war. But here is the incredibly good
news: Revelation 12 describes Christ’s triumph in the great controversy, a
conflict that began in heaven so long ago. In that battle, Jesus defeated Satan.
Satan was cast out of heaven, and as Revelation 12:8 describes it, the devil and
his evil angels “did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer”
(emphasis supplied). Jesus has never yet lost a battle with Satan.
The theme of the Bible’s last book, Revelation, is:
b. Woman____________________________________________________
Episode 2: Satan Attacks Jesus. Jesus Wins—Satan Loses
In the second episode of the conflict, where does Satan focus his
attention? Define the symbols below. (Revelation 12:4, 5)
a. Dragon____________________________________________________
Jesus Wins—and Satan Loses
c. Child ______________________________________________________
Earth’s last great battle in the cosmic war is outlined in Revelation 12. This
chapter presents four episodes—snapshots from the opening of the battle in
heaven to the closing of the battle on earth.
In the Bible, a rod is a symbol of dominion or rulership. A rod of iron is a
symbol of an unbreakable, all powerful, invincible rulership. Jesus faced every
single temptation that we experience and came off conqueror. The devil is a
defeated foe. Christ has triumphed in his life, death, and resurrection. Since Jesus
has already defeated the devil on Calvary’s cross, we can be victorious too. Christ’s
victory over Satan was complete, but the great controversy between Christ and
Satan is not over yet. Satan was defeated at the cross, but the battle still rages.
The lamb is a central figure in the book of Revelation. The Lamb of God,
our perfect Savior who gave His life in a perfect sacrifice, is mentioned twentyeight times in the book of Revelation.
When we accept in faith what Christ has done for us, our debt is canceled. Our
sins are forgiven. If we are forgiven, there is nothing for which we can be accused.
In His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus conquered and overcame forever
the worst that sin and evil could do to Him. He made the full assault on evil
and overcame it. When we accept Jesus by faith, His victory is ours.
Episode 1: The Battle for the Throne: Jesus Wins—Satan Loses
Describe the cosmic conflict between good and evil. What stands out
to you in this verse about eternal choices? (Revelation 12:7-9)
Every angel had to make the all-important choice regarding whose side they
would be on. In earth’s final conflict, there is no neutrality. The messages from
the throne room of God, and especially Revelation 14, are God’s final messages to
humanity. These messages reveal choices that will decide our eternal destiny.
The freedom to choose is a fundamental principle of God’s government,
but we will be held accountable for the choices we make. There is a powerful
statement that was written in 1899 by one with deep spiritual insight:
“Christ shows that there can be no such thing as neutrality in His
service. The soul must not be satisfied with anything short of entire
consecration—consecration of thought, voice, spirit, and every organ
of mind and body. It is not enough that the vessel be emptied; it must
be filled with the grace of Christ” (Ellen G. White, The Need of Christ in
the Soul, Dec. 12, 1899).
d. Rod of Iron_________________________________________________
Episode 3: Satan Attacks in the Middle Ages
What is the meaning of the time periods in Revelation 12? How do
these passages relate to your own life? What encouragement do you
get from them? (Revelation 12:6, 13, 14)