Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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In case you didn't know that.
There's a lot of confusion about church.
The Messiah do.
I spoke at a men's group yesterday which was half women that I guess men's group aren't necessarily men's groups anymore.
I'm okay with that.
It's fine.
There were no children present.
So I was kind of a relief anyway.
You know actually would have enjoyed some children to church.
A lot of confusion about church.
And the group I go in and one lady said so, so you're from that message.
and I said, no.
We're Christians.
And there was some, I don't understand in the room feeling.
And so I need to say once again, this is part of our Charter.
What church the Messiah is, we are an independent interdenominational, Christian Fellowship.
So if you're a Baptist, we'd like to have you here.
If you're a Messianic Jew would like to have you here.
If you are, whatever we'd like to have you here, even if you're not a Believer, we'd like to have you here.
And then she said, but your Messianic and I said, yeah.
All Christians are Messianic.
What do you mean, Messianic?
I mean, I'm looking forward to him coming.
And and I said all Messianic Jews are Messianic they are.
It's what they call themselves and I would like to read this.
I believe by complete faith in the coming of the Messiah and even though he may wait a while and getting here in spite of that, I will still wait.
Expectantly for him each day until he comes.
Guess what?
Statement of faith.
This comes from.
All juice.
All Jews are Messianic, Jews are Messianic.
They Proclaim this everyday, and they look forward to the Messianic era.
All Christians.
Look forward to him coming and to the Messianic era.
All Messianic Jews.
Look forward to him coming and look forward to the Messianic era.
I don't know anyone who's not Messianic when you come right down to it, other than the people who say there is no God, and I think they're lying to themselves.
So does that clear up any confusion?
Does it raise any anyone was still confused?
Okay, this is a question I get asked often.
Yeah, but you celebrate the Jewish feast.
We celebrate the Feast that are spoken of in the Bible.
Biblical Feasts.
But you don't celebrate the Christian face.
Yeah, we kind of do.
Anyway, enough of that.
That's who we are, huh?
No, I did not.
Years years ago are we had us some students from Cedarville had been assigned an assignment to visit our church and churches like us to report on the practices of various Cults in the area.
Sacrifice the lamb.
I actually I'm not going to say it.
Never washed it stupid.
No, I'm not going to say it.
No. No, no, no no.
So we have a handout that I think has been handed out.
And I also provided this card gifts, of the Spirit, and fruit of the spirit quoting Margo rights beautiful card.
I didn't offer this as a handout because most of you already have one and you don't want another copy cuz I keep forcing it on you.
And I'm not trying to do that, but I will make it available.
So they're out there.
If you're interested in this beautiful card, which I think is wonderful to have as a placeholder in your Bible.
One thing of confusion, it says, gifts of the Spirit that says prophecy parentheses 5, the parentheses 5 means they're 5 verses in the Bible according to my account and other people's account that have to do with the gift of the spirit of Prophecy.
So, the numbers are that and then has Bible verses.
And Margo, right rewrote.
Galatians 5.
She says, Galatians 5:22 through 23, the fruit of the spirit is All About Love.
And you go.
What do you mean Margot?
And then Siri reads the verse, by memory, cold without exception.
Five times, I her to do this.
Joy is love strength.
Peace is love security.
Patience is loves endurance.
Kindness is loves conduct goodness.
Is love character.
Faithfulness is loves confidence.
Gentleness is loves humility.
And self-control is loves victory.
Thank you.
One of the thing I wanted to say a lot of people are expressed.
Some confusion about is why you wear that crazy hat Rob.
I have one to keep an eye on occasion, but I found out, it's okay.
If you want to wear another hat, you can wear another hat and the hat that I wear signifies that, I am submitting myself.
Under his authority.
You can correct me if I'm wrong Peter.
I'm I'm putting myself under the authority of God.
And I'm praying for his wisdom and his guidance and his instruction.
As I wear this hat and I pray that as I wear this hat, the teaching goes out which Is his teaching and not mine.
One more kind of cool thing about this hat.
As Christians, we say we're covered in the blood of the Lamb.
I am also covered in the skin of the Lamb.
It is lambskin.
I also have a cow skin hat but I do not have a coonskin cap.
But Matt Mack might work coonskin video or nevermind, so I had to call initially called it protecting the camp.
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