An Urgent Conclusion
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Grace and Peace to the Fullest… (1 Peter 1:2) This is what Peter wanted to offer in this letter. So far the letter Peter has written has informed us or increased our knowledge of:
That it is Jesus who is building His church
Peter shared the power of Salvation in the believer’s life
This salvation is to be lived out in the believer’s life in order for you and I to be an EFFECTIVE witness of Jesus Christ
Peter shares that this is not easy as we:
...have a submissive spirit to authority and those in places of power in our world
…demonstrate a submissive spirit in our workplaces and even in our families and marriages
… this will in turn create lives that REFLECT the teaching of the scripture and REFLECT Christ
As we live this way we are to keep our FOCUS on Christ
… practicing perseverance
…living out our Christianity in very PRACTICAL ways
Remembering that as Christians we represent Jesus Christ
Peter reminded them and us that God has given us elders to shepherd the flock OF GOD, caring for and protecting in these times of suffering… and both sheep and shepherds are to clothe themselves in HUMILITY towards one another…
NOW CHURCH… HEAR THIS!!!… there is an URGENCY as Peter wraps up his letter. 1 Peter 5:6-14
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen. Through Silvanus, our faithful brother (for so I regard him), I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it! She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you greetings, and so does my son, Mark. Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace be to you all who are in Christ.
We see Peter in his closing remarks to us present a challenge to:
Remember Humility
Release Worry
Remain Sober
Resist the Devil
Really Suffer Well
Realize His PEACE!
Notice the Unity in the Body
Notice the Unity in the Body
Verses 12-13 would have looked different if you were reading the letter Peter sent out...
The writing would have changed style and the vocabulary changes just a bit
Peter writes these words in his own hand
Silas or Sylvanus is the one writing
Peter writes them what is the true GRACE of God!
Straight and to the point “Stand firm in it!”
We are not sure who the she is… (possibly wife or the church in Rome)
Babylon… (world system or possibly code for Rome)
Mark is most likely John Mark (one Paul sent away, Barnabas mentored, Peter shared with and wrote the gospel of Mark)
UNITY… awareness of the church abroad and around the world. Care, love, prayers. A working together!
It is to the church around the world and eventually to all generations that Peter will give his final charge in this letter to...
Remember Humility
Remember Humility
Insights on James, 1 & 2 Peter (Chapter 25: A Formula that Brings Relief (1 Peter 5:5–7))
In an age like ours, the countercultural message of humility is neither popular nor appreciated. At a time when looking good is considered more important than being good, and when superficial impression makes a bigger splash than solid integrity, who has time for things like submission, dependence, and trust? In our dog-eat-dog, cut-in-line lifestyle, deferring to others looks stupid and sounds silly.In contrast to the world’s narcissistic plan for success, Peter writes his letter...
Peter has already discussed submitting to various ones around us and the humility with which we are to clothe ourselves.
The concept of clothing ourselves refers to what others see.
Humility was a distinguishing trait of our Lord Jesus Christ
Humility should be a distinguishing and identifying trait of believers as well
We seek greatness… But Peter states we are to humble ourselves before the greatest!!!
Do people see you and all your greatness or do they see Christ and His Greatness!!!???
In the many ways Peter has called for our submission and humility… Ultimately we are to humble ourselves UNDER His mighty hand...
In their suffering, persecution they were to see themselves under HIS POWERFUL HAND
Recognizing this leads to the next challenge...
Release Worry!
Release Worry!
All of our anxieties, worries can and should be given to Him!!!
This is NOT a suggestion
Christ cares… we need not worry because Christ genuinely cares for and is concerned for His Sheep!
If we have truly placed ourselves under His hand we should have nothing that should bring us worry
Here is a great formula for you to remember:
Submission to others + Humility before God - Worry of the World = GENUINE RELIEF!
Remain Sober
Remain Sober
As His sheep we find no safer place than under His hand when it comes to our adversary…therefore Peter urges alertness
Be sober about this, be alert! Think clearly… (GOING INTO BATTLE)
There needs to be intentional thought to how we live, how we advance in this life
We Have an Adversary described here as a ROARING LION: Scare or intimidate intruders & to declare his territory (this world is his domain)
The Devil is…
Real (Created being)
Powerful (but is not able to act beyond what God allows)
Dangerous (no where near as powerful as God but maybe Michaels counterpart)
Hunting (his territory is on earth)
Not Omnipresent
Angry at God and our adversary (wanting to ensnare the people of God)
Defeated by Christ
Do not give him too much power but also respect the power he has
Share stun gun illustration (at fire dept)
Our faith in Christ is a safe place and a common strength we all hold to therefore we are to:
Resist the Devil
Resist the Devil
Resist is to “push back against the pressure of” vs ENGAGE… we are to engage lost souls
The Devil will pressure us with suffering HOWEVER Peter writes God wants to use this for His glory
Understand your enemy
Stand in your FAITH… assurance of Christ
We are not alone in this
Peter is acknowledging the suffering they will face and that you and I will face, but the next verse addresses Peter urging us to live in Hope for the victory ahead!
Really Suffer Well
Really Suffer Well
It is only by His grace we are even able to come before God with Hope.
God has called you and I to share in the glory of Christ because of His grace!
Consider what comes of suffering for Christ:
Perfect - to make someone completely adequate or sufficient
Confirm - to cause someone to become stronger in the sense of more firm and unchanging in attitude or belief
Strengthen - making persons more able to engage in or to undergo certain experiences.
Establish - to cause to be steadfast or well founded in your faith
YOU… the church! God is perfecting, confirming, strengthening, and establishing His church! And we make up the church! This is not an individual event, we are being built up as His Church.
This is not about you and me but about Him and His Church and the work that He is doing. It is Christ who will receive Dominion – Power and Rule and Control forever!
Realize His Peace
Realize His Peace
Peter has testified of the grace of God and has challenged us to stand firm in it!
Knowing that Christ has done it all should bring us true peace.
Peter begins his letter with Grace and peace and ends it with Peace.
What a message for the hurting and suffering
The TRUTHS Peter has expressed in this letter should lift our hearts, calm our fears, and bring purpose and PEACE through the suffering
May we welcome, greet, and encourage each other (COMING TOGETHER) with the peace God offers especially though times of suffering!