What's this about Gifts
I. Unity within the Spiritual Gifts
I(A). We Confess the Same Lord (v. 1-3)
Just as the Corinthians had perverted almost everything else, they also had perverted the nature, purpose, and use of spiritual gifts. This perversion, as the others, largely was due to ideas and practices they had dragged from their pagan society into the church. The old life continually contaminated the new. They had not separated themselves from their former ways and were still handling, in fact strongly holding on to, that which was “unclean” (2 Cor. 6:14–17). Although they were rich and complete in spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 1:7), they were poor in understanding them and irresponsible in using them.
Spiritual gifts are divine enablements for ministry, characteristics of Jesus Christ that are to be manifested through the body corporate just as they were manifested through the body incarnate
1. “No on speaking in the Spirit of God ever says, ‘Jesus is accursed’”- Doctrinal Test
Corinthians had come to judge the nature and use of gifts on the basis of experience rather than content. The more impressive, showy, unusual, and bizarre, the more a practice was accepted and respected. They had fallen back so deeply into ecstasy and enthusiasm that their judgment was completely warped. As long as it took place in the church and was presented by someone who claimed to be a Christian, any teaching or practice was accepted without question. Content was ignored, even to the extent of disregarding that which was obviously immoral and blasphemous.
2. “No on can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except in the Holy Spirit”- Sincere Confession Test
An unbeliever can easily utter those words. Jesus warned, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21). True confession is based on true faith, of which obedience to God’s Word is the true mark. Confessing Jesus as Lord means nothing unless it involves affirming who He really is and obeying what He commands.
Lord implies sovereign authority. There is overwhelming biblical evidence that the word means rulership. If the Lord is creator, sustainer, and controller, He obviously is sovereign.