I'm Screaming for A Reason!
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I'm Screaming for A Reason
Text: Mark 10:46-52
The grass withers and the flowers fade thereof, but the word of our God will stand forever.
I Am Screaming for A Reason!
Biologically it happens when the mouth opens, and air rushes through the mouth down the Esophagus filling the lung cavity with air pressing down on the diaphragm causing hot air to rush back up past the vocal cords and the voice box leaping from your lips like a diver from a board thirty feet above the water.
· We would call it a scream!
Though some of us may argue that we don't hear many screams, but the truth of the matter is--that's not totally accurate
Everywhere we look, people are screaming
· If you don't believe me turn on the news somewhere someone or several people have been shot and killed, and their loved ones are screaming
· There will be people shouting tomorrow night; they will be screaming for their favorite NBA team, the Celtics, or the Warriors
· Screaming happens at football games all the time, and it's funny no one has to prep you, convince, or push you; it just comes out when your team's scores
· It happens at concerts when your favorite group would take the stage back in the seventy and eighties when music was real
· Franky Beverly and Maze, Commodores real music
· And there was one time when screams of passion and prayers, praise, and Thanksgiving happened within the hallowed halls of the church.
· Our ancestors were people who were passionate about calling out to the God-- they loved and kept beat not by the sound of a drummer but by the tapping of their feet on the wood floor
· Some wore hats with big bows, and some with fruit on it, and they gave you a fan with Martin Luther King on one side and funeral home on the other
I am preaching this because one out of five of us really needs God! And if it worked for Bartimaeus, it could do the same for us.
· It's simply an act of faith and adoration in God that he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think
If we can scream for the basketball game, the football game, and the lottery machine, you should be able to open your mouth on a Sunday morning and scream for God!
· It's in the Bible, when you read the gospel according to Mark, Jesus is pictured in an awesome way
· He's so awesome in Mark 5, a woman who had been sick with an issue of blood found out that He could heal her with or without medicine
· I don't know how she heard He was coming; rather, it was the Jerusalem Gazette or the Palestine Post.
· All I know is she showed up and pressed her way through the crowd and touched the hem of his garment, and immediately was made whole
And Jesus says who touched me and his disciples said who touched you, Jesus, you trippen because there are people all around you, and Jesus says Nawl, this was a different touch.
· I like this story because it lets you know there can be a crowd of people, but not everyone shows up for the right reason
· Is there anybody who came to touch Him this morning?
Wait, watch the text: Jesus turns around and sees the woman kneeling and says woman, your faith has made you whole
· It's a gospel of excitement. I promise you
· When Jesus, in the gospel of Mark, gets to the house of Jairus and his daughter has passed away, they have called the whalers and worshippers to come because the sick little girl is now dead.
But watch the Bible in Mark 5, Jesus says why are y'all making all this noise, and they respond because the little girl is dead… Jesus says in the Dewayne Dodd version, you don't know who I am, I am the resurrection, and nothing can stay dead around me!
They burst into laughter, and Jesus sometimes does something that we need to do--- to put people who don't see how we see; He puts them out!
· The wrong people in your presence can mess up your miracle.
· The wrong people in your presence can affect your faith!
· How many of you still believe?
o He still opens blinded eyes
o He still is a healer
o He still opens doors that nobody else can open
o If the person next to you doesn't believe you, I would find somewhere else to sit!
· It's the gospel of excitement!
By the time we get to chapter 10, He's on his way to Calvary
· I just need to say this: Thank GOD FOR THE CROSS of Calvary
Because as He goes, He goes through Jericho with his disciples and a multitude of people, and while he is on the way, there is a blind man Bartimaeus hears that it's Jesus, he cries out Jesus' son of David have mercy on me, and the people around him, tell him to hush up, be quiet, chill out
· Isn't it amazing how people think you are overdoing it when you need God!
· When the truth of the matter is that God is the only one who can fix it!
o Your friends cannot fix it
o No matter how much you have
o Or how many degrees are on your wall
· If you want to do something, help me holler, Jesus have mercy on me!
· I need some people who are willing to help me cry out to God in my weakest moments!
Look at the text Vs. 48 And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" [1]
· He cries out even more, and Jesus stands still and calls this blind man over to Him.
· He asks him a simple question that has a biological influence
· Jesus asks him what do you want from me? He says I just want to receive my sight
Jesus doesn't:
· Touch him
· He doesn't give him a prayer clothes
· Jesus doesn't put any oil on his forehead
· This is for all y'all: prayer clothes buying, holy oil slapping, all that is nice, but when God gets ready to heal you--- He doesn't need none of that!
The Bible says:
· He was made whole because of his faith
· You have been made whole because of your faith!
The reason why I am preaching this is because:
Some people are here this morning; you have a reason for your screaming!
· When you need God in your family--- You have a reason for your screaming
· When you need God in your body--- You ought to have a reason for your screaming
· When the enemy has attacked your marriage, your finances--- You ought to have a reason for your screaming
· When the devil is trying to destroy your mind--- You have a reason for your screaming
· When you are fighting to keep your sanity---You have a reason for your screaming
· If you got fake friends and real enemies--- You got a reason for your screaming
· If you have seen your life crumble before your eyes---You got a reason for your screaming
· I need just a few of y'all to tell someone--- I got a reason for my screaming!
If it worked for Bartimaeus: It will work for you!
I wish I had about 10 of y'all who would holler: LORD, I NEED YOU!
What does your scream say to the Sovereign Lord of heaven? (Here it Is)
· It means this to heaven: I Need God!
There are two groups of people listening this morning:
· One group of people you don't have any needs
o Your money is great
o Your health is good
o Your marriage is fabulous
o You got a new car
o People who work with you say you are doing a great job
o Everybody who smiles in your face really likes you
o So, to you who don't have any needs--- I hope you are recording, taking notes--- because there will come a day:
§ When your name can't get it
§ Your money can't buy it
§ Your car won’t start
§ Your degrees won't matter
Then there is a second group here this morning who needs God right now!
· Can I tell you there is nothing like crying out to the Lord of heaven!
o Lord, have mercy on me!
When you look at Bartimaeus's name, it is not a proper noun; it's really an adjective
· Bar—means son--- watch this
· Timaeus—means man from nowhere
· So technically, when you look at his name--- he's the son of a man from nowhere
· But here's the shout: It's not where you are from; it's about where God is about to take you!
Bartimaeus has multiple issues
· One is biological; he cannot see
· Second, he has a relational problem with the people around him he has to rely on
o It's one thing to be broke: it's another to be sick and broke
o People who you help keep their lights on--- will forget about you
· And because he has a biological and relational problem, he has a social problem because he is stuck with people having to bring him stuff, take him places when he needs to go
· Because he has a social problem--- he has a spiritual problem; he is saying, God, where are you when I need you--- but let me tell you what I like about blind Bartimaeus
Bartimaeus knows how to get a prayer through!
· He uses what works until he gets what he needs
· He cannot see, but he can hear, and he can talk
· So, he listens well and hollers loudly
· I wish there were at least five of y'all who refuse to let what you don't have… stop you from getting what you need today!
Tell someone I'm not going to let this pass today- I will not let it stop me!
I may not have money
· But I can holler
I may not have good health:
· I still can holler
I may not have the job I want:
· But I can still open my mouth and cry out to the Lord!
This is how you know you need God:
· When your problems you have… have no human solutions
You know you need God:
· When you are down to your last twenty, and it's just the beginning of the month, you need God to take your twenty and make it spend like fifty!
You Know, you need God:
· When the devil is trying to pull you back to an old lifestyle that God has already delivered you from
You know you need God:
· When you take one pill for one thing, but that one pill messes up something else, so now you need a pill for that thing
You know you need God:
· When you are sitting there this morning knowing if God doesn't pass by--- You are going to stay broken
But you know if God passes by and looks at your situation
· He has the power
· The ability
· The authority
· And the audacity to fix it all!
· Is there anyone here this morning who needs God-like right now?
Watch This: When you need God desperately, you should cry out the more loudly!
· Sometimes when God's getting ready to restore some things
· He will adjust you positionally and tell you when to holler
· You’ll know it was nobody but God!
It’s in the Bible for all you, Biblical checkers: Turn to Joshua 1:5
· 5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. [2]
· God is about to give them new territory, Moses is dead, and Joshua now takes over.
In Joshua 6, God tells them to go to Jericho, and I am going to tell you when to scream
· Don't just scream for no reason
· Don't scream because the music moves you
· Don't scream because the drums are playing
· God says I am going to que you when to holler!
He says march around the city every day once a day for six days, but don't say a word!
· But on the seventh day, God tells Joshua to tell Israel to march around the city 7x, but on the 7th time, I want you to tell them to scream on purpose
· I want you to shout so loud because of the things the enemy thought they could take!
· I am going to make him give them back to you!
· If God did that for Joshua in his day, I feel like the same God will make the devil give some stuff back today.
· Oh, I believe if you open your mouth at the right time and let God know you need Him, He'll show up like never before
I just need someone who can testify about what God has done… and begin to holler out if God did it for Bartimaeus, He'll do it for me!
First Point Was:
What does your scream say to heaven?
· I need God
Second Point:
· I am desperate
Watch this:
· You have to be careful who is around you; the people who were around Bartimaeus were part of what was wrong and not what was right
· Instead of helping him scream out for the Lord, they tell him to be quiet; you are overdoing it!
See, when you are doing it right:
· People around you ought to think you are overdoing it
· You are losing your mind--- cause they don’t know your situation!
· And when they ask you why you are making all that noise, you can say, I NEED GOD --- I need God right now!
Look at the text. Look at the cry of Bartimaeus!
· Vs. 48 48 Then many warned him to be quiet, but he cried out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"[3]
· He cries in a loud voice
· The text lets us know he doesn't cry softly, but he cries as loud as he can!
· Someone needs to call on the name of the Lord this morning!
Look at the text: Vs. 46 Now, they came to Jericho. As He went out of Jericho with His disciples and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging.[4]
· Bartimaeus had one job description; he cried every day… the text says he sat by the road begging!
· He was a beggar; he couldn't see, so he had to cry out to people to help him!
Here's what is interesting:
· He hollered every day, but as long as he was hollering out for them, they didn't have anything to say.
· But when he stopped hollering to them and started hollering to Him, they now got something to say!
If you are sitting around some people, or you know some people who say it doesn't take all that, you don't need to holler!
· You tell them: You didn't wake me up this morning; you ain't got nothing to say!
· I am going to cry with everything I got!
Look at the text:
Vs. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" [5]
· He calls Jesus by His name
· Sometimes you don't have time for a long prayer; sometimes, all I got time for is to call Him by His name!
Have you ever been in a spot where all you could do was call Him by His name?
· And God stepped in right on time!
There's something about His name church:
· There's healing in his name
· There's salvation in His name
· There's deliverance in His name
· His name makes heaven rejoice
· His name ought to make a church shout
· There is something about HIS name
· His name can turn things around
· His name can turn you around
· Is there anybody here who will just call out His name!
· Don't get sidetracked by people
· Don't get sidetracked by what you see
But you have to keep on crying out till the Lord show's up in your situation and in your circumstances
· If you can, holler for a football team!
· If you can, holler for a basketball game!
· If you can, holler at the casino!
Then you ought to be able to holler out for your God in heaven!
· Lord has mercy on me; I need you right now!
· Bartimaeus cried till Jesus stopped
· Bartimaeus screamed until Jesus asked him what did he want!
The Bible says:
Ps. 134:1-2: Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord,
who stand by night in the house of the Lord!
2 Lift up your hands to the holy place
and bless the Lord! [6]
The Bible says:
Ps. 100: 1-5: 1 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
2 Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!
3 Know that the Lord, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
5 For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations. [7]
Is there anyone who's willing to give God praise to get God's attention!
· Thank Him for your healing!
· Thank Him for peace in your family
· Thank Him for waking you up this morning
· Thank Him for answering your prayers
· Just thank Him for all that He has done!
· And just like Bartimaeus cried out: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”[8]
[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Mk 10:48.
[2] The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Jos 1:5.
[3] The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Mk 10:48.
[4] The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Mk 10:46.
[5] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Mk 10:47.
[6] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ps 134:1–2.
[7] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ps 100:1–5.
[8] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Mk 10:47.