Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Looking at these passages, we see a picture of a growing church in need.
During this time, we find a church made up of both Hellenistic (Greek speaking Jews) and the Hebrews (Native Jews).
Hellenists were from the dispersed Jews who lived outside Palestine, while the Hebrews were native Aramaic speaking Jews native to Palestine.
While they were both Jews, they were from other areas, different from each other, and differing in their needs.
The Jews, while they did not speak Greek fluently, seemed to be neglecting the needs of the Hellenistic Jews.
In reality what we find is the first church cliques, as they were dividing themselves into comfort groups - those in whom they could relate more closely to.
As a result, the needs of the Hellenistic widows were being neglected.
Herein rose the problem - they were coming to the apostles expecting them to make things right.
As a result, it was drawing away the attention of the 12 to their main focus and mission.
To prepare for sermons, teaching, and administration of the church.
“It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables”.
Instead, the apostles requested the whole church pick seven men among themselves to meet the needs of the Hellenistic Jews in the church so the apostles could focus on their duties.
No just anyone would do, as they were to be “of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom”.
Of good repute - martyreō (mar-too-reh’-o) - a witness to the faith, someone who has an honest testimony, the root of this word is mártys (mar’-toos) which describes one who remembers and can tell about something - their faith, testimony, and the saving power of Jesus Christ.
(A true witness of who Jesus Christ is).
Full of the Spirit - pneuma - a description of one who has a life that exhibits being full of the Holy Spirit.
and of wisdom - the trait of using knowledge and experience with common sense and insight.
We see a description of one who has characteristics and traits of a mature Christian who is willing and able to be a living witness of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, and has both knowledge and the common sense of how to use it.
As a result, the church picked seven men who met these standards to look after the widows every day needs by distributing food among all those in need.
Those chosen were set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them.
Apparently this worked, as verse seven tells us:
Having deacons looking out for the needs of the members, frees up the pastor to focus on his calling - to teach and preach to the congregation.
It worked then, and it is a model for how the church should function today.
But who is to be called as a deacon?
Deacon - diakonos - a servant who cares for the needs within a body of believers.
This word for service, as distinct from douleúō (to serve as a slave), therapeúō (to serve willingly), latreúō (to serve for wages), and leitourgéō (to do public service), carries the basic nuance of personal service.
The role of deacon is for personal service to the members of their church.
Ones who look after the needs of widows, and the well being of the members during sickness, death, and even health.
They are the spiritual thermometers within the church, gauging the “health” of the church by tending to the needs.
This is not a calling to take lightly, nor one to neglect.
As such, Paul gives a list of qualifications of one who will serve as deacon.
dignified - The deacon is to be serious in his duties, and highly respected among his peers.
This does not mean that the deacon is to walk around with a long face, never smiling, joking, or having fun.
It simply means that he is serious-minded and committed to Christ and to the mission of the church: the mission of reaching the lost and meeting the needs of the desperate of the world.
not double-tongued - gossiping, saying “one thing to one person and something different to another [person]”; saying one thing to a person’s face and something else behind his back.
The quality of not being doubletongued is important.
As a deacon ministers through visitation (going from house to house) he is often tempted to gossip or say one thing to one person and something else to another person.
He is also tempted to evade or smooth talk issues.
Therefore, he must be a man of integrity, a man who speaks the straight truth—a man who is as honest as the day is long.
not addicted to much wine - a deacon must be of high standards, not craving the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
not greedy for dishonest gain - must not be a lover of worldly gain or possessions.
To put ones possessions at the foremost part of their life will leave little room for the care and concern of others.
hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience - The mystery of the faith is given in verse 16.
1 Timothy 3:16 (ESV) 16 Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He (Christ) was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.
He must believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, lived a sinless life as an example for all, died on the cross for our sins, was crucified and became the sacrifice for us paying all debt sin, and is resurrected and waiting to return again.
tested first - A novice must not be given a position of leadership in the church: lest he become prideful and “fall into the condemnation of the devil.”
Satan was expelled from heaven because of pride.
It was pride that caused his fall and brought condemnation upon him.
When a person is given a great responsibility before he has become rooted and grounded in the faith, he is most likely going to fall and be condemned just as Satan fell and was condemned.
We must always remember what Matthew Henry points out: “Pride … is a sin that turned angels into devils”.10
We must guard against pride.
We must guard against putting a person in a position of leadership that will tempt him to feel more important than he is.
prove themselves blameless - he must meet some personal qualifications; he must be a person of great Christian character.
Above reproach; not open to attack; not able to be criticized by the enemy at all.
husband of one wife - a loyal husband, preserving marriage in all its purity and taking seriously the vows of two becoming one flesh during marriage.
manages their children and household well - the home is a miniature of the church; the home is the proving ground for leadership in the church.
The husband is the head of the home.
This does not mean that he is the dictator, tyrant, or bully of the home.
It means that he is the leader of the wife and children.
He is to be the spiritual leader of his household building of a loving, joyful, and peaceful home all while showing and modeling the love of Christ.
Not only does the deacon have to meet qualifications, but so does the wife.
dignified - The deacon must have a wife who is as committed to the Lord and to the church as he is and must be serious-minded, honorable, and respected.
not slanderers - a gossiper; talking about others, stirring up mischief and disturbance.
sober-minded - a mind that is sound, sensible, controlled, and disciplined.
faithful in all things - completely trustworthy as a wife and mother and as a believer.
The role of deacon is not something that any church should take lightly.
Nor should it be considered a role of status or authority.
Deacons are to serve the congregation, the pastor, and the Lord well.
Paul goes on to tell of the significance for those servings as deacons.
The deacon gains good standing before God and the congregation they serve, and experiences more and more assurance and freedom in the Spirit of God.
At this time, I would ask Robert to come forward.
As you have been duly set apart to this honorable office to which this congregation has called you, I ask that you answer the following questions:
Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice?
Do you reaffirm your allegiance to Jesus Christ and His Church?
Do you accept the office of Deacon in this congregation, and promise faithfully to perform all its duties?
Do you promise to further the interests of the church to the best of your ability, and to cooperate with the pastor and members in promoting the harmonious and effective working for all?
Do you, the members of Mount Carmel Baptist Church, acknowledge Robert as deacon in the church; do you promise to encourage and pray for them in his office and to cooperate with him in the fulfilment of the mission of the church?
If you do, you will so indicate by saying “We Will”.
By virtue of your call to the office of deacon by this congregation, and your satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements for deacon as found in God’s Holy Word, I do now hereby ordain you as a deacon of the congregation of Mount Carmel Baptist Church.
You may be seated.
At this time, I ask that all those who are ordained to come forward, give counsel, encouragement, lay on hands, and pray for our new deacon.
Let us pray.
Family, please come forward.
Church, at this time I ask you to come forward, and take time to congratulate, encourage, and pray with Robert.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9