But do you love me
In the summer of 2008 I went to a 24/7 prayer conference in the Czech Republic. At one point we had a chance to read some of the stories that have come out of prayer rooms across the world. One floored me.
A guy took a 3am slot in an australian prayer room, where he found himself meditating on this passage, John 21:15-25. As he left to walk home, he walked past a drunk homeless guy who was lieing unconscious on the floor. He was surrounded by a whole load of big red australian ants. He knew they were deadly, so he crossed the road and shook the guy. Nothing happened. He shook him again. Still nothing.
He tried a third time. As he did, the guy sat up, looked him straight in the eye and said "But do you love me" ... he stood, shook the ants off his clothes, and walked on.
Source: Magazine Name, January 1, 2006