Sons and Sins

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Welcome to the the Podcast guys and thank you for sharing a few minutes of your week with me.
One of the reasons I started the project was to share my personal journey in Christ with other men.
I wasn’t physically present the day my King gave himself for me. I didn’t get the opportunity to walk with him and see him do miracles or hear him teach.
While I didn’t see any of that with my own eyes, I believe that the testimony of the men that did is trustworthy and true.
What I have seen with my own eyes and experienced in my own life, ...that I can bare witness too.
That’s what this podcast is all about, me sharing how a risen Jesus by his Holy Spirit ...revealed the truth of his Gospel to me, gave me the ability to believe this message and the power to become a Son of God.
Romans 8:14 NET
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.
The leading of the Holy Spirit has been a force in my life for many years now and He continues to reshape me as a man.
It’s that process of being reformed and reshaped into the image of God’s Perfect Son that men get confused about.
Salvation isn’t just a singular event. I am saved, I am being saved and at Jesus’ return I will be saved.
The salvation of Jesus is a process, one that I have not always been a willing party too.
My story is filled with failures, ignorance and downright stupidity. The sins I have committed after my acceptance of Jesus as Savior are far more grievous than the ones I committed before I knew him.
When we first start in relationship with Jesus, we are just like a spiritual toddler learning how to walk. We will fall, we will stumble and eventually we will learn to walk.
It’s when we accept the constant stumbling and stop trying to learn how walk upright that we get in trouble. It’s when we buy into the lie that we will always stumble, so we should just embrace that as a part of being human.
1 John 3:9 NET
Everyone who has been fathered by God does not practice sin, because God’s seed resides in him, and thus he is not able to sin, because he has been fathered by God.
When those who are outside of Christ, sin... they are certainly held to the consequences of those sins.
Even if looks like they got away scott-free I can assure that they didn’t. The laws of sin and death are as sure as gravity and taxes.
When we sin as sons however, we can expect a difference experience than those who are not sons.
Sons are handled differently by God and by God’s enemies.
When Sons Sin you can
Expect the enemies of your soul to jump on this like a duck on a June bug and wear you down with guilt, condemnation, anger, frustration, hopelessness..and any other feeling or emotion they can through at you that will make you feel more like an Orphan than a Son.
Our sin becomes a weapon in our enemies hands and they know how to use this weapon with great skill, because Sin is their medium of choice and they have been using in to drag men away for Millennia.
The Divine Being that we call Satan today is called that because a Sa-Tan in Hebrew means an accuser or a prosecutor if you will. It wasn’t originally a proper name... Satan was a job description
in Z..3:1 there is actual scene where you can see him accusing.
Zechariah 3:1 NET
Next I saw Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, with Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him.
Satan will accuse you in your own mind and seek to condemn you in your thinking, Before the Cross, Satan had the right to stand before God and accuse a man and you better believe he that often
But after the Cross and After the Empty Tomb, All power and All Authority was given to Jesus
And if you are a Son.... Satan has NO RIGHT to condemn you any longer because Romans 8:1
Romans 8:1 NET
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
That doesn’t mean that Sons who Sin don’t face consequences for that sin, it just means Satan has no right to be addressing , because as a Son we are no longer under his authority.
A sons, when we Sin we can
Expect correction not condemnation from the Father.
Hebrews 12:6–11 NET
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son he accepts.” Endure your suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is there that a father does not discipline? But if you do not experience discipline, something all sons have shared in, then you are illegitimate and are not sons. Besides, we have experienced discipline from our earthly fathers and we respected them; shall we not submit ourselves all the more to the Father of spirits and receive life?For they disciplined us for a little while as seemed good to them, but he does so for our benefit, that we may share his holiness. Now all discipline seems painful at the time, not joyful. But later it produces the fruit of peace and righteousness for those trained by it.
If you not are getting correction from the Father when you openly sin, you are not a SON.
The passage we just read is clear....God, corrects his sons, he trains his sons and uses their failures to teach us how to be sons.
In my past i made the mistake of failing to recognize the corrective hand of my Father.
Life becomes painful for Sons of God we are in open sin, because Sin is destructive and it separates us from the life and power of God.
When things get separated from life they start to rot and decay. Like deep wounds that get infected, sin produces wounds in our souls that will manifest themselves outwardly in our lives in very painful and destructive ways. Those who are closest to use are often collateral damage in this.
There were several seasons of my life that were very painful. Nothing was working. Not my relationships, not my marriage, not my family, not my work life, everything around me seemed to be going to hell in a hand basket. This is where we as men will often medicate ourselves with Alcohol, Sex, Porn, Pot, Drugs, Video Games.most of you guys listening know this story and some of you may be living in it right now.
This of course just ramps up the infection and the pain. We mistake a small comfort that promises relief, ...a relief that is short-lived ....for true healing.
We foolishly continue to numb the pain instead of dealing with the wound.
I see a lot of guys today whose lives are in tremendous turmoil, their marriages are a wreck, they are living in sustained misery and it is misery brought on by their own sin and refusal to own it.
If you are a Son, this chastisement from God that we often fail to see.. is the one of the greatest gifts of grace. Because God only corrects those who are his. He only corrects those sons who he deeply loves.
When’s the last time you spanked the neighbors kids?
As as Son
You can expect and trust in this, when you are God’s son he is fully committed to seeing you transformed and reshaped into the image of his perfect Son, Jesus. Even when you are not committed to this, he is and he never stops working in our lives.
When you are Son of God, you can be sure that our Father relentlessly pursue us and is working everything in our lives including our failures and the correction that follows for our good and his glory.
Here’s what I want to leave you with today. If you’re a Son of God and you are living in a state of unconfessed sin, that sin is weapon in your enemy’s hand and you can be sure that he will use it at just the right time to bring about the most pain and destruction that he can in your life. I know this to be true because I have personally experienced it.
The ONLY WAY you disarm him, is to confess this sin, to acknowledge it, ask for forgiveness, intentionally turn away from that sin and determine in your heart, by the grace of God to never return there.
Remember , those Father by God do not practice Sin.
You may need to confess this to another brother and ask for some accountability as you learn to walk free from that sin. Whatever you do, you can no longer afford to ignore it.
Your Father, who has known you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb, knows exactly who you are at your worst and at your best and he still loves you
You cannot, disappoint God by your behavior because he has never had any false expectations of your behavior. Jesus knew all your sins long before you committed one of them and paid the full price for them all.
You can however grieve God’s heart with your behavior and create tension and distance in the relationship ....but your Father has never abandon you as a Son and he never will.
Stop allowing the enemy to convince you otherwise. You are Son not an Orphan.
Come to the Father, ask for forgiveness and then allow him to restore you.
Remember, it is those who are led by the Spirit, especially when he is Convicting us of sin and prodding us to deal with it, those who are led by the Holy Spirit, those are the Sons of God.
Stop ignoring the Holy Spirit and his work in your life and allow him to lead you back home.
Let me also say if you are regularly practicing sinful behavior and you aren’t being chastised and convicting in your heart by the Holy Spirit, you got problem and you are likely not a Son.
You may still be under the authority and the care if you can call it that of the enemies of God and Humanity.
Now is a great time to examine yourself and if you find that you are Orphan and not a Son, I got good news for you, God is still adopting Sons and you can be One if you are willing.
Until next week
May the Lord bless you
and protect you.
 May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.’ 
God Bless Brothers
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