Ephesians 3: 1-13
Unity, Mission, and You
A Mystery Revealed
Unity a mystery revealed!
Our unity is in Christ
Boldness and Confident Access on Mission
I will tell you how faith grows. Sometimes it grows in intensity. You believe the same things, but you believe them more firmly. A child has a pearl in its hand. Yes, but now the child has grown up into a man, and he has the same pearl, but how differently he holds it. When, as a little child, he held the pearl, then you might, perhaps, have taken it away from him; but now that he is a man, see how he doubles his fists and grasps the treasure!
So it is with the man who grows in faith. He gets such a grip on eternal truths that you cannot take them from him. He has learned to stand firmly. He is not carried about by every wind of doctrine. He keeps the helm of his soul fixed right to the port where he is bound, let the wind blow and the storm howl and moan as it may.