What is a Disciple - Follower of Jesus
This sermon series focuses on what it means to be a disciple. This sermon focuses on putting aside your life and picking up the cross to follow Jesus' ways and life.
What is a Disciple? - Follower of Jesus
disciple (Gk., “learner”), an apprentice or pupil attached to a teacher or movement; one whose allegiance is to the instruction and commitments of the teacher or movement. Isaiah called his followers disciples (8:16). Most NT references to “disciple” designate followers of Jesus, including both his closest associates (the twelve) and a larger number who also followed him (Luke 6:17); eventually, the term “disciples” was used as a virtual synonym for “Christians” (Acts 6:1). Other people, however, are also said to have had disciples, e.g., John the Baptist (Luke 11:1; John 1:35) and the Pharisees (Matt. 22:16; Mark 2:18). In John 9:28, some Pharisees claim, “We are disciples of Moses.” See also apostle; twelve, the.