The Life Style of the Blessed & Saved

Colossians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Life Style of the Blessed & Saved

Colossians 2:6–8 ESV
6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. 8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
Introduction: There used to be a show called Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. It was hosted by a fellow named Robin Leach. The show would highlight the houses and extravagance of those who were rich. It was always exciting to me to see how the rich and famous lived.
What about the blessed and saved though, how do the blessed and saved live.
The text today offers us an opportunity to see the character of the blessed and saved. There may not be money and extravagance but there is the example of Christ and the fulfillment of joy that comes when we trust him.
DT: When we walk in Christ we are rooted in Him with thanksgiving and avoid unspiritual influences. (Avoid the influences of the world)
Transition: Today’s text demonstrates the lifestyle of the blessed and saved in three ways. The first is Christ is our Model
Christ Is Our Model (v.6)
“6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,”
Paul challenges the Colossians to live a life subjected to the authority and example of Christ.
Paul points out that they recieved Christ, meaning they accepted Him as Savior. They were taught of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Because they are now blessed with the benefit of salvation they must live modeling the teachings of Christ.
Paul says, “. . .Walk in Him” it means to walk so that everyone knows He is your leader. It means to follow Him. It means to live as though He is physically present.
Illustration: I recall as a child when my dad would walk outside in our yard sometimes his footprints would be on the ground and I would attempt to walk in each of his footprints.
Transition: The word of God, the Scriptures are the footprints of Christ for each of us.
Application: You must begin patterning your life after the words of Christ. When was the last time you walked in His footprints? How often are you reading His word? How do you respond when people hurt you? If you are being vengeful and mean you are not walking in Christ.
Transition: The second attribute of the lifestyle of the blessed and saved is that We place Our Confidence in Christ.
We Place Our Confidence in Christ (v.7)
“7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
Paul explains that the believer must be deeply attached to Christ. This is not a surface relationship. Roots dig beneath the surface of the ground which enables the plant or tree to have stability and are uneasily pulled up or knocked over. But most importantly the roots provide plants and trees the ability for nourishment so that they will grow.
Paul’s point is that confident Christians are growing Christians. This is why he continues by saying be “built up”. Just another way of saying grow in Christ.
Paul says be faithful. Encouraging them not to waver in their trust of God. Even when life may be uncomfortable and things are rough. Paul says, you have been taught to be faithful.
Then Paul uses a word to describe the type of thanksgiving they are to exhibit. He uses the word “Abounding”, it means to have more than enough. I am really not doing it any justice by stating it like that. It means to have more and more and more. It is continuous. The thanksgiving Paul is speaking of is continuous.
Transition: The confidence we have in Christ will cause us to have continuous thanksgiving.
Illustration: Many athletes show gratitude to God when they do something good, like hit a home run, score a touchdown, or win a race. Former Indianapolis Colts kicker Matt Stover has learned to give God the glory even in defeat. During the first quarter of Super Bowl XLIV (44), Stover made a 38-yard field goal and promptly pointed to the heavens, giving God glory for his achievement.
Of course many players do that. However, in the fourth quarter, with the game on the line, Stover missed a 51-yarder. Once again, he pointed to the heavens. That action didn’t escape notice: “CBS announcer Jim Nantz made note of the action, lauding Stover as a ‘spiritual man,’ grateful for divine blessing in success and failure, victory and defeat.”
The Bible teaches us to give glory to God in all we do, not just if it is successful. God receives much glory when we praise him and remain faithful, even when things do not go the way we would like them to.
Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell, “Thankful for Missing a Field Goal,” in 300 Illustrations for Preachers, ed. Elliot Ritzema (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015).
Application: The confidence of you and me should never be placed any other place than Jesus Christ. Our confidence in Christ reveals our level of growth in Christ. As we grow in Christ there should be signs that we have faith in His ability. Our lives should glory Him. You can’t be 50, 60, & 70 years old and still acting like you are 15. How much growth and confidence do you show when you can walk by people and not speak. People who are thankful realize that it is only because of God’s grace that we are here so we don’t have time for the nonsense and pettiness.
Transition: This leads to our final point, which is We Are Victors in Christ.
We Are Victors in Christ (v.8)
“8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.”
Paul warns them to stand their ground against those who seek to mislead and erroneously influence them to turn away from Christ’s teachings.
Paul says, Do not be taken “captive”. This word captive gives us the imagery of someone being bound and carried off away from the truth into the slavery of error.
Paul says see to it that no one takes you captive. They have a responsibility to live guarding their hearts from erroneous doctrines and teachings. Do not fall for the stuff that sounds good. Stick with the Word of God.
Victors are not easily swayed by the misinformation of the false teacher. Victors challenge them with the Word of God. Paul calls for them to know God’s Word and teach God’s Word to others so that they are not overcome by false teaching.
Application: You are chosen by God to be victors and carriers of His Word. Do not fall prey to the misleadings of our society today. There are so many who are saying its ok to be this and ok to live that way. Do not be captive to this. Stand your ground and stand on the truth of the Gospel.
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