The Results from the Resurrection

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Normally, that's when I would speak, but it's, it's been a long time and it is humbling. An honor and a privilege to. Share with you the word of God this morning. What God has laid on my heart.

Have your Bibles with your turn. Please to Colossians 3, 1 2 4, Because that's where we're going to be spending our time this morning.

Use your electronic devices to if you so desire. And let me read these verses. I'll read them will have a word of prayer and then I'll share with you what God has laid on my heart to share with you this morning.

Colossians 3 verses 1 to 4.

Paul says, since then you have been raised with Christ. Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated, at the right hand of God.

Set your minds on things above. Not on Earthly things.

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

When Christ, who is your life appears? Then you also will appear with him in glory. Let's have a word of Prayer. Father, we thank you so much for this word this morning. and I pray, Lord, as I share from this word that you would speak in the through me.

please, I want to say the words that you would have for me to share And Lord, if anybody is here, this morning who doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that no one would leave in that condition and pray these things in Jesus name, amen.

How the name of my messages to results of the resurrection and if you're following your notes, the the first point is reacting to the resurrected life. And the first thing I want to say, before I get into these versus is praise. The Lord for Pastor, Mike in the messages that he's been preaching.

Especially in the book of Colossians.

I don't want to embarrass Margo virtual, but she made a comment on face wipes last week and I like to read it if you hadn't seen it, it's, it's a great, great comment. She said, thank you, Mike for taking time and putting all the work and do our homework every week. It is such a blessing. You are a fervent faithful servant of Our Savior and Lord Jesus. And of our church family. Amen. And you and I need to continue to encourage Pastor Mike go up to him after one of his messages and just tell him how you were blessed by his preaching. And not only Pastor Mike, the other pastors to Pastor Keith and Pastor Micah, I can't believe how much this music relates to what I have to share this morning. Michael, you did a terrific job of there's always thank you for your dedication and diligence. This is an encouragement to our pastors and we need to do this. A before I get into these verses in Colossians chapter 3 I want to introduce what I'm going to say by saying that in chapters 1 and 2 of the Apostle, Paul introduces chapter 3 and 4 because in chapters 1 and 2, Paul sets forth the doctrine. That is so essential for you and me and then the chapter 3 and 4.

Are the personal applications. Or application of the doctrines of chapters 1 & 2.

Nepal being The Incredibles teacher that he was set it up just like this. And we should be concerned about doctoring. Doctrine is essential. I know some Christians don't like doctor Doctrine again. Yes talking again and again and again and again to see Central our faith and Doctrine, it shouldn't scare anybody, it's just a fancy word for teaching.

and in chapter 1, And chapter 2 Paul delineates, the doctrine of who Jesus Christ is and what he came to do. It's so important.

Our Pastor Mike has been sharing that the gnostics were infiltrating, the church. These were false teachers that were Promulgating their false doctrines. And they enticed a lot of these kalajian believers. And one of the things that the calash or excuse me, the gnostics taught, one of the heresies was that. God. Could not come in human flesh. That God could not become a man because the flash was evil and said, God couldn't have it and evil body soap. All want to put that to rest right away and he did. How do you say? These are some verses that Pastor Mike has already preached on in there. Going to be a few that he hasn't gotten to yet, but I'm excited and can't wait to hear what he has to say. Concerning those verses in chapter 2. What is an in Colossians chapter 1? 16 through 18. Paul said, 4 in heaven, I had seen Jesus Christ. All things were created things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through him and for him, that encompasses everything that there is and only God could create

But then Paul doubles down and I wanted you to see this in the next, verse you miss it, if you don't read it carefully, he says he is before. All things in him, all things, hold together. I want to concentrate on there was, he is before all things, maybe might not expect something like that. You might expect him to say there. He was before all things, which Jesus Christ was before all things being God. But probably this intentionally, he use this. existential third-person intransitive, verb is Enunciate and double down on the deity of Jesus Christ and let me show you how he how he did that when he said that Jesus is before all things, he's referring to the I am of Eternity. John 858 the Lord. Jesus Christ claimed to be God because he said before Abraham was I am and he was alluding to The Exodus 3 passage and the Jews knew this, when he said it, when Moses said to, Excuse me. God said to Moses I am that I am And tell him that I am has sent you. Back to John 8:58, before Abraham was Eagle Eye. Me Greek, I am. And that's exactly who Jesus Christ is. The I am of Eternity.

but then,

in Colossians.

Let me finish these versus here.

He is the head of the body, the church, he's the beginning in the firstborn from the dead so that in everything he might have the supremacy and its Pastor. Mike share, don't let the word firstborn steer you in the wrong direction. Because of Jehovah Witness called. For example, says that first born needs first created and it doesn't has nothing to do with creation. the word in the Greek for firstborn is probably tacos and it has to do with preeminence. That's exactly what Paul is talking about her preeminence or first and ranked first in the sortie OR Supremacy. And then notice how he ends here. That never think you might have the supremacy. Keep scripture in its context these quotes don't do that. They rip it right? Out of context. Paul is talking about the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Here has nothing to do with being created. and then, if you turn the Colossians 2:9,

Paul said for in Christ, all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form. God.

How anybody could say, I believe the Bible. And denied the deity of Christ reading. This verse, stymies, the mind. And I would have to say that it has to be a satanic blindfold. As an explanation for anybody denying, the deity of Christ, this is one of the most powerful verses and all the New Testament that we're one of his followers, says that he's got himself and human flesh. So, there's no question.

10 in verses 13 to 15 Paul changes gears.

Any thoughts about what Jesus Christ did for us. When he says, when you were dead in your sins and then the young circumcision of your flesh, God Made You Alive with Christ. He forgave us. All our sins have been canceled, the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned as he's taking it away, nailing it to the cross.

And having disarmed, the powers and Authority, she made a public spectacle of them. Triumphing over them by the cross. In these vs. Paul is talking to us about the Redemption that we have in Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus came to do. We came to redeem us and he's teaching that it was through the process that God did this and noticed. It says they're he forgave us all our sins. One of the clear verses in the Bible that says that he forgave us all our sins, past present and future sins were forgiven at the cross. Taking them away, nailing them to the cross. And I also want you to notice to the very last thing that Paul says, he decimated Satan after cross. He dealt them, his death sentence His days are numbered. Good thought to keep in mind.

And one more verses from Colossians 2 since you died with Christ to the elemental, spiritual forces of this world. Why is, though you still belong to the world? Do you submit to its rules? In this verse false teachers that we died with price, we're going to get back to that in a little bit. But at least he he mentions it here. now, back to Colossians chapter 3,

First, one starts with the phrase. Or excuse me, a quad. Since then you have been raised with Christ as some of your translations might read if you have been raised with Christ, that's not a good translation. That's actually a faulty translation. Since is a better translation of that word. At the beginning of that Clause, I was talking to Pastor Mike about this, a few weeks ago, I consider Pastor Mike to be a Greek scholar, and we talked about it and send card about this word that it has nothing to do with any question. Other words, there's no. If he, if fear about being raised with Christ, if you're a Christian, if I'm a Christian, we have been raised with Christ and let me give it to you. From the word of God.

Romans chapter 6, if you turn their please verses 1 to 10 music, Verses that we use in baptisms.

Paul said, what shall we say, then, shall we go on sinning. The grace may increase, by no means. We are those who have died to sin. How can we live in it any longer? Or don't, you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ baptizo, the humorist summers in the Christ, Jesus were baptized into his death. So we died with Christ when he died. We were therefore buried with him and then we were buried with him. Through baptism unto death in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead, through the glory of the father. We too, may live a new life. So we we we died with him. We were buried with him and we were raised with him. for if we have been United with him in the death like this, we shirt will certainly also be United with him in a resurrection like his For, we know that our old self was crucified with him, so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with that. We should no longer be slaves to send because anyone who has died has been set free from sin. If we died with Christ, we believe the we go out to live with him. We know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again. That's no longer has Mastery over him. That, that that he died. He died to sin once for all but the life he lives he lives to God. So I think of the old him where You There When They Crucified My Lord, somebody might know that him. I think that's the waters. Made it pretty famous and you know what you and I are Christians can say yes, I was there.

We died with Christ. We were buried with him and we were raised. And then if you go to the book of Ephesians, we're seated in Heavenly places in Christ, Wonder of Wonders.

Beautiful. Outbacks of Colossians 3.

probably saying here that the logical progression is since we have been raised with Christ, since this is where we are, then set your hearts on things above, that makes sense. Where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

And if you read these verses, once again, it just reminds us of that.

I want my process set your hearts on things above. What it? What is the heart? What does he mean by the heart? The heart is. The real you and me. It's our emotions. And our desires. And the Bible says an awful lot about the human heart, encourage you to get a concordance. And look at all the verses in the Bible concerning the heart and what God says about it. I jotted a few of them down.

and I want, I want you to

reason with me. And see what God says in these few verses about our hearts. In Ezekiel 36:26. Ezekiel said, I will give you a new heart. And put a new spirit in you. That's just like we read in Romans 6. I will remove from you, Your Heart of Stone and give you a heart of Flesh. Forgot to put some new hardness. Give this new desires a new way of thinking.

Proverbs 4:23 Above All Else, guard your heart. For everything you do for us from it. The waterfall said, the set your heart on things above. because according to this verse, From our hearts full of Springs of Life.

And Matthew 5:8 says, blessed are the pure in heart. For they will see God. So if your heart is set on things above,

Proverbs 3 5 & 6, says trust in the Lord, with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

And then Matthew 22:37 says, love the Lord your God with all your heart. Soul mind. and with all your strength,

And then, Matthew 6:21, finally says, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also another words. What you value, most in life, that's where your heart is going to be.

Back to the coalition's 31-24.

What does Paul mean by things above? I thought about this. and, It has a lot to do with eternitees views.

What are some things that would Encompass eternitees views another where it setting? Our hearts on the views of Eternity. Let's get back to the basics. when I first became a Christian, I was told there for things that you need to do. if you want to live the Christian Life, the first one is to pray. when we pray, we are seeking or setting our hearts on the things above What is praying? It's simply talking with God.

And it's commanded, we are commanded to pray. Where do pray without ceasing the fervent prayers of a righteous man, availeth much?

And I know it's challenging but we still are commanded to do it. And by the way, we have prayer in this church, before we start on every Sunday morning at 8:30, we would love to see more of your people come out and pray with us. On Sunday morning.

The next thing that's important.

Is this book?

Reading it, studying it and applying it to our lives.

Are we doing that? That's another way that we set our hearts on things above. When we read the Bible, God talks to us. We talked to him when we pray and a relationship should be a two-way street. He talks back to us when we read his word. I don't know, honestly, how you were. I could get through the day. Without being in this book. With the way, our culture is today. We need to be in this book as much as possible, digesting it. Reading it, studying it and applying it to our lives.

I read something a long time ago and it stayed with me. Sin will keep you from this book and this book will keep you from sin. Sin will keep you from this book and this book will keep you from sin. How true? And let me add here to when you sit under the preaching, in the teaching of the word of God here. And by the way, the word of God is taught in this church in a fabulous way. It's it's Unique. And when you stayed under the preaching and teaching of the word of God, you're being consoled by God's word. I know what, I know, there are some people who need personal counseling And that's fine. But I think the number of them might not need it. If they came were regularly, the church and sat under the teaching of the word of God, and we have it in Sunday school with dedicated Sunday school teachers. I hope more you, people come out to Sunday school. We need to have that basement filled with people. Please come out. I encourage you.

The word of God.

The next thing. Is.

witnessing, if you, and I want a Set a reminder cards and things are, but we should be Witnesses. We're going to have these classes on evangelism. Please come out.

It's a command. It's a part of the Great Commission or it is pretty much the great. Except we are to make disciples to not just witness over to make disciples of all nations. In Jesus in Acts chapter one said, you were my Witnesses. He said that to us as much as he said that to the Christians there. And in witnessing strengthens our face. And it is synced seeking things above. And by the way, it's an imperative just like the other things that I talked about.

And we're giving the power and the authority to do this. So we need to be doing it. And then,


what we need to do to set our hearts on things above, as we need to be Fellowship in with other Christians, pray, read the Bible and study the Bible. Witness. And fellowship. Don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is.

It's in Fellowship that we grow. We encourage one another. We sit under the preaching in the teaching of the word of God.

That is setting your heart on things above. Where Christ is seated at the right hand of God and Paul is talking there about the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what he means. By the fact that price is seated at the right hand of God. That's the reaction of the heart. That's the second, my second point. The third point is the reaction of the Mind.

because in the next verse Paul says, set your minds on things above, Not on Earthly things.

So not only are we to set our hearts on things above weird set. Our minds on things above

The Bible says a lot about the mine too, and I encourage you to study on the mind in the scriptures, what is the mind? The mind is. Our conscience. It's also what we think.

For example, in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 Paul said that the God of this world has blinded the minds of those that don't believe.

We are to be thinking about things above. What I just talked about. And this is the Crux of what shapes. Our attitude is Christians.

I know some of you people here knew Jerry major senior. One of the things that he told me and I never forgot it and it's so true. Attitude plus action equals accomplishment. Attitude plus action equals accomplishment.

Everything that happens in our lives is based on her attitude. And how how we think. For example, when we're praying. We're thinking about God and God's power. When we witness the people were thinking about those people and praying for them.

When we read the word of God, we're thinking about what God says. And when we Fellowship for our minds are certainly on what what they should be.

So all of this is very important and interesting Lee, he should have noticed if Paul added something here, you can say in the previous verse, not on Earthly things, we're not to set our minds on Earthly things. And there's a reason for that.

What are Earthly things? I'll give you some examples.

Money. Living for wealth. Another words popularity Fame. but there are also some other Earthly things, anything that is sin is Earthly and we're not to put our minds or hearts on Earthly things.

once we Shuffle off this Mortal coil is Shakespeare used to say We? Are not going to have any of those things. that we cling to so much in the Here and Now, No wonder. Jesus said, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

Unlike the next question is, how do we, how do we set our hearts and Minds on things above? Because we're we're dealing with a spiritual battle here. According to Ephesians 6. our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against Does authorities in higher places against Satan. so this is a battle and if it is a struggle, And we can't do it in our own strength.

So, how do we set our hearts and Minds on things above? Well, the first thing in the most important thing is to make sure you're Christian. You might be here this morning and you're not a Christian and then I'll tell you what. I don't mean by that, I don't mean that you go to church. That doesn't make a Christian and I don't mean that you've been baptized either and other good things but being baptized doesn't necessarily mean to your Christian. What I do mean is that you come to the point in your life where you realize that you're a sinner and that because you're a sinner, you're lost for all of sinned and fall short of the glory of God and the wages of sin is death. Which is hell and that God and his love and mercy as we just read and kailash and sent the Lord Jesus Christ. As a substitute sacrifice for Sinners, he paid the price for a sins on the cross the just for the unjust and the sinless Lee, perfect and perfectly, send the Son of God whose God, the son died in our place on the cross and we need to turn from her since that's repentance and then receive the Lord Jesus Christ, as our personal Lord and Savior by By Invitation, by asking him to come into. As many as received him to think I'm a dummy, gave the right of the power to become the sons of God. But once we become Christians, how do we send our hearts and Minds on things above both simple. In fact, it's so simple. We miss it.

In Colossians 2 6:12 as we have received the Lord Jesus Christ. So, that's how we were to walk in him. Walking in him, is synonymous with setting our hearts and Minds on things above How did we receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith? That's how we're to walk by faith. Simple trust in. The Lord. How do you do that? Well, that's up. Make sure your confessed up as much as possible if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And then we appropriate God's control in our lives. Just ask him to control us. That's simple. Call Ann in first John. John said that if we ask him anything according to his will he hears us?

These are command so they're certainly in his will. And he will do this. It's just a matter of us, making sure that we do our part and inappropriate is controlling Our Lives.

And then we can we can we can live the way Paul said to live here.

And then Paul said our life is hidden with Christ in God those are mysterious words. Let me try to break them down for you. I think we're Paul is going here. Is he saying that we're safe and secure in the Lord? Jesus Christ.

I mentioned another him. Northern hymn leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Safe and secure from all alarms.

And that's where we are in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Have you heard ever heard anyone say? You know, you could be so Heavenly minded. You're no earthly good.

Well, you know what I say, if you're not Heavenly minded, you'll never be any Earthly. Good.

Think about it. Christians in this country started hospitals. They were free when they started to. Christians are the ones who started libraries. Christians started. Orphanages.

Our constitution is based on judeo, Christian teaching. Anything that's good in our culture came from Christians. Even the Ivy League schools were started by Christians.

What did atheists ever produce, they produced dictators that Rufus was murdered millions of people.

So, don't let anybody ever give you that type of stuff.

And then Paul Ends by talking about the second coming, he says, when Christ, who is your life appears and you also will appear with him and Glory. As as words, I think of encouragement

I want to close here by giving you some verses that are verses that speak of our Safety and Security in the Lord Jesus Christ. In John 10:27 to 30 the Apostle, Paul. Excuse me, the Apostle John said my sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they shall never perish. No one shall snatch them out of my hand. My father was given them to me is greater than all, and no one shall snatch them out of my father's hand. I am. My father are one. We're in the father's hands in the sun Sans how much to torque a more secure but we be and then in Ephesians 1:13 and Fortini says Paul says and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth about school of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with the seal the promise. Holy Spirit to watch over all of the tenderly tightly held hands of our savior in God. The father is the Seal of the Holy Spirit. What possibly could change that security. Nothing can

And this holy spirit is a deposit guaranteeing our inherited. Those words are so dogmatic guaranteeing or inheritance until the Redemption of those who were to the praise of his glory. And then Ephesians 16 being confident of this that he who began a good work in, you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ and it finally, Romans 8, 35 to 39, Paul says, who shall separate us from the love of Christ, shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine, or nakedness, or dangerous, or as it's written for your sake. We Face tats all day long. We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered knowing all these things we are more than conquerors, not just a more than conquerors through him. Who loved this for? I am convinced that neither death, nor life nor angels nor demons know her. Neither the present nor the future, nor any other powers either. Ritenour death in, if that's not enough continue nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God. That is in Christ Jesus. Our lord.

Thank you, Lord. Let's have a word of Prayer.

Father, we thank you so much for your word here, this morning and I pray for each, and everyone of us here this morning. That we would apply these words to Our Lives that we would set our hearts. And our minds on things above, not on things on the Earth. purposing the live for you, praying, starting the word of God, witnessing fellowshipping And living the way you want us to live.

I pray your blessing is, we leave here. Thank you so much. For all you've done for us and in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray these things in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you. And God bless.

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