4 Bible Study Genesis 2:4-25 The Ideal Situation

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Genesis 2:4-25 has the Bible’s second creation story with Yahweh God placing man and women in the garden.  The first couple is in a beautiful ideal situation humans are in the court of God.

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welcome to the talking about the Bible podcast, this is Reverend Bob Wood and today we're going to be looking at Genesis chapter 2, verses 4 through 25 In our previous study, we looked at Genesis chapter one, we saw God creating the universe stars and the planet Earth, Moon Sun, a bigger, a bigger stage than we're going to look at today. There we have God's name being referred to as Elohim and God seems a little distant. How do you speak things into into existence? It doesn't seem to really interact much other than to say things and they're done. Chapter 2 verses four through 25 weeks. He got a little differently. Here he is referred to as Yahweh Elohim or Yahweh God is we're going to say see you in our English translation more personal name, A name that's Origins. We find later on. In Exodus where God asked, Moses ask God what he should call him. What his name should be in God. Responds with the phrase. I am that I am things to be an origin for the word Yahweh.

Let's begin reading from verse 4, chapter 2. I'm going to be reading from the lexan English Bible, which is a translation that is put out to logus Bible software. I you don't have Logos, Bible Software. Encourage you to look at it, you can get a mobile version with some of the basic basic formats of what you need for a Bible Software. At both the Play Store and at the App Store and iPhone or iOS. Genesis chapter 2 verses 4 through 25. These are the generations of heaven and earth when they were created. And in the day that Yahweh God made Earth and Heaven before tea, plant of the field was on Earth and for any plan of the field had sprung up Because God did not cause it to rain upon the Earth and there was no Shuman being to cultivate the ground. What is Streamwood rise from the earth and water, the whole face of the ground and when God Yahweh, God, formed man of the dust from the ground and blew into his nostrils, the Breath of Life. And the Man became a living creature and Yahweh. God, planted a garden and eating in the East and there. He put the man whom he had formed, and God caused to grow from the ground. Every tree that was pleasing in the sight of God for food and the tree of life was in the midst of the garden along with the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. We have God planting a garden after. He has created a man who takes any puts in the man in the garden. You can kind of almost visualize that he's created the man over here on his left. Easement created The Garden on his right. He picks up the man and he puts the man in the garden and he gives the man, the job of taking care of cultivating.

The garden.

Verses 10 and following says, now a river flowed out for meeting that water the ground and from there it diverged and became four branches. The name of the first is the Pichon. It went around the land of havilah. Where there is gold, the land of that. I'm sorry, the gold of that land is good and dead of them and Onyx stones are there. And the name of the second is Kion it around. Went around, all the land of kush and the name of the third is Tigers, it flows east of Assyria and the fourth is Euphrates. And Yahweh God took the man and set him in the garden to cultivate in to keep it. And y'all wake Amanda the man sing from every tree of the garden. You may freely eat but the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil you shall not eat for in the day that you eat it from it. You surely shall die. Then you always said it is not good. That the man is alone. I will make him a helper as his counterpart and out of the ground. Yahweh, God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky. And he brought each to the man to see what he would call it. And whatever the man called that living creature was its name, and the man gave names to every domestic animal into the birds of the heaven to all the wild animals. But for the man there was not found a helper As his counterpart. So God is searching for a counterpart for the man. Afraid, all the animals and he's brought the animals to the man. The man is given names to them, but they're not. Suitable to be a counterpart to tell you. God knew that the animals were going to be suitable for a cat to be his counterpart. This is not a surprise to God but it is something from the man to understand. Birth 21 and Yahweh. God caused a deep sleep to fall in the man while he slept. He took one of his ribs and he closed up the flesh around where it had been and Yahweh, God, fashioned the rib, which he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man. And the man said she is now bone from my bone and flesh from my flesh, she shall be called woman for. She was taken from the man. The only suitable counterpart for the man was Something that was just like him. Made out of his flesh, who had the spirits that got it in party to the man, when he created him, he breathed into him and he became a living being became a spirit. It became a carnal creature, in a sense because of the spirit of God in him.

And the animals were not given that.

They were not given a soul for back of better work, but the woman was and she was to be his counterpart. Now, you know, they said the woman from his side or rib, an old preacher story says that he didn't take and make woman from the Keel of man because man would have dumped. It didn't take. From the man's head and make woman from that because then she would have ruled over him. But he took from the man's sides of that they could walk together. Here, we have an idea of what the relationship was meant to be in the Garden of Eden. There was God, there was a man, there was a there was a woman and there was the animals and the garden that the man was to take care of. now, when we step back, and we understand that, as we read the Bible, as people in this century were so far removed from the original hearers It would have read it when it was written in antiquity. In Antiquity when we will see God as a king or a. And there's a king, a king that live in castles like medieval kings that they would hold their report and visit with their dignitaries and their courtiers. In the garden. Castle was dark. Castle was not comfortable, but in the Middle Eastern culture of Egypt or Babylon, Syria, they would have met outside in a garden. There would have been erected. The Throne of the king is cordilleras around serving him, and that is what we're supposed to see is going on here. God's kingdom, the universe, has a garden which is it central Focus? There is created the animals and as the lowest form that he and above that is created, man to take care of them and above that would have been God and His Heavenly Host. There's a counterpart here. In chapter 24. Adam for the first man, and it's the woman. Where's 24 tells us clearly that the author of second chapter of Exodus like the author of the first chapter of acts, as the author of, the first chapter of Genesis wanted to make sure we understood that there is a moral life lesson, at the end of the first chapter, in the beginning of chapter 2, verse 1, 2 3, it is clear that the seven-day week that God is described as creating the whole universe. Is it that we understand that the seventh day we're to rest here as a Sabbath here in Chapter 2 verses four through 25. We understand that the purpose of this is to understand the relationship of a man and his wife that there to be separate and make a family unit there for a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cling to his wife and they shall be as one flesh. You know, it's clear here that unlike some of the Customs here in the country where I live in Honduras, the desire is for a man to get married and to leave his family and to start, his own family is a new family. And that him and his wife are to be one flesh. The to the, in the ideal situation there to be not only United physically in a relationship but Also spiritually and emotionally. The ideal situation was for them to be counterparts to each other. There's no there's no one person ruling over the other. There is a Unity that was the goal in the ideal. As the second chapter is explaining an incident with first 25 sink and the man and his wife, both of them were naked and they were not ashamed. This is an ideal innocent pure Garden in the middle of the garden of those two trees, can't touch that touch. Can't eat from the garden, from the Tree of Good and Evil that you can see from all the rest.

We'll find out in chapter 3 that this comes crashing down that this relationship of the garden where God is with man and man is with, God is going to end. I hope you listen to our next episode. Where will look at Genesis chapter 3?

I hope you enjoyed today's broadcast. If you are interested in contacting me asking questions, may be having a discussion about this Bible say I would love to do that with you. You can contact me through my email which is Bob at Red Bob. Wood.com, Bob at Red Bob with Cam or you can check out my Facebook page which is facebook.com, would hope you have a glorious day

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