Tried and Proved Like a Sailor
Psalm 17:3; 26:2; 66:10; Hebrews 5:8; James 1:12
Preaching Themes: Education, Pride, Suffering, Weakness
A man who has never been on board ship says, “I am a splendid sailor.” I have heard such boasting often. But I have seen that same gentleman, when we had started only a quarter of an hour, and he has learned that there is not so much of the sailor in him as he thought.
In a similar manner, some people are fine Christians until they are tried and proved. They never have any doubt or fear whatsoever. But put them in the circumstances of others of God’s children, and they are the very first to show signs of weakness.279
True Christianity Is Like a Larch Tree
Lamentations 3:27; Acts 14:22
Preaching Themes: Comfort, Conflict, Discouragement, Persecution, Suffering
Many years ago a larch was brought to England. The gentleman who brought it put it in his hothouse, but it did not develop in a healthy manner. It was a spindly thing, and therefore the gardener, feeling that he could not make anything of it, took it up and threw it out on the dunghill. There it grew into a splendid tree, for it had found a temperature suitable to its nature. The tree was meant to grow near the snow; it loves cold winds and rough weather, and they had been sweating it to death in a hothouse.
So it is with true Christianity. It seldom flourishes so well in the midst of ease and luxury as it does in great tribulation. Christians are often all the stronger and better because they happen to be cast where they have no Christian companions or kindly encouragements. As liberty usually favors the hardy mountaineers whose rugged hills have made them brave and hardy, so does abounding grace, as a rule, visit those who endure the great fight of affliction and through much tribulation inherit the kingdom.280