The Church Member's Position

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Thank you for your attendance today. It is great to see you hear that is to see who I can see and that's always a difficult part. Apparently this is going to take a minute to do to start up but you have on the screen in front of you fairly soon. The same presentation that I have we're going to be talking about church membership for the next few Sundays. We all start with Ephesians chapter 1, the openings versus but it's important to understand that when she just talks about. People that go to church they don't God, doesn't necessarily mean only a local church such as Grace Church in Lockeford. He's talking about those who are believers in the Lord. Jesus Christ, most of you here today. Thank the Lord have come to know him as personal savior. I don't want to talk to you. I want to help you get established in your faith over the next few weeks and give me about the word of God. So that you may reach those who are need an infusion 1:7 and your Bibles, I believe her over to that. I hope. And if not why I turned it, if he's a chapter one, because we going to be in that chat for a little bit. It says in ham. In him, that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. If he's in chapter 1, verses 22 and 23. It says the church which is his body that is the Lord Jesus Christ again and then it says in Ephesians 1:13 in Christ. Jesus, by the blood of Christ, do is review of accepted the gift of Salvation. Have accepted the fact that God made the way for you. We'll talk about that more as we go along, but I just wanted a size. The fact that we're not talking about church membership here in Lockeford, we're talking about members of the body of Christ so it's important to know that. Now, there are actually five major things about Ephesians that the are true of every member of the body of Christ, every church member. And the first is the fact that we are in the world,

Fall starts out the letter by addressing it to those who are at Ephesus.

That's our state. We are at Lockeford.

And Lockwood is in the state of California. That's our state as well. That is that's a geographical state but we are here. God has placed us here and sometimes the situation here is not Pretty good. The circumstances that befall us that state may not always be pleasant. John 16:33 the Lords of talking. It says the things. Let's see this here. These things have I spoken unto you that you might have. Peace. In the world. You shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. That's the Lord, Jesus talking. He is Victorious over the world and God sees you complete, we'll talk about that in a moment or two, but our state is sometimes in a state of flux. You know, things are not going well for us, evil is going all around us and we we tend to go to bed at night and it keeps us awake cuz we often worry about what what's going to happen. Tomorrow, who knows? Except God and like Tom said, God knows. And Mary used to say that as well. God knows the Lord knows what's happening and he is in control. and that's important for us to know and realize we are in this state here, we are in Lockeford, but then the second thing we see is Or are we have to ask the question? Where are we in? God's perspective? We are at Lockeford. What it where are we in God's perspective? Because that's who's important. We are in Christ. This letter is addressed to the Saints words. Are at Ephesus to the faithful in Christ, Jesus and bless your hearts. That's where we are as Believers in Christ. Jesus. That's where God sees us. It's interesting that this is our standing as generally theologians call at the difference between our state and our standing, but it's also interesting that Saints wear called Saints in various places in the book if he's in 1:1 called the Saints and various places throughout Ephesians and other officials he's we're called Saints. I don't know whether you realize this or not. But Saints are not statues of the Roman Catholic church or any other Church. Saints are holy ones. Now, I look around here today. I'm sorry, I should probably say this because you're on your best behavior today, but some of your probably not real. Holy, I know I'm not continually mess things up. And some of you may have that impression regarding my pastor together. Well I'm not sure he knows what he's doing. Well God knows and he considers me a Holy One. That's what he is giving me as a result of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. And you, as a Believer or holy, absolutely righteous before God. Romans 3:24 talks about that. It says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Being justified, that word means declared righteous or holy we are completely free of sin as far as God is concerned. Now I'm going to mention this probably a couple of times today but noticed that these words are all in the past tense. God is already done that work. I don't understand that. How God can know who I am before, the foundation of the world? Is it says here and still have me saved. And as far as he's concerned, he seen me that way and sees me now as in Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ, this is the standing, but I have before God and the scripture says that the unrighteous will not stand in the judgement. God is already giving me a standing. I don't have to worry about that because I am in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the Heavenly she says, First one in the heavenlies. Most of you don't look very happy and lie to me. And I sure don't look that way to you, but that's where God sees. It's already in the heavenlies already and glorified body God has done the work and we ate when we accepted the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's where he, what position he gives us and where he places Us in the heavenlies. So it's important to understand that. Each one of us here who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. God already sees us as the place that he has in mind for us. We are in Christ but then there's something else and that is we are blessed. Verse 3 says, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the Heavenly places again in Christ. We are blessed as an unconditional.

Provision. Of being Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to take a moment and just give you a little contrast and I'm not going to read the whole chapter of Deuteronomy 28, but I'm just going to know this to you that when you go to do Toronto me 28 you see God's blessing for Israel. Well, I'm I'm here to tell you that you're not Israel. Number one and you need to realize that you are part of the church which is Christ's body. And when you read Deuteronomy 28 it starts out with if and God says, if you obey my voice Then I will do this. I will bless your land. I will bless your children. I will bless your flock. I Will Bless areas of your life and he goes on names that, and then he talks about if you don't evade my voice, this is what I'm going to do. But God doesn't say that to Believers in the Lord. Jesus Christ, he says you are blessed. Not if you do this you will be blessed. Having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ to save. You are in Christ. Just take a minute because some of your thinking well yeah but we're supposed to do certain things, but let me ask you this, you remember that it was strange that I gave several weeks ago about driving here to down here to the stop sign, and losing track of what you were doing, and going through the stop sign and T-boned in my car. And there was a CHP sitting right there and you went to court and plead guilty and the judge says, well, I know that you don't have the money, but I've paid the fine and their keys to a new car in a credit card. So I can remember that now supposing, the judge also said to you, by the way, I'm planning on having some people over Sunday to would you like to come and help me out? What would you say? Of course, I'd be happy to you after what you've done, That's the basis on which we give to God, not because we have to not even because Israel had to give a tie we give to God because of what he's already given to us. We'll talk about that a little more later on in the book of Ephesians. And you'll see the Ephesians is very closely related to some of the content of 1st Corinthians especially the last two chapters. And so that's why we started the fusion because they'll be some overlap, but yet they won't be the comparison necessarily of while he's doing it differently than Pastor John did. I know I am. God has gifted me differently than you did Pastor John. And you know what? I may wish that I wasn't like this but God is Sovereign. God knows what he was doing. And he apparently also knew that you might need to hear some of that from my perspective this week, so that's okay, that's okay, it's hard. It's difficult to make that adjustment but God is able and as you pray and as you learn what he has to say, he will perhaps use me to impart that to you. But it's important to understand that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings, in Heavenly places in Christ. And so that means when we pass from this Earth, he will bless us in heaven throughout eternity. And that's somebody said that time without and no it's not even time. It's just eternity, I don't understand that. You don't understand that, but that's what it is. and then, In addition. We are chosen.

We are chosen before the foundation of the world. If he's in chapter 1 words for says, We talked Wednesday night about Romans 8:29. It says the according to the foreknowledge of God that's 1st Peter 1:2. the foreknowledge of God comes first and then the other things come Being chosen being a called or elected eclectus is the word from which we get our word elected and then we are Justified and then glorifying Ephesians Roman says you know what those are again at all in the past tense God has already done the work. That's what's amazing about her. Everyone here who has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. As Savior is already glorified as far as God is concerned. Now, that may take some time. The Lord may come today. He may come tomorrow. We don't know when he's coming but when he comes, we will immediately be glorified. I had a call yesterday as I do from time to time from Los Angeles, and the lady had a question. She said, what will happen when when the Lord comes again and he takes the dead in Christ? I understand that the Grays will be open in the Dagobah. What about those who are lost at sea and cremated? So I said, you know what, strange as it may seem the Lord knew about DNA long before we did. He created us from dust. And there are many people who were. Embalm. I were buried and are now dust. There are others who were burned. They were the others, he's the fish ate, whatever it was there, they're all gone, except their DNA. And God is going to take that and take it and glorifying and the dead in Christ will be first to have glorified body and then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up with them, in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And the interesting part of it is in the 1st Corinthians 15:52. It says, in the twinkling of an eye. And the twinkly that is faster than a blink, a twinkle of an eye, it's going to happen before you can even snap your fingers. That's what's amazing about it. God's already got this plan, he's already going to do it. I need to have that plan from before the foundation of the world, isn't that amazing? He knew exactly what decision you would make. And as some have said and I know this has been argued about. As I said, Wednesday night over and over again, throughout history. What are you part of the elect? Yes, I am. Because God chose me before the foundation of the world and I haven't heard the gospel accepted Christ as Savior of my own free will I did that. And God knew what decision I make. And he said his son to die for me and all the world God is just not died Christ and just not die. Let me say that again. Christ did not just died for the elect. he died for all the scripture teaches, but only the elect to go out for nose or going to be saved. That's you and me. And so, the argument is answered. And theology books. Not my argument of theologians who had the said she's DLR give him his answer in scripture strange. As it may seem. God explains exactly what his plan was in Romans chapter 8, in 1st Peter 1 and and so on, God has chosen us before the foundation of the world, he's chosen us that we should receive the adoption of sons. Let's see if I ordered that we should be holy and blameless before him. That's the first thing. I talked about that already. Once that we Are Holy and blameless, we don't look that way, but we are, and then we are predestined to adoption. I'm sorry, I went too fast for you to get that. Fill in there. Let me back up, maybe so you can see it in order that we should be holy and blameless before him. By the way, let me just say it a word or two about my notes. I have fast food for Number of years and have encouraged churches not to have Junior church. Now, you may want a, why in the world not Well, because I have learned that children from shortly after they don't have to be 10 to do in the nursery can probably learn faster than you can. And they get a tremendous amount from sitting are even though they move around even though they may talk to their mom or their dad, once in awhile, you know what they still look? And let me tell you this regarding DVDs that we had years ago in Sacramento, my mother was a two-week, Vacation Bible School is they used to have then And my mom was teaching the four and five-year-olds which nobody else wanted to go that low. So my mom took it And it was a four-hour VBS from 8 to noon. And so along about 11:30 those younger kids were worn out. Until my mom. Got a carpet in the room and shut the lights off, and let them lay down and rest. And while they were doing it, she read the crucifixion story. Would you believe at the end of that two weeks, those young kids got up and and recited the entire crucifixion story cuz they heard it every day for two weeks. That's what's amazing about young minds. They can learn And they can learn even though they're occupied what we perceive as some other way, they learn quickly and they learn even when we're not telling them memorize they learn it anyway. And so that's why I believe the Lord wrote Revelation chapter one verse three that I will side from time to time. Revelation 1 verse 3 is at the beginning of the what is generally considered to be one of the most difficult books in the Bible. Don't understand. And so it says, I hope you understand this. Is that what it says? No, it says. Blessed is he that readeth? And they, that hear the words of this prophecy, God encourages you to read it. He will provide understanding as you need it. As old as for administrative to you, you read. And so with that in mind, let me suggest that you read one chapter of Ephesians every day. All week long, that'll be chapter 1 on Monday. Chapter 2 on Tuesday, chapter 3, on Wednesday, chapter 4 on Thursday, chapter 5 on Friday chapter 6 on Saturday. That's all six chapters. You know what God will begin to teach you some things that I don't even know what to bring up but you have to get in the position where the Holy Spirit can give that to you. So I would encourage you to read God's word. Now let me say the 5th.

Number in his outline is we are predestined to adoption adoption as Sons. Made part of God's family, have to understand something about the background of this culture that fall was talking to, in the Jewish Family. There was servants and household and the family of the owner. They children for the first 12 years, were raised as children, didn't matter who they really who they belong to, they were still fed the same food and it still have the same schedule. Still did the same things that everybody did, but at age 12, the Jewish son was formally adopted by his father. Who knew who it was? Who had a plan with regard to this, but who didn't adopt him as Heir until he was 12 years old, to make sure he was going to survive. He was going to be profitable. That's why the story of The Prodigal Son. Because the Elder son was given the inheritance, and then when the younger son showed up again, he got jealous, but he didn't need to cuz he was still the air. But you see what's important is that God has provided same thing for us and he doesn't wait, twelve years, the moment we accept the Lord, Jesus Christ as Savior, he has predestined us to the adoption as sons and one day, we will realize that fully when we get to heaven, we will be Heirs of God and Joint heirs with Jesus Christ. As it says in verse 3, blessed with all spiritual blessings. You know what? It's important to understand that God has plenty of money.

He can take care of our needs today. And provide for us each day, but he also has set aside treasure in heaven for us there. Georgia important that we understand that we are going to be adopted as heirs Heirs of God and Joint heirs with Jesus Christ, which gives us that inheritance. And it's important to understand that all of this is provided as a free gift, you'll notice on the sign out front that it says Grace Church. Grace is getting something that you don't deserve.

Mercy is not getting something that you do deserve. I'll probably repeat this from time to time cuz it's hard for me that I have to think about it. A minute. In order to get it straight, my wife is asked me several times about the only one in that my other wife, he's asked me to say before she went home to have it and started experiencing it. They bought the only one that can remember it, right? Was Mary. But anyway, what's important is that Grace is getting something. We don't deserve, God has given us all of this. Because we accepted his gift. It's just like that judge who pays the fine gives us a new car, gives us a credit card to maintain the car. All the things that we don't deserve, God has given us. And so we are thankful, we come on Sunday morning to praise him. For what he's done and what he asked us to serve him, whether it be Sunday or during the week, we say sure, I'd be happy to Are you happy? Are you happy with what God has done for you? Or when you think about it, you say, man, this is amazing, that God has provided all of this for me. Are you happy enough to share it with somebody? I hope so. You know, when you go to a ball game and your team wins, you say to everybody, you see, did you see that game last night? Did you watch it on television that I was there? I saw him when you know, what we are to have the same enthusiasm about the Lord Jesus Christ. We should say he's provided everything.

It's great. Let's burn brochure. We bother. Thank you. For all that you provide for us even though we are present in this state.

At Lockeford. With evil all around us and getting worse. He'll see us in Christ, you have provided all the blessings for us that are in heaven. You have free Destin us to adoption because we are chosen in the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that you will enable us to live to glorify you. And I will be enthusiastic about what you have provided an order that those around us may receive that bussing as well. We pray this in Jesus name amen.

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