Father to the Fatherless

Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 43:33
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Parents are powerful.
Parents are powerful.
They shape our view of the world, ourselves, and also our view of God.
Adults shape children’s life.
Adults shape children’s life.
Yet, we cannot, must not, nor forget how just a single adult pouring into a kid’s life can change the trajectory.
God is the beginning and the End.
God is the beginning and the End.
We read about this in Scripture and must remember this. Alpha and Omega.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
The Psalms help us reflect on who God is.
The Psalms help us reflect on who God is.
This is the power of the Psalms. It is also why many of the Psalms were used in “worship”. Our Psalm this morning is probably no different.
God is a warrior.
God is a warrior.
This is a major trait of God the nation of Israel was supposed to learn. If they would let God fight their battles, by being obedient to Him and His word, then they would be protected and provided for. This is also the idea behind him riding on the clouds.
God’s people can relax and praise Him.
God’s people can relax and praise Him.
The warrior God can strike fear, and it should, but if you are in Christ you can relax a this imagery because you are not found to be His enemy.
God watches out for the vulnerable.
God watches out for the vulnerable.
Jesus had the same idea in his message as we read in the Gospel of Luke. This was key in the society of our Psalm.
God’s people are to be the “family” for others.
God’s people are to be the “family” for others.
Jesus made it clear when he “re-defined” what it meant to be a family, connecting it with those who obey Him. This is why in the church we can call one another “brother” and “sister”.
God’s past actions in the Exodus.
God’s past actions in the Exodus.
The history of God working in this world and for His people should help us be able to relax and praise the Lord. Not because of what our present reality may be but because of who He is.
God is involved in the present.
God is involved in the present.
Notice David does not just sit and recount what “has” happened, though that is important. He also talks about how God daily provides for them.
God will reign fully in the future.
God will reign fully in the future.
We live in the already not yet concept of God’s reign, so did the nation of Israel. We understand that God is our leader, ruler, father, king now but one day all will be ruled by Him.
Our response: bless God.
Our response: bless God.
This may sound odd. Given what the Psalm teaches God does not “need” anything from us.
We bless God by humbly obeying.
We bless God by humbly obeying.
We must obey Him, humbly. Not just out of fear but because we know His heart.
We bless God by using the gifts he has given.
We bless God by using the gifts he has given.
The nation of Israel was never to horde the gifts God had given them. The gifts are not about us! Yes, we need them. Yes we are provided them. Yes, they are “ours”. But to understand the gifts as coming from someone who did not have to give us anything should humble us.
We bless God by recounting His actions.
We bless God by recounting His actions.
How do we share our faith with others. We tell of what God has done in appropriate settings. What are those settings? It may be during a meal. It could be talking about the community of the church. It can be by asking someone if you can pray for them.
Is God your father?
Is God your father?
I know this is an odd question maybe. But I think we need to ask it of ourselves. Our God is a God who saves; will you ask Him to save you?