TEXT: Joshua 1:1-9
I. because God wants to do something for us - Joshua 1:6
A. This is the reason for being strong & courageous
1. It should motivate & encourage us
2. God is saying, "Look what I am going to do for you"
B. They could trust God to do what He said, because of what He had already done
1. Brought them out of Egypt & across the Red Sea
2. Destroyed Pharaoh’s army
3. Feed them manna & gave them water from a rock
C. We might not always see how, but still we should trust (be strong & courageous)
1. God told them that He would give them the land - Joshua 1:3, 6
a) The enemy was strong
b) They were not just going to pack their bags and leave -
c) Joshua trusted God to deliver them - Joshua 10:8-9
d) God gave them the victory - Joshua 10:10-11
2. God told Joshua to cross the Jordan River - Joshua 1:2
a) It was flooded -Joshua 3:15
b) He didn’t know how he was going to get across
c) He trusted (was strong & courageous) in the Lord
(1) He brought them to the Jordan - Joshua 3:1
(2) Told them to get ready to cross - Joshua 3:2-3
(3) After this God showed him how they would get across - Joshua 3:7-8, 13-17
3. God told them to march around the city of Jericho - Joshua 6:2-5
4. Without strength & courage none of these things could have been accomplished
D. We should be motivated by what God has done & will do for us (salvation, eternal life, heaven)
E. Many Christians lack strength & courage
1. Will not witness for Christ
2. Will not trust God with their finances
3. Will not take a stand for God, He can use all types
a) David - shepherd
b) Jephthah - illegitimate child
c) Samson - girl crazy
d) Gideon - frightened farmer
F. God has a message for us today, "be strong & courageous because I have much to give you"
II. because it is needful in following God’s Word - Joshua 1:7
A. This requires even more courage - "very courageous"
1. This is were Satan gets involved
a) He knows that he cannot stop God from giving us something
b) He knows by experience that he can get many to stop following God
c) Satan wants everyone to follow him
2. Satan will try anything to make us stop following God
a) Lies, suffering, temptation
b) People, events, situations
3. It is our responsibility to follow God, no matter what
B. How God wants us to follow Him
1. Without compromise - turn not to the right or the left
2. Don’t give in to situation ethics
3. Stand upon God’s Word and say "I shall not be moved"
C. Results of following God without compromise - "prosper"
1. Not necessarily in material things
2. Victory over Satan & a closer walk with God (peace & joy)
D. Steps to take to insure a good walk with the Lord - Joshua 1:8
1. Keep the Word of God in our mouth
a) This keeps it fresh in our minds, and less likely to forget
b) Its hard to lie, when talking about God’s command not to lie
2. Meditate on it
a) To talk about it with ourselves
b) Do this when ever we are alone (plan time to be alone)
c) When we are alone, our minds often turn to sinful things
(1) This is why our battle with Satan is lost
(2) As we think, so we are
E. God has a message for us today, "be strong & very courageous so that you will follow Me closely"
III. because God is with us - Joshua 1:9
A. He is the source of our strength
1. God won’t help us if we don’t let Him
2. God won’t do what we can do
3. to trust in His strength, we must be strong & courageous
a) He has given us the victory over sin & the devil
b) He is stronger than all opposition
c) He knows the way
d) He is our comfort & help
B. God has given the same promise to NT disciples - Matt. 28:19-20
C. Be careful about over confidence
1. Over confidence may cause us to neglect out responsibility (prayer, Bible reading, church attendance)
2. Over confidence can lead to tempting God (doing something foolish & claiming this promise)
D. God has more strength than any situation will ever call for
1. When the way is tough, don’t quit
2. When the way is uncertain, rely on Him
E. God has a message for us today, "be strong & of good courage for I am with you"