Sunday Service
Good morning again, everyone. We have reached the Bittersweet end of my first-ever sermon series that I have. I have preached through and it, it really has been
Just a wonderful opportunity to put together a sermon series in the priest through it. And so, just kind of in terms of where we've been right? This is for the sermon series. Entitled simply transformed and were talking about just that transformation that. I think it is simple. It's complicated in many ways. Yes, but is also is simple, I think and that's what we've been discussing and you know, I've brought up several times the actual English definition of transformation which is a thorough or dramatic change in the form or appearance of his thorough. It is dramatic, as a change in inform. I'm with within us is not just as outwardly. I'm doing the right things, there's actually a change that happens within us since that's what we've been talking about. I'm through out the sermon series. And where we've been week, we start off talking about. I'm just in this idea of transformation. How were called to be different from the world. There is a call for us to be different from the world. And so we discussed that, that topic in and discussed. I'm just how we are called to be different from the world is not just about doing the right things, but if we, if we Proclaim to be a follower of Jesus, then we should look a little bit different than those who aren't following Jesus. And in terms of the slide are we used the chair to describe this idea? And just to say right, we have a chair right here in that chair, what it signifies is our life Direction. The decisions we make and we're always kind of sitting back and forth between us being in the chair and God being in the chair until I asked you the question who is in your chair? That was the first week that the second week, we discuss this idea of of be simply just being with Jesus. And how is his a way that we can actually pursue after transformation is how I want to be a transformed person in a way that I can do that is simply just to spend time with my God and my Creator. And so I'm going to do just that And Sophie were discussing in the eyes of of the chair. That's right before us. Are you sitting at Jesus's feet? Are you learning from him? Are you his disciple? As he is your Rabbi your teacher? Are you soaking in everything that he has to offer you? Are you sitting at his feet? In the third week, we talked about last week. We talked about transformation itself. What it actually looks like to be a transformed person. What is it that actually look like? And we use the story of a man who was possessed by many demons. And how is Jesus comes and hears this man of his demon possession. There are kind of five images within that story that Linda's to it to see. This is kind of what it looks like to be a transformed person and I ask you during that sermon, are you then leaning on God's legs? Are you leaning on him? There's a lot of things that we can do in this life and sometimes when we try to do it out of our own capabilities, we struggle, it's hard. We fail. What if we say I'm and I'm just going to leave this up to God, I'm going to lean on him through this and and kind of lean on and into his power, right? Amazing. Amazing things can happen and stop somewhere at last week. Now, as we move into this fourth and final sermon in the sermon series, we're going to focus on the idea of love. I love is a word that is thrown around a lot within our, our our our religion within Christianity, Love is kind of, if you've ever heard the term Christian, he's right love. Can kind of be one of those words. It's thrown around so much with in scripture with in, you know how we teach each other to live power interacting with each other. Even when you talking about ice cream, I love ice cream. I don't, I don't, I don't love mint, chocolate chip ice cream, but I do love fill in the blanks, right? Fill in the blank. I like sure, but a lot, right? And rainbow sherbet. But that's besides the point. Thorium talking about love this morning, open up with discussing how our culture, kind of views. Love a little bit, just a little bit or this could be a really long top. In fact, I could fill up the rest of the service just talking about how our cultural views love and some of the struggles that we have because of it. But I want to focus in on kind of one idea, but our first point here is that love is grossly misused and misunderstood is a grossly misused, in misunderstood word in our culture. It is so misused and misunderstood in our culture and where I'm coming from with, with that specific points, right? You might already have in your head ideas of how. Yeah, I see how its misuse and how it's misunderstood right where I'm coming from with that. Is Fort for me, as a, a single guy. If you look at our culture, the movies that we watch the TV shows that we watch, what is, what are the headlines in the media. What is on social media? Right? Love is kind of reserved for a romantic relationship between people. What is reserved for In an example of what I would say with that when I was in high school and even Middle School, right? If I were to build up a close friendship with another guy and then say, hey man, I love that would be met with jokes. That would be met with suspicions with doubts, right. Because in many of our minds based on what we're fed from the media and social media is that love is reserved for a romantic relationship. Now, us being Christians. I hope that we realize, it's going to be further from the truth, right? Love is should be intertwined in every relationship that we have with people but in terms of culture, that's what we're kind of facing in some ways at least that was what I was facing a high school and middle school in even still struggle with today.
The love is a grossly misused and misunderstood word in our culture. Nonetheless, though. Love defines our culture even though it is misused and misunderstood
As I was practicing the sermon and thinking through the sermon, I I tried to think of a films and TV shows that don't at least have a side story. That revolves around a romantic relationship. A love interest for the main character. There's very few in that, that at least I can think of, right? So, the example that I was thinking of, in this way, how many of you are fans of James Bond? Okay. Now, how many of your fans of Jason Bourne?
Okay, I saw one hand fruit for both of those, so that's awesome. Right? But so I, Jason Bourne is one of my favorite movie series of all time. And one of the reasons for that is because I watch James Bond, and if you're James Bond fan, I apologize. I'm going to kind of talk a little bit about him, but he's kind of in some ways. Womanizer. I'm not a huge fan of that, right? But was Jason Bourne, it's mostly purely about the action. Write all that the fight sequences all the things that he can do. Another reason, I'm not a fan of James Bond is because he needs to have gadgets to be cool. Jason Bourne is just cool, right? He can do things with a pen that you wouldn't think of, right? For newspaper, for instance, it's just cool in my mind, but even within those movies, there actually is a brief love interest. So then I was like, no. I was trying to think of a movie that doesn't involve a love interest and I struggle to think of one I really struggle to think of one eye. I know they're out there and you're probably thinking of one right now. When I thought of one that kind of the main characters, it's not about a romantic love interest, Remember the Titans was a really good one that I had thought of even within that they're still love interest that are happening. Elsewhere, but love it, really, it defines our culture even though it is misused in misunderstood it really does, is everything that we see. It's what the news, outlets assume that I want to know about how to get ads on social media, like a someone. So they broke up and I'm like, why don't care, thank you, right or someone so they got married on Michael good for them. But how does that pertain to my life? But love it defines our culture, even though it is so misused and misunderstood, it really is. That was we get into scripture, love in scripture. What we see the first point, is kind of a kind of links us to these first couple of points that we just went over. So, let's read Genesis chapter 3 here. It says this when the woman saw that, the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining wisdom. She took some and she ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they realize that they were naked, so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then the man, and his wife heard the sound of the Lord. God as he was walking, in the garden in the cool of the day. And they hid from the Lord God, Among the Trees of the garden. For the Lord God Called to the man. Where are you? And he answered I heard you in the garden. I was afraid because I was naked and so I hid and he said who told you that you were naked. Have you eaten from the tree that? I commanded you not to eat from. The man said, the woman you put here with me. She gave me some fruit from this tree and I ate it. Then the Lord God said to the woman, what is this? You have done. And the woman said, the serpent deceived me and I ate it. And so what we see here is that the concept of love, it has been misconstrued since the first relationship. It has been misconstrued since the first relationship regardless of how you view that interaction regardless of how you view genders within Christianity, regardless of how you view that you can understand that. Hey, that relationship is broken. Because of the Fall, the relationship between man and woman is broken because of the Fall, the relationship between man and God is broken. and so what we see is that love, it has been misconstrued since the very first relationship Write you you probably recognize them times in your life with those you care about most how he kind of tend to pass off blame sometimes and Adam and Eve do that wonderfully here, right? God goes to Adam. What, what have you done? He's like, it's not my fault and it's not my fault for the passing off, blame. Without those relationships are are broken. And that has led us into this this world where we we don't fully understand love, we just do not fully understand it and how could we live in a broken world around other broken people and loving each other as is tricky is complicated, it's messy. It can also be really good.
But they they struggled with that. And from then, on out, it was a struggle. And God goes onto to mention some curses ready. Curses the surf, and he curses the one. He curses the man and it's just kind of further driving home. The point that hey, your relationships are going to be broken. As you carry forward, your relationships are going to be messy as you carry forward. But he doesn't just leave it there. All right. Love is talked about throughout Scripture its focus in on so much throughout scripture. As we turn the Titus going to read Titus 3 here by 333 weight at one time, we too were foolish disobedient to see. Even in Slaves by all kinds of passions and Pleasures, we lived in Malice and envy being hated and hating one another, but when the kindness and love of our God savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteousness as we had done. But because of his Mercy, he saved us through the washing of rebirth and Renewal by the holy spirit will be poured out. Honest generously through Jesus Christ, Our Savior, so that haven't been justified by his grace. We might become are as having the hope of eternal life. And this is a trustworthy saying, and I want you to stress these things. So that those who have trusted in God, may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable or everyone or just some people to everyone. I read this. Does Titus passage man. I I I love the passage. It's if you know much about Paul, you kind of see this as a summary of basically all his letters. Right. To say that. Hey, relationships are broken. They're messy. We went on and we hated one another. We were hated by others. There was pee everywhere. But God, God exists and God sent his son. To save us from these hateful relationships to show us exactly what it looks like to love one another. And I love how he puts in here and it's not based on what we have done. It's not based on what we have done. It's based purely on how God loves us. And if we acknowledge that hey we don't fully understand love then that is hard for us to grasp. What do you mean? It's not about what I do. Don't have to earn that love from God and that would be a heavy. No, you do not have to earn that. Love from God. He loves you regardless and that should lead us into living differently.
But love. Oh my goodness. The love of God is such a beautiful beautiful thing, but we see here is that love it is demonstrated To Us by God's great love for us. and if we want to learn how to love people and love people, well and love people in the ways that we ought to And there is no better example than our God and our savior. And looking at what he has done for us, how he loves us through the Brokenness through the messiness. And it's hard for us to grasp and I think that that in a way, it's kind of an encouraging thing to say, just how great our God's love for us is that it's hard to understand. Let's move forward here to Romans 12, right? Is a pretty common common verse in here in regards to transformation, but I also think there's a lot kind of around this verse that leads us into how're supposed to live with others within Transformations are going to read this. Now, therefore I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God's, mercy to offer your bodies as Living, Sacrifice as a Living Sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. This is your true and proper worship, do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you'll be able to test and approve. What God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will But by the grace, given me I say to everyone of you do not think of yourselves more highly than you off, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you for. Just as each of us has one body with many members in these members, do not all have the same function. So in Christ, we do many form, one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts. According to the grace given to each of us is your gift is prophesying than prophesy in accordance with your face. If it is serving then serve, if his teaching, then teach it is to encourage then. Give encouragement to visit if it is giving then give generously. If it is to lead, do it diligently. If it is to show Mercy, do it cheerfully. Love must be sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good and be devoted to one another in love honor. One another above yourselves.
In our English translations of the Bible. There are some things lost every once in awhile. When you get one of those subtitles in their rights. When I was reading through this, you kind of read through the first couple of verses and then there's a subtitle in there that kind of says, hey, we might be changing thought. When in reality, we're actually not. Because in between those first couple of verses. And then, the next verse right, there is a word at beginning of that, that that. Next sentence for And that word for is kind of a linking word to say, listen, these two ideas, they are connected. And so if we're talking about transformation, we should also be talking about how we treat one another in the church. You say that I am. I'm devoted to you. Right? The church is a body built up of many members, and we all have specific gifts and talents that we can offer. And the way that that works it is is this. I think that love takes on a self-assessment, Love Takes on a self-assessment. Cuz he also says, make sure you look yourself with sober, judgment, not thinking too. Highly of yourself than you ought to be right for talking about transformation. Be careful not to think of yourself as like the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I loved that statement, sorry. That was another NASCAR reference in my head. I know it comes from a long time before NASCAR been in my head it comes from Nascar anyway. Right. But you got to think of yourself and sober judgment. To say, I'm not the greatest thing since sliced bread. I understand, I understand my value. I'm deeply deeply loved by my God and Savior Jesus Christ, okay? I understand that completely. But I also know that each and every person I meet in the church. They have gifts to offer and I should devote myself humble myself before them right to serve them to loving them. And that's one of the things that love takes it takes on a self-assessment because it's really hard to love someone else when we view them as less than us. It's really, really hard to love someone else when we view them as less than us. When we view them as equals and maybe even, I've used him greater than, and greater than I. Maybe a lot easier to love them but 11 to practice is difficult and hard but it can be easier to do that. When we view the view them as saying, hey, I'm feeling myself and sober judgment. I want to devote myself to them and humble myself before them and serve them and love them.
Nelson Ford, the second Corinthians here, 2nd Corinthians 12, three times. I pleaded with the Lord, to take it away from me, but he said, to me, my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses. So that Christ power May rest on me. That is why for Christ's sake, I delight and weaknesses in insult, and hardships, in persecutions and difficulties for. When I am weak, then I am strong. But one thing that Love Takes Love, Takes vulnerability, because we are all broken and struggling to love others. Like Jesus loves others. Love Takes One or ability if we recall the story with with Adam and Eve. There was absolutely zero, vulnerability happening in that moment. Aren't they eat the fruit? They understand. I'm a naked, that's not good, right? When I'm if you think about a little bit, they're married. So not a big deal. Also God created them. So he understands what they look like and why they look like that. So there's not really a huge reason to be like oh geez I'm naked right? I know that's a little bit awkward to talk about from the pulpit but I think it rains true. A little bit that they were feeling shameful and nervous and scared over something that they didn't even need to feel those things over. They lacked any vulnerability in that moment. And then when you get to, to God saying, hey, what what, what happened? Why'd you eat the fruit? Still. No vulnerability night. Neither of them said, yeah, I messed up. I send. I'm sorry both of them. Just passed off. Blame they put up their guard. They put up their wall.
And vulnerability can be a tricky thing. Because we go through things in life that are hard that are scary that cause us to feel a certain way and being open with those things. With someone else can be really difficult. Be really, really difficult. I know people who are spouses, that struggle with that. I know people that struggle with that, with God to say, yeah, I messed up or yeah, I'm messing up in this area. I don't know how to change that. I don't know how to fix it.
So, even further down the road, right? I'm not married. So who do I be vulnerable with Well, I have friends. I have family members that I can say, hey, I'm struggling in this way. Hey, I'm this, this is a way that I messed up and I just want to talk about it with someone. My relationships, they don't tend to continually built unless there is vulnerability there. But yes, love takes one or ability and it also takes a little bit of discipline and understanding of what should I share with this person, right? You probably won't go around sharing your deepest darkest secrets with every every person you meet, right? I just met them in the grocery store was great. I tried my deepest darkest secret with them so right you probably won't be doing that but at some point it might be good to say, hey I have this person that I've been friends with with many years were very close. I trust them very much. I'm I share this thing with them. It's going to be hard. I'm putting myself out there and I I could be hurt, but guess what? That's what vulnerability is that what you might find out is hey that friendship that I've built up and we've been sharing things and supporting each other and loving each other. When I shared that thing, man, I saw the grace of Jesus and their response, man. Our relationship. It was even more deep end and it's beautiful, and it's lovely. And I'm glad So yes, love it takes vulnerability and it takes that because guess what? In many ways were all in the same boat. We're all in the same boat. We're all struggling to love others. Like Jesus would love others, aren't we? I just acknowledge that for myself. I I struggle to love others, the way Jesus would. And as we are in relationship with each other, we should be pushing each other towards loving others. Like Jesus would say, hey you know, the way you love that person there that was really good or pay the way you love that person there or lack of love that person there that was a bit of a awkward situation. I was a bit of a struggle, right? The build-up these relationships with each other, the push each other towards loving others like Jesus would. And now with Matthew 22, does this teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law and Jesus replied. Love the Lord, your God with all your heart. And with all your soul, and with all your mind, this is the first and greatest commandment in. The second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets. They hang on these two Commandments. Everything hangs on these two commandments. So what we see is that love should be the centerpiece of all of our relationships. Love should be the centerpiece of all of our relationships.
Now, I know this is a church that's kind of in the country a little bit and not everybody has neighbors like people do in big cities, right? What there also might be some people, some neighbors that you might not know very well. Just to say, hey, I haven't really met this neighbor. And I'm not saying that that's a negative thing, right? I'm not saying that. Hey, You're doing bad with you, loving your neighbor, but just to say, you don't know them, you should still love them, right? The interactions that you have with them, should still be positive to say, Hey, you know, I just, I first met my neighbor for the first time and I was just trying to love them like Jesus might write to say, Hey, you know, I maybe I could mow your lawn sometime or hey, you know, what do you bring over a dish? A lunch dish for you sometime or whatever else, right? Just to say, hey, I love you neighbor. I love you. All right. They might feel awkward if you said that out loud to them the first time you meet them right? But just to say hey I care about you. I'm excited to to be living next to you. And I am called to love my neighbor as myself. But what's interesting is when Jesus is asked this question, what is the greatest law? right, he says that there were two Love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself. There are two but both of them are Foundation by love. And they hold everything else together. Everything else is held together by love. And so, as we kind of get into the next section here, I'm with with a few points. I first want to acknowledge and bring you in on the idea of the chair. Take a moment, whether you're in the room here or you're at home, get home. I hope there's other chairs around, but just look around a little bit. Look around for a few seconds, right? I don't see you doing it yet. Look around, look around. What do you see? You see many many chairs, right? And so one of the things that takes is for us to realize, there are other people in this world. There other their chairs in here that are reserved for many, many more people. Are people who are occupying chairs in this room. So the first three sermons that we went through right kind of focused on the in on this idea of of me and God and what it looks like, I only play Scott in the chair, I want to sit at his feet. I want to lean on him and it takes us looking around to say there are other people that exist. I need other people are also maybe in that struggle to say God you're in my chair, maybe they're struggling to sit down at Jesus's feet and say, I am following him, I am committed to him and being a disciple of his Maybe they're struggling to lean on God or maybe they're still working on the relationship with God and so they don't even realize that, hey, there's other people out there that are in the same boat as I am.
But with the analogy of the chair, that's how I wanted to bring it in. With this sermon there are other people and we interact with these people. We have relationships with these other people. And we are called to. Yes, first and foremost, love our God, with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul write or call to love him. To build our relationship with God but then we are also called to love our neighbor as ourselves to look around. And say there are other people in other chairs, and I'm called to love them, to devote myself to them, to humble myself, to serve them, to love them. The final few points here, right? So love is the foundation for living out, transformed relationships. Love is the foundation for living out transformed relationships, they even that love is the Cornerstone, right? Love is the centerpiece it is. It is the thing that holds everything else together I want to read a verse few verses from Colossians here. We've read this a few times, but I actually love this verse here. Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness humility, gentleness and patience with each other and forgive one. Another, if any of you has a grievance against someone forgive as the Lord forgave you. And then we get this and over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. All these good virtues, all these things that might be listed in a similar way to the fruits of the spirit, right? All these things are great and wonderful and you have to clothe yourselves in them but also don't forget above everything else. Love. One another love your neighbor because guess what? Love binds everything together. It holds everything else together. Love is not Foundation at Cornerstone that centerpiece. I'm not much of a table designer, but I know that I have a good-looking table. You must have a centerpiece that holds it all together. I know that part. So then the next Point here. So if we are not living out transform relationships, we are not living transform lives. But if we're, if we look at ourselves and I kind of Wonder a little bit if this was the conclusion that you came to. But if we look at ourselves and say my relationship with God is just wonderful. It's great. It's just lovely. I I read scripture, I pray all the time. I'm just so happy to be in relationship with God, but then all of your relationships with other people are messy and broken. And you're hurting each other, people, I'd be like you're missing the point here. Love is the foundation of everything that we do. Weatherby, loving God, and building a relationship with him or loving, others and building our relationship with others.
In John, we get this a new command. I give you love one another as I have loved you so you must love one another by this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another. He says it multiple times. Love one another love one another. They says, by this by loving one another, but loving each other. People will know that you are my disciples. It doesn't say bye. You know, going to church every week by giving every week, again, good things, good things. Don't get me wrong. That's not what Jesus says does. He says no bite by loving one, another by loving each other. That is how people will know And if we struggle to love one another, and we're struggling to tell people, hey, we're living differently. They were different from the world. We would be struggling to do that, and that honestly has been a problem recently. Is people have looked at the church and said they're not loving other people. Well, That's not much different than the world.
So, we ought to be working on it and say, hey, this is what we're called to do, is to love God, and love our neighbors, as ourself, and neighbor is a very general term, isn't it? Maybe was a very general term loving other people. Loving other people.
Transform relationships. Next year, transform relationships. They require Care Effort and hard work but simply loving will put these things into motion. If we're talking about simply transformed being simply transfer transformed, I must simple transformation, right? I completely understand that loving other, it takes care. That takes effort, takes hard work, it takes time takes all these things. But also I would tell you, You love someone, those things will naturally low.
You love someone so things will naturally flow. I've seen on social media many times again, social media talking about romantic relationships here, right? Big surprise. What I seen on social media and Society has it. Mainly comes from, from women on social media, what to say, if he wanted to, he would do it eventually. If he, if he loved, if he actually cared about you in the way that he says, he he does, he would do the things that are lacking in a relationship, right? And you look at that and you think I'll be a lot going on there that I don't understand about this relationship but nonetheless, right? If you actually love someone and care for someone, those things are going to start to naturally flow.
Doing the things are going to naturally low. And that's why earlier in the sermon series, we talked about this idea of, hey, guess what? You know, just purely doing the things because they're the right things to do. It's not the full story because without the foundation of love, it's just doing the actions that we know or what we're supposed to do without any love or care within them. And so, at some point that's going to break down. What if we say I have the foundation of love and not the love that we we think of within media and social media of old that the butterflies and, you know, the nerves and all that stuff, and it's exciting. But the love that says, I'm looking at myself with sober judgment and I'm devoting myself to you humbly to serve you and love you. Not love the feeling but love the action, those things will flow naturally. And yes, one of the biggest ways we see that is through marriage and I wanted to bring up this verse because this versus these verses that I'm going to read next are often used in weddings and I know some Christians that absolutely are, you know, just completely put off by that because they're like, it's not about marriage just about love in general. And I'm like, yes, but it also pertains to marriage, doesn't it? Stop going to read that First Corinthians here. Love is patient. Love is kind, it does not, envy does not boast. It is not proud, it is not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not Delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth, it always protects, always, trusts always hopes and always perseveres. Now, if we look at our relationship with that is completely 100% true. That is how God loves us, isn't it? God always protects us. I was always there for us. Right. That love that we share with God, right? We should always be trusting him always hoping in him having hope to say. I know that God has the future taken care of, right? It might be hard but I trust him and I hope in him I want to persevere because of him, but when we look at these vs. Wheat, we see that love is hard work. Love is hard work but we're still called to do it. In our relationships are still called to love others.
One of the things that I'm convinced of in this misunderstanding, that that our culture has with love is love, in our culture is always seemingly self-seeking. The how am I being served by this relationship? How am I you know getting what I need from this relationship. This friendship. But in reality love is how can I serve this person? How can I love this person that I'm in a relationship with and when that really, really works is when both people are saying that about each other Say hey, we both want to serve each other and love each other. In this relationship, that is when things just are beautiful and wonderful when that breaks down on one end or both ends, it's a struggle. It's a struggle. You're always working on that with each other as friends as as as spouses as neighbors, right? We're always working on those things, but simply if we come to the end, to your simply Love, Never Fails. And we lead that into like a God desires for us to love. God desires for us. Love there a few times in my pocket, the sermon where I slipped into my normal everyday, Jack talk, right? Not the same two different people when I'm onstage and not on stage. But I I say, man, a lot where do do a lot when I'm speaking on a day-to-day basis. Since I was like, we just got to love, man. You know, that kind of talk and I would flip out every once in awhile. And I think it's true. We just got to love, man. You know, just got to love each other. I know that's a lot simpler. Lot easier said than done, but that's what we're called to do is say, hey, I love you. In next to each and every person that we that we meet, right? Maybe we don't make them feel awkward when you first meet them and say hey I love you right? But just to say I am devoted to you, I want to serve you. I want to love you. I'm going to humble myself before here so that I can serve and love you in the ways that Jesus would. Noise of Jesus went. So yes. God desires for us to love steps for you. Right? At this sounds like something that you want to get on board with us at. Hey, I want to join in on this this idea of a loving others in the way that Jesus would that I invite you maybe to come forward and give your life to Jesus. If you are being led to do just that, I'm, you can come forward and we can chat about that as we sing our final song. Talking about being in relationship, right? Join a small group for a service team. Is there a wonderful ways to I'm joining on relationships with others in the church in to acknowledge, we're all gifted differently at and how we can interact with each other and also sign up for a connect class. I'm not as a place where you might go sit down over lunch with pastor Matt and hold us discuss with you kind of some of the things that we believe in the church. And let me teaching and how we operate in some of the things about church history, and all those different wonderful things just to help you understand a little bit more about turning Christian church and wait where we are at Now, as we Ponder those things and maybe some things from the sermon, I invite you to stand as we sing our final song.