Our Heavenly Father
Your Heavenly Father
1519 δοξάζομαι (doxazomai), δοξάζω (doxazō): vb.; ≡ Str 1392; TDNT 2.253—1. LN 33.357 praise, speak words of glory (Mt 5:16); 2. LN 87.8 honor, attribute a high status (Mt 6:2; Jn 8:54); 3. LN 87.24 glorify, attribute high rank (Jn 17:5); 4. LN 65.5 (dep.) be wonderful, be of exceptional value (2Co 3:10; 1Pe 1:8+)
perfect, mature, complete, initiated, fully developed. Describes something complete, mature believers, and the perfection of God.
The teaching about loving enemies describes God as perfect (teleios) and says that believers must likewise be perfect (teleios; Matt 5:48). The term is used to describe God’s will (Rom 12:2), gifts from God (Jas 1:17), and the heavenly tabernacle (Heb 9:11) as perfect.
μισθός (misthos). n. masc. reward, payment. This noun refers to the paid outcome of a particular work or action.
This word refers to a reward that is given as an appropriate compensation for a particular action. The Pharisees, who give, pray, and fast in public, will receive their reward (misthos; Matt 6:2, 5, 16). This reward is viewed as a negative compensation for the religious hypocrites. However, righteous actions receive good rewards (misthos; Matt 10:41; 2 John 8; Rev 11:18).