June 19, 2022 Father's Day - Hebrews 11:7 (manuscript)
Christ-Centered Endurance • Sermon • Submitted
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“Christians Who Continue on the Path of Greatest Resistance”
“Christians Who Continue on the Path of Greatest Resistance”
Hebrews 11:7
Hebrews 11:7
Series: Christ-Centered Endurance
Series: Christ-Centered Endurance
Illustration: The Christian life lived in a fallen world, ravaged by sin is a path of greatest resistance and not of least resistance. There is no other kind of Christian life in a fallen world where all that is in the worlds is NOT of the Father.
In their book called A Puritan Theology, Beeke and Jones tell the story of two Scottish brothers
Consider the Scottish brothers Ebenezer (1680–1754) and Ralph Erskine (1685–1752). In addition to the religious controversies that dampened their joy in ministry for twenty-five years, they endured much domestic grief. Ebenezer Erskine buried his first wife when she was thirty-nine; his second wife died three years before his own death. He also lost six of fifteen children. Ralph Erskine buried his first wife when she was thirty-two and lost nine of thirteen children. The three sons who reached maturity all entered the ministry, but one helped to depose his own father.
The Erskines well understood that God has “only one Son without sin but none without affliction,” as one Puritan put it. Their diaries, so typical of the Puritans, are filled with Christ-centered submission in the midst of affliction. When his first wife was on her deathbed and he had just buried several children, Ebenezer Erskine wrote:
I have had the rod of God laying upon my family by the great distress of a dear wife, on whom the Lord hath laid his hand, and on whom his hand doth still lie heavy. But O that I could proclaim the praises of his free grace, which has paid me a new and undeserved visit this day. He has been with me both in secret and public. I found the sweet smells of the Rose of Sharon, and my soul was refreshed with a new sight of him in the excellency of his person as Immanuel, and in the sufficiency of his everlasting righteousness. My sinking hopes are revived by the sight of him. My bonds are loosed, and my burdens of affliction made light, when he appears.… “Here am I, let him do to me as seemeth good unto him.” If he call me to go down to the swellings of Jordan, why not, if it be his holy will? Only be with me, Lord, and let thy rod and staff comfort me, and then I shall not fear to go through the valley of trouble, yea, through the valley of the shadow of death.
[Beeke, J. R., & Jones, M. (2012). A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (p. 966). Reformation Heritage Books.]
What makes it the path of greatest resistance? It is a path of faith - what is unseen — in a world that lives by sight. Read Hebrews 11:32-40. The faith of these individuals was quite distinct.
What is the goal of the sermon?
To compel the hearers to daily continue in a life of saving faith - a life of greatest resistance.
Why is this goal needed?
Slackness in Christian living.
One of the reasons this message is needed today is because of a slackness in Christian living. Dr. ML-J said to those professing Christians who were casual in their church commitment: “If you honestly believe that you derive greater benefit by spending your day in the country than you do by attending the place of worship, well then, go to the country.” [Murray, Iain H. The life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones 1899-1981 (Banner of Truth ) p. 91]
His statement seems to be satirical in nature, as if to say, “Look at your belief!” The slackness of Christian living was something he faced in his first pastorate in Wales.
A loss of eternal perspective.
One other reason this message is necessary today is because of the loss of eternal perspective. Notifications drive naivety about eternity.
ML-J said, “Of everything that is uncertain in life, the most uncertain of all is life itself.” [Ibid., p. 93]
Discouragement by struggle.
A third reason why this message is necessary is that persecution makes quitting to be appealing.
Of the early Christians, Gregg R. Allison says, “When threatened with loss of property, imprisonment, or even death the first believers had to confront honestly the possibility of abandoning their Christian profession.” [Allison, Gregg R., Historical Theology [Zondervan Academic], p. 543]
Given the choice, would you give up your guns or give up Christ? Would you give up your house or give up Christ? Would you give up your family or give up Christ? These are questions foreign to us but that we should consider.
Unknowingly confused.
This final reason is the most pressing because it is the difference between life and death. There are those who are unknowingly confused. They say that they have faith in Jesus Christ, but what they don’t realize is that it is NOT a saving faith.
ML-J said, “If the church of Christ on earth could but get rid of the parasites who only believe that they ought to believe in Christ, she would, I am certain, count more in the world as she did in her early days. [Ibid, p. 89]
How will you go about to accomplish this goal? / Preview
So, you must be compelled to continue in a life of saving faith — a life of greatest resistance rather than least resistance. We will look at (1) the nature of faith that walks the path of greatest resistance (2) a case study of this kind of faith (3) how walking this path is possible and (4) and appropriate response to this kind of faith.
I. What is the nature of faith on the path of greatest resistance? (a saving faith)
I. What is the nature of faith on the path of greatest resistance? (a saving faith)
When I ask the question about nature, I am asking what are the inherent qualities that make this faith so distinct? If we answer this question, we are asking what makes this faith to be THIS faith and distinct from all other faiths. Remember that the devils believe, James 2:19.
There is a difference between a saving faith and a spurious faith.
The author of Hebrews has been making this kind of case throughout the book, but let’s look at Hebrews 10:39. Note carefully the phrase “believe to the saving of the soul.” This phrase shows us several things about the kind of belief that actually saves and presupposes that there is a belief that does not save.
Saving belief is a belief that continues to the end. Spurious belief falls away before the end. Look at Hebrews 10:26-27 shows us that spurious belief has knowledge but continues in willful sin. The implication is that saving belief is knowledge plus something else. Saving faith has something that spurious faith is missing, and the kind of faith that walks the path of greatest resistance is not a spurious faith but a saving faith.
Illustration: Acts 26:27
What a saving faith is NOT.
NOT mere mental ascent
NOT just knowledge
NOT transient emotional commitment [Beeke, J. R., & Smalley, P. M. (2021). Reformed Systematic Theology: Spirit and Salvation (Vol. 3, p. 475). Crossway.]
NOT confidence in miracles [Ibid, Beeke]
NOT saying a prayer or making a physical motion [Ibid, Beeke]
What is a saving faith?
John Owen distinguished between a spurious faith and saving faith when he said,
“For there is a faith whereby we are justified, which he who has shall be assuredly saved; which purifies the heart and works by love. And there is a faith or believing, which does nothing of all this; which who has and has no more, is not justified, nor can be saved…[Beeke & Jones, A Puritan Theology, p. 493]
"Genuine faith, by definition, perseveres: where there is no perseverance, by definition the faith cannot be genuine.” [D.A. Carson quoted in Historical Theology by Allison, p. 561]
Saving faith is “a living reliance upon Christ that results in good works” [Beeke, J. R., & Smalley, P. M. (2021). Reformed Systematic Theology: Spirit and Salvation (Vol. 3, p. 474). Crossway.]
Fernandez: Saving faith is a living continued reliance upon Christ that results in perseverance in Christian living.
A saving faith is one which walks the path of greatest resistance because the path of greatest resistance is the Christian life while we are living upon this earth.
Do you have a saving faith or a spurious faith? Are you relying upon Jesus Christ? Do you even see a need to rely upon Jesus Christ?
II. What is a case study [a father] of this kind of faith on the path of greatest resistance?
II. What is a case study [a father] of this kind of faith on the path of greatest resistance?
Structure of Hebrews 11.
This chapter in Hebrews is full of case studies of individuals who had saving faith, who chose the path of greatest resistance — a life of faith.
Hebrews 11:1-3 Introduces saving faith
Hebrews 11:4-7 Are pre-flood of the world examples of saving faith (Abel, Enoch, and Noah).
Hebrews 11:8-22 Are post-flood, patriarchal examples of saving faith (from Abraham to Moses)
Hebrews 11:23-31 Are post-Exodus and pre-Judge time examples of saving faith
Hebrews 11:32-38 Are from Judges to the Prophets - case studies of saving faith.
Hebrews 11:39-40 Summarizes these case studies of saving faith.
The saving faith path is the path of greatest resistance.
The case study is the story of Noah (man of like passions). Hebrews 11:7.
The depraved condition of mankind had grieved God. “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth...”
It is not hard to imagine when we consider the wickedness of our present age. We like to think that times were better in the past but men with overwhelming lust-filled thoughts, women who sensually promote their bodies, men and women committing adultery mentally, emotionally, and physically, homosexuality....these were prominent in the hearts and lives of those in Noah’s time, just as they exist in our time.
It was into this time that Noah as a preacher of righteousness - II Peter 2:5.
In sending Noah, God also sent his patience - I Peter 3:20. It was a measure of mercy that God even sent Noah.
450’ long x 75’ wide x 45’ high // 100 years
Case studies like these remind us that this kind of life is possible.
Noah was a true historical figure. He was a father, who was responsible for his household.
The call to a life of faith — a life of greatest resistance — is not a call that has not been obeyed by men and women just like you and me.
The path of greatest resistance is compelled by warning by the Word. Hebrews 11:7.
Noah is described as someone who was warned. This warning is from God which says something of the nature of the warning. This warning is a gracious act of God. This warning is to be taken seriously because of the Source of this warning. This warning is to be heeded by faith.
The path of greatest resistance can only be walked by faith that obeys.
While some have attempted to divide between faith and a faith that obeys, there is only one kind of true faith that lasts on the path of greatest resistance — a faith that is without works is dead.
We are saved by faith in Christ alone, but it is not a faith that remains alone.
The path of greatest resistance has influence upon our household.
In Noah’s day this was his biological family and this certainly has application for us today.
The path of greatest resistance is a dividing line.
Though we are called to speak, preach, teach…when someone chooses the path of greatest resistance — a life of saving faith — he simultaneously is saying that those who refuse this way are wrong. A dividing line is inevitable.
Is your life lived in such a way that it not only commends salvation to your family but also condemns those who refuse your God?
The path of greatest resistance leads to the only inheritance that matters.
The only inheritance that matters is the inheritance of righteousness.
What does this mean, and why is it of ultimate importance?
To be made an heir is to be brought into the direct lineage of someone who possesses the heirloom. Thus, Noah is brought into relationship. Genesis 6:8.
Secondly, Noah becomes the heir of “the righteousness”. For the author of Hebrews, “righteousness” is what God saw that the Son loved (Hebrews 1:9) — in contrast the Son hated evil. Consequently, this love led to God’s anointing and exaltation of the Son.
What does this mean?
It means that the Second Person of the Trinity — the Son — became the Son with human flesh, fulfilled all that God’s Person demanded. The Son fulfilled all righteousness, meeting the righteous demands of God and not only fulfilling them but He loved God and God’s law. There was nothing lacking in Jesus soul, heart, mind, and body that didn’t make God fully approve of the Son. This perfection in soul, heart, mind, and body fulfilled all the law of God and attained the complete joy of the Father. This is perfect righteousness - a perfect with God’s very Being.
It is this standing, this perfection, this account the Noah inherited — by faith.
If you have this, you have all that matters; but to not have this is to not have anything.
This is the only inheritance that will stand the test of God the Father and eternity.
Answer: Noah is one of many case studies of individuals who walked the path of greatest resistance - the path of saving faith.
This means that sin must not be underestimated.
This means that continuing on the path of greatest resistance is possible for human beings.
This means that fathers and leaders of households have a tremendous responsibility to strive for a faith through which God communicates his saving grace to the children.
This means that warnings of God are as much for God’s people as they are for God’s enemies. For God’s people these warnings are means through which God encourages perseverance.
This means that we should consider the faith of those who have gone before us. Hebrews 13:7. Case studies encourage us to continue.
III. How is faith on the path of greatest resistance even a possibility?
III. How is faith on the path of greatest resistance even a possibility?
Illustrations: The kind of illustration here has to be about the possibility of internal change…heart faith…not just an impossible activity done…Maybe the testimony of Paul...
Is this kind of faith a possibility?
There are three possible responses to this. First, there are those who say that this kind of faith is impossible. No one can believe in what they cannot see based on the word of some Book. To you I ask, “Should we believe that very statement based upon your word?” Why should we believe your word over God’s Word? Ahh, “I have science” you say; but can you use a laboratory to disprove the existence of God. What would you test to say that he absolutely NOT exist?
Second, there are those who think that this may be a possibility; but they are unsure how this kind of faith is possible. To you, Please humbly consider one possibility, and indeed the only sufficient answer. — an answer I hope to unfold
Third, there are those who are convinced that this kind of faith is possible — a faith that radically changes the desires, the choices, and the behaviors of all who have it.
Faith is based upon the Word of God - Noah was warned. Hebrews 11:7.
Faith, as recorded in the Bible, is not based on nothing. Faith is based upon the word of God. The word of God given in the Old Testament was often corroborated by miracles. Look at the Ten Plagues of Egypt. The word of God given in promises often was corroborated through fulfilled promises. Consider God’s promises to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, David, King Josiah, King Hezekiah…etc Faith, as recorded in the Bible, is based upon God’s word. This kind of faith was not a spurious faith, but one that was a saving faith — a true faith.
So, by purely examining the testimony of scripture, we can say that this faith is absolutely a possibility; but if it was a possibility in the past, it is an even greater possibility today. Why?
The Faith of the OT Had a Purpose. Hebrews 11:13.
Because the faith of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, David, King Josiah, King Hezekiah…etc where all imperfect foreshadowings the the perfect faith of the Messiah to come.
The Faith of the Believers of the OT is Fulfilled in the Son
This is why Hebrews is so important for us today. You ask, “Is this kind of faith of possibility....?” I tell you to look to the word of God, but today God has spoken in His Son, so we look to the Son — who called for the OT saints to have faith, and in whom we find faith completed.
Hebrews 12:1-3. The possibility of this faith is so great today.
We mustn’t miss this point. In both cases, God has spoken. God spoke in OT, and God spoke by his Son. This kind of faith is initiated by a supernatural work of God through the Word of God. It is God-initiated. This faith is possible by God. Let this point you to your need. You cannot do this yourself, and you will never respond for a solution if you are now aware of your need.
So, if you are wanting this kind of faith, “Ask God to grant you this supernatural faith...”
Second, we know that it is the Spirit of God through whom God gave his word.
So, if you want this kind of faith, ask the Spirit of God to bring about this faith in your heart through the Word...
Third, we know that the Spirit of God must direct your attention to an object for salvation. This is the Person of Jesus Christ, who endured such contradiction of sinners.
Answer: This faith on the path of greatest resistance is possible by the supernatural work of God through the Spirit of God to point sinners to depend fully upon the Son of God.
To those who are struggling to believe, this kind of faith can only come by a supernatural work of God in your hearts, whereby you a convinced of your need and the Holy Spirit grants you repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. So, if you will request anything of God, request that the Word empowered by the Spirit of God would break the blindness of your mind to see the light of the glorious Christ — the living Word of God.
To those who are tempted to quit because of struggles, this kind of faith can only come by the ongoing supernatural work of God’s Spirit in your hearts whereby God continues the work He has begun. The good news is that if God has saved you, He has with that salvation equipped you to continue.
IV. What is an appropriate response to this kind of faith?
IV. What is an appropriate response to this kind of faith?
(1) Examine whether your faith is a saving faith or a spurious faith. Begin a life of saving faith.
(2) Evaluate whether your temptation to quit is because you have stopped looking to Jesus. Continue in a life of saving faith.
(3) Evaluate how your current status in life is a means of saving faith to those around you.
“Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ early emphasis on the necessity of God’s action, far from encouraging passivity, pointed men to the one source of true hope....Yet Dr. Lloyd-Jones would not have been in the ministry had he not also believed that God uses means to fulfill his purposes.” [Ibid, p. 128].
Continue in a life of saving faith.
(4) Esteem God’s warnings seriously in light of eternity.
RH Response Questions:
Before today I had a spurious faith, but now I believe that the Holy Spirit has granted me saving faith to rest in Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
Please pray that God would use me as a means to communicate the gospel to my family that they might have saving faith.
I am still doubting who Jesus is, but I do have more questions now.
Eternity matters to me, and I want to know how to have eternal life.
Post-Sermon Discussion Questions:
What is the difference between saving faith and spurious faith? Do you believe that the Bible distinguishes between the two kinds of faith?
How did Noah’s decision to build an ark for a worldwide flood, which had never before happened, condemn the world. See Hebrews 11:7.
What would be one way in which leaders of households could help their families see the saving grace of God?
What does it mean that the Christian life is a life of greatest resistance and not least resistance. Are you able to think of one example where you had to make a decision that was choosing the path of greatest resistance?
How is saving faith for the life of greatest resistance possible?